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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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MONDAY MONDAY AND it's a much needed rain day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Some heavy rain came through at sunrise and it sounded like it was coming down pretty hard there for awhile. I didn't really get out of bed and look out the window I just rolled over and went back to sleep. I do know that I was not dreaming as Duncan jumped in bed and laid up next to me. I went to give him a pat and his coat was wet. I am guessing the wife let them all out and now that they were back in the cabin they thought that sleeping in was also a good idea. Was not too long and Buddy and Barney also found their way to the bedroom and tried to get in bed with me.

When I did get out of bed I got dressed and headed outside, dripping water was still coming off the rain gutters and the ground looked pretty wet. I was already marking off on my do list the need for watering the garden. No painting today, to wet but I do still have half of the shed to side and I did not get to putting those shingles on. Made the mistake of watching the football game yesterday and that was a waste of three hours. Could have spent it siding or roofing but with it being a new season one must at least make a small effort to be a fan. Now I will go back to fishing on Sundays and enjoying empty landings and quiet lakes. Next weekend is the beginning to small game and Grouse season. I will not be out the first few days but Duncan and I may take a walk on the back trail Monday afternoon.

No matter how hard we try to avoid fall it just seems to show up the day after Labor Day. Already the temperatures seem to have fallen and for the past few days the fans have not been running at night. Been good sleeping weather and the Skeeters seem to have found some where else to go. Flies have gone, and I don't have to remind you how much I hate them little demons. Good thing to as I am almost out of bug repellent. Already today I have been busy as rain days give you or at least me time to catch up on other things. I was down at the Masterbaiters Shop looking for big grubs and she was out of stock. I had made the error of not ordering enough for our own little bait shop at the resort but then again we don't really want to carry any inventory into winter. We are all out of night crawlers and the kids have given up trying to find any. They did pretty good with their little side business. Now if they could get their hands on some frogs that would be another good money maker for them. With this rain today maybe the frogs will start moving out to where they can be seen and caught.

Geese around here are not so bold anymore, there has been some hunting and now if you raise your hands up they take flight. Duncan thinks he has them figured out now but I think they just see him running at them and figure a hunter is close behind. I have not told Duncan it is not him as he parades along the beach and dock standing guard on his turf. I was also at Dan's parts store picking up oil and filters for the trucks this morning. That time of year when I have to crawl under and do oil changes. Can't wait for the grandsons to get big enough to do that stuff for me. Already they think it is fun to get oil all over their hands and carry an oil covered rag in the back pocket of their jeans.

Gardens are doing pretty good both here and at the Resort. We have cherry tomatoes coming out of our ears and are already working on our third batch of pickle making. The corn all has ears even if the stalks themselves are small so we may get some small but tasty ears to nibble on. It took awhile but the hot peppers have finally started to grow, about as big as my little finger but at least they are there. As the weather cools we will take the pots and put them in the greenhouse and they will be just fine. We did dig a few tatters plants up and we have spuds, small little stew tatters right now but give them another month and we will be harvesting for French fries. Best time of the year for eating coming up, fresh fish, fried grouse and garden cucs, tomatoes and corn. Add in some fried tatters with onions and salad with green peppers and all we need is to find some apples for pies. Vic has said he has the apples covered as his friend Elsie down the road has a mess of good looking apple trees and we might be able to do some bartering. Won't be to much longer and the Leafers will start showing up here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,245,164}

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RED NEEDLE ON the bass thermometer hanging from the siding on the cabin here at Lake Iwanttobethere is just nudging seventy. Windows are all open and there is a good breeze shaking leaves in the trees and sending outdoor smells in one side of the cabin and back out the other. I can hear a crow cawing and a few honks from the geese that are swimming by the dock and not stopping. Duncan and Barney are both on the dock watching them go by. Duncan is playing guard dog while Barney is just waiting for the geese to go by so he can return to watching the bluegills swimming under the dock. I don't know where Bud is, he got yelled at this morning for raiding the cats can cat food and is now hiding somewhere licking his lips. I don't mind the occasional raid on the cat food, only fair since we have caught the cats stealing from the dog bowl but I hate getting dog kisses with cat food breath.

My time of the year here now, I like not hearing the furnace run or the sound of fans either. Windows can be left open all day and all night and bugs are no longer a problem. Already this morning I was in the garden picking cucumbers and checking on the bigger tomatoes that are starting to ripen. It is getting late for them but I am happy I did get the garden in. Carrots are getting thick and I pulled a few out to check on length, Buddy was right there to eat the ones that were tiny. The corn is short but you can't say they are not trying, every stalk has at least one earon it. We might get some acorn squash before the weather gets cold but the pumpkins are not amounting too much. The number two granddaughter has a pumpkin patch at her house and she told me she has one, which is one more then what I have, and then rubbed it in.

With the weather cooling I get a lot more work done outside, maybe it is because I am taking less breaks or maybe it is because I am running out of time. I was thinking of going fishing this afternoon but the wind is picking up and there is stuff around the cabin that needs to get done. Yesterday I got three walls of the shed siding on and today I am going to cut out all my soffit and stain them on the ground, should not take too long to dry in this wind. Mower will come out and grass will get cut and I won't have to worry about doing it again for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow the daughter has a day off from work and the weather looks good so we will paint the mother in laws garage and I will be done with that. The way I have it figured that will leave me time to do a few jobs around the cabin during the day and start getting some serious fishing time in the evenings.

Of course we do have the Resort to think about but that is where having several owners comes into play, we can divide the work amongst all of us. My wood shop there is already ready for winter as I have been keeping it clean and no one else has been using it. Hammering Hank has taken over the mowing duties and has the road graded much better then the way we found it. Skinny has been helping Vic out with the gardens and Marv to has been out there. Chuck when he has the time has been working in the pole building and is getting things set up for next springs maple season. All of us will get together and pull docks out but that is not going to be for awhile yet. Corn up there is ready to be harvested and has been added to the menu. Marv has been making fried green tomatoes and it is surprising how many visitors who try them then put in an order.

The little bay that the Resort is on really turns on for pan fish in the fall and Vic is out every evening fishing. You can hear him all the way back at the Resort as he sounds like a little kid. Matter of fact the other night another laff joined his and I looked out with the binoculars and saw him sitting kind of close to the neighbor down the road, Elsie. Tell you the truth I could not tell if they were fishing or on a date, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,248,274}

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FRIDAY HERE AT Lake Iwanttobethere and more like a holiday traffic wise. Tomorrow is the start to Grouse season and pickup trucks and SUV's with hunting dogs noses hanging out open windows are a common sight. ATV's sitting on top of trailers loaded with green painted milk crates with empty scabbards across handle bars. A few orange hats sit on top of heads and they stand out along Main Street as guys walk along looking into shop windows before going into Ma and Pa's grocery or Amy's Bakery. Big Earl stands outside of the General Store sporting a orange camouflage apron and his matching push broom. A banner flaps in the wind stating the store has licenses and shotgun shells for sale. From today on it will be a tie as to who is pulling what around town, either a fishing boat or an ATV As the leaves start to change the ATV's will win, till the snow machines start to show up.

Mother in law is due back this afternoon from her vacation out west, the garage is painted and all my stuff is back at the cabin or at the Resort. Finished it yesterday even if I did have a few distractions. The distractions were frogs, seems every time I went to take a break I would see a frog hopping across the yard, or maybe it was just me sitting and waiting till I saw a frog hopping across the yard. Well I cleaned out an empty paint can and started to catch me some frogs. That sounds easy enough but frog catching is probably done better by the grand kids who have a few things going for them that I don't. First off they are closer to the ground which puts them closer to the frogs. Second they are a lot quicker than I am and don't mind getting on hands and knees to give chase. A net would have been something handy to have but I had to make do with my Lodge baseball cap. I did manage to corral ten, well make that eight of the little prizes. It was ten but I lost two when counting my catch. They are here at the cabin now sitting in a minnow bucket in the shade behind the green house on top of a rain barrel. Next chance I get to go fishing, they are coming with.

Making chili today for supper tonight, grand kids are all coming over for a sleep over and the boys asked for chili. Took a bowl out to the garden and harvested some cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and after tasting a hot pepper I declare them old enough to cook with. Pulled some carrots and a couple of cucumbers for salad and that is when I saw that someone or something has been in the corn! Several stalks were on the ground and ears ripped off, they were partially open and something had taken a few nibbles out of the un ripen corn. I don't mind sharing some corn from time to time but this was just waste. I open the gate and told Duncan to "Hunt em up" Duncan tore through the garden looking for something but not knowing what. I plucked a few big tomatoes and walked back out the gate leaving it open. Duncan seeing me leave stood at the gate with a curious look on his face. I guess he was waiting for me to get him and close the gate. I made it to the deck and he was still sitting at the gate watching me. I just yelled at him "Do your job" and he got up and turned back into the garden and started patrolling the rows.

With Duncan working the garden I cut up the peppers and tossed the cherry tomatoes in with the rest of the chili fixings that were already in the crock pot. I spent the rest of the afternoon stirring chili and watching bread rise that I had set out for supper. With bird season starting tomorrow I pulled the single and double shotguns from out of the gun cabinet and gave them a going over with the rag. Buddy seeing me and the shotguns was soon on the floor at my feet looking at me and giving me a little whine from time to time. He knows it is that time of year to. Going to rain tomorrow, but Bud and I just might find some time to take a walk on the back trail and maybe share a bologna sandwich made on the bread that is rising in the kitchen now, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,251,107}


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WOKE UP TO wind and rain on Saturday morning, just what Sunshine Ray had forecasted. The day was spent dodging rain drops going to and from the shop as there were projects to do inside the cabin. Bud followed me everywhere I went as he was not going to let me slip away bird hunting without him. By noon things were starting to dry out but the wind was still blowing strongly. Garden was inspected but no more corn was found on the ground. Grand kids all went to their parents houses as they had things to do. By one I was alone with just the dogs and I heated up the last bowl of chili that was left in the fridge. I took the bowl out to the table on the deck and a couple of slices of bread to dip with.

It must have been around five or so when I told the wife to distract Duncan so I could get the single shot twenty gage out of the gun cabinet. The distraction part was easy as she was back from her hunting of rummage sales and was now baking cookies, all she had to do to keep Duncan's attention was to give him the plastic peanut butter jar. He went under the kitchen table and holding the jar in his front paws proceeded to clean out the jar with his tongue. Not a project that is done quickly as the peanut butter sticks to the roof of his mouth and then he has to work on cleaning it before moving on to another smear of peanut butter.

Barney was sleeping on the couch having knocked all the throw pillows on the floor and looked like he was not going to be moving for anyone soon. I slipped on the orange vest and felt in the pocket for a few loose shells that I had snuck in there when Bud was not looking. I open the deck door quiet like and Duncan did give me and Bud a look but then looked back at his jar and he was back at the jar and forgot all about us. We walked out the door and headed towards the trail at the back of the lot. Bud walking briskly for him and looking over his shoulder at me to make sure I was really coming and not heading to the shop or garage.

I carried the old single shot cradled in my arm and checked my other pocket for the sandwich the wife said she had put in there. I caught up to Bud at the edge of the woods and not missing a step I reached into my pocket and pulled out a shell. I dropped the shell in the shotgun and snapped up the barrel and it locked with a loud click. "Hunt em I" I spoke quietly and Bud kind of gave a hop and into the woods we went.

We had a nice walk, way too early and way to green to see let alone shoot at a bird. The correct way to describe how Bud and I hunt now is that we "Mosey" down the trail. Not to fast, not to slow. We both stop a lot and exam tree tops and brush piles with great interest. It does not seem to be that long ago when this little walk would take us fifteen minutes down and maybe ten minutes to come back, but now as we mosey along it will take us thirty minuets or so and then it depends on how long we sit on the stump before heading back. No birds, at least none that we saw, too windy to say if we heard any. Some geese flew over head but other then a glance from us they went on their way.

The big pine that lost it's top to a lightning strike was inspected, usually a good spot for a grouse or two, today it held nothing. Of course the branches are bare of needles now and it does not provide the cover it once did. A few minutes walk past the down top is our stump that I sit on and Bud leans against. I sat down on the stump and Bud nuzzled my pocket, the one with the bologna sandwich in, there is nothing wrong with the old dog's nose. I took out the sandwich and unwrapped it from the cheese cloth. I gave Bud the small diagonal half and I took the larger half. Bud took his half and put it on the ground, he lifted the top off, removed the piece of lettuce and set that off to the side. He then ate the slice of bologna and then the two half's of the home made bread. Licking his lips he looked at me and as always I gave him the last mouthful of crust that I had been saving for him. Kind of a deal we have going on, he always gets the last piece of anything I eat in the woods.

With our snack done we both got up, maybe we would be lucky and a grouse might have wandered onto the trail behind us while we took our break. We mosey back up the trail and as we got close to the cabin a few rain drops fell, good timing on our part I was thinking. We stepped from the woods onto the grass and Duncan came running across the yard to greet us, he ran circles around us and let out a few barks. The wife was sitting on the deck, drinking coffee and guarding a plate with cookies on it. I sat down at the table and reached for two cookies, one for me and one for Bud. The wife asked if I had a good walk and patting Bud on his head I said "Why Yes, Yes we did" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,253,834}

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SOME MIGHTY FINE sleeping weather here at Lake Iwanttobethere these past few days. Day time highs have been in the mid sixties and that is my kind of weather. Wish I could say I have been fishing but I was doing some projects that kind of got out of hand and grew some. Was going to change the oil on the Tahoe and go fishing yesterday but ended up replacing the spark plugs and wires. New air cleaners and PCV and I never did get around to doing the oil change or go fishing for that matter either. Day was not a total loss as Duncan and I took a walk down the trail behind the cabin but had the same results as Buddy and I did on Saturday. A nice walk, but no birds and Duncan does not know the meaning of the word, mosey. I think he spent half of his time on his hind legs trying to look over the tall grass on the side of the trail and making sure that I was keeping up with him. No bologna sandwich for him at the resting stump, I gave him part of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then watched as he worked the peanut butter around his mouth.

When we got back to the cabin Buddy and Duncan appeared to have a conference on the deck, no doubt to share hunting experiences. I found them both looking at me from time to time and somehow I got the feeling I was to blame for them not seeing any birds. I heard a couple of low barks from the direction of the dock and I came around the deck to see Barney standing on the dock wagging his tail and looking into the water. I walked on down to see what all the noise was all about and covering my eyes I looked into the water on the same side Barney was. Three crappies were holding off the second post and their fins moved lazily holding their positions. I patted Barney on the rump and told him when there are five of them come get me.

This morning on KCUM radio I heard Stormy Clearweather forecasting some rain moving in

tonight, some scattered showers tomorrow and Thursday is going to be a good day to work on inside projects as thunderstorms are on there way. Figured it was probably time to roof the shed so that is what I did. By early afternoon I marked off "Shed Roof" on the to do list and was heading for the boat house when the wife mentioned that if it is going to rain then maybe it would be a good time to mow and the oldest son had called and his mower broke and if it is not to much of a problem if I could swing by and cut his half acre. I patted the Puddle Humpers side and loaded the lawn tractor onto the trailer and hooked it up to the Dodge. As I drove over to the son's place I was thinking to myself that I am getting a lot of things done on the to do list and soon I will be relaxing in the Puddle Humper pulling in the fall bigems.

I like to call this time of the year pre fall as I don't really consider fall to be here till you start bring a thermos of something hot with you in the boat or resting on the seat when you bird hunt. Still cooler time but you don't need to put in so much ice anymore. Tomorrow is another day and the roof is on and the grass is mowed, maybe I'll change oil but then again maybe I won't. I'm thinking I just might head off to a little lake I know and put the shotgun in it's case behind the seat. A few showers is no big deal and if it gets to wet I can always drive slow back home, there are a few birdy spots along the way, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,257,725}

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YOU MIGHT HAVE noticed that the reports for here at Lake Iwanttobethere are being written after the sun has gone down. Can't be wasting what hours of sunshine we have inside clicking away at a keyboard. Darkness fell early tonight, could be because it has been raining off and on all day here and the sky is cloud covered. Not much chance to see the Harvest Moon tonight at least not here at the lake. Somewhere up there though I am sure there is a bright full moon shinning down on top of the cloud cover. With the harvest moon shinning that means we are just a few short days from Autumn officially being here. This of course means it is now OK to wear long pants and if you choose a cap can be worn for something other then keeping the sun out of your eyes.

I did turn the fans on and removed the cover off the solar collector so it is up and running heating the cabin, that is of course if there was some sunshine for it. Today I had to turn the fans back off as there was nothing but rain running down the glass instead of sunshine. Tomorrow looks to be no better, as a matter of fact Sunshine Ray is agreeing with Stormy Clearweather and has joined her in calling for thunderstorms starting later tonight and lasting most of the day tomorrow. The good part of this is no flowers or gardens will need to be watered and it would be nice to go into fall with some water in the lake.

I did do a little harvesting in the garden here at the cabin and I spent some time at the Resort this afternoon. We are getting some of the bigger tomatoes to ripped there and cucumbers the right size for making dill pickles are being picked. Vic told me he has seen a few grouse working the edges up there and was going to name them but he figured I would want to bring Duncan up and do some hunting. He would feel bad if he had given the grouse names and then sent Duncan after them. Of course in the same breath Vic said he has a hankering for some grouse breasts rolled in flour and fried in butter. He has just about made a claim to the grouse that are hanging around and it is just mine and Duncan's job to go harvest the birds for him. I told him I will see what I can do but there is a lot of fishing left to do before we think about bird hunting. I smiled to myself as I said that since I have the twenty gage tucked away in its case under the back seat of the Tahoe.

The day was not a total loss though as I did get to sleep in late and my errand list for going into town was not something that had to be done today. Matter of fact it might not get done tomorrow either. I did make sure the batteries on the Puddle Humper are at full charge and the gas tank is filled. I added a coat to the storage box inside the Tahoe and a flannel shirt just in case. I mixed up a big container of some trail mix so I have that on hand. A smaller container of it went into the Tahoe and a baggie went into the Dodge, just in case I get hungry when I am driving the Dodge somewhere. Between a lull in rain drops I hung the last two big pieces of siding on the shed and now if and when we get a decent day I'll stain her up and maybe even put a coat on the deck to.

Summer to do list is about to be put away and I did pretty good by it, If I was going to give myself a grade I would say I should get a B for how much of it I got done. Fall list is just all that stuff that we all do every fall, put away deck furniture, mowing grass, cleaning up flower beds, tilling the gardens, Well you get the idea. No one really wants to hear what is on someone else's to do list, they might he reminded of something that should be on their list. Which reminds me of something I need to do tonight, I have to get out an order for some fall baits that I am running low on. Still can order stuff from down south where they don't have to worry about ice slowing down there summer fishing, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,259,855}

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MUNCHING ON CARROT sticks here at the cabin, just came in from the garden and I was whacking at a few weeds that got my attention with the hoe. A few of the tomato plants had a pretty good list on them, the combination of rain and heavy fruit I guess. I borrowed a few stakes from the raspberry plants and used the hoe to pound them into the soft ground to help support the plants. A walk through found the garden in good shape otherwise and I stopped to pull some carrots. The ones I planted this year are suppose to only get to be about five inches long but they are thick, almost look like an upside down chicken leg. I pulled out eight of them and took them to the garden hose to rinse off, the three smaller ones I broke them up and gave them to Bud, Barney and Duncan who were following me around looking for a hand out.

This morning I woke up expecting it to be raining out and it was not. The deck was wet so it had rained but not having any rain falling kind of messed up my plans for the day. I had some bills that I had to write and when I went for stamps the cup was empty, means a trip into town to see Mark the mailman and before I could get out the door the wife reminded about the list I didn't take care of yesterday. Tahoe is still not running as it should so I took the Dodge into town. First stop was the post office but it was closed, Mark was on lunch break so I went over to the Lodge to kill some time. Fellows were there gathered around the big round table and Vinnie was busing tables. Honey was taking orders from some tourists over by the fireplace table and Marv and Elmer were planted firmly on the wicker couch watching a soap.

I checked my office for mail and chatted with Gus some. I then grabbed a Lake Iwanttobethere Mindy and Mandy Rootbeer and pulled up a wood chair to the Fellows table. Not much going on there and Gary asked me what I was up to. Told him just in running errands and I have to go over to Dan's and pick up a fuel filter for the Tahoe, been running ruff and I have not been able to fix it. Well that open the gates of wisdom from the Fellows, Ever notice that when you put more than three guys together talking about a truck or car problem that you will come up with exactly as many fixes as there are guys discussing the problem! They asked what I had done and we checked off the replacement air cleaner, spark plugs, replacement wires, cleaning the mass air sensor, checking the distributor, replaced the pcv, fuel injector cleaner and now I was going to replace the fuel filter. All the parts so far have all been long over due for replacing but you know a guy gets busy in the summer. Steve sipping on his beer just said "You know it will be fixed when you put in that last part" we all nodded at that.

Elmer heading for the bar during a commercial over heard us talking and put in his two cents. Elmer with his hand on the back of my chair said "I remember I had this old ford that would give me trouble from time to time and no one could figure it out, it was the dang starting crank" and before you could say fuel filter the Fellows were off talking about the wood starting cranks on model T's I eased out of my chair and deposited the empty mug on the bar and slipped out the back door. Picked up the filter at Dan's and stamps at Franks and was back at the cabin. Got the oil filter and oil out along with the oil pan, might as well change the oil since I was going to have to get dirty anyway. Got down on my back and Duncan appeared, he climbed under the truck and tried to lick my face. Sprayed the old fuel filter down good with some penetrating oil and that is when the first rain drop fell. The rest of the afternoon I spent on the deck swing watching the rain fall, no oil change, no filter change but I figure by the time I get back under the Tahoe that penetrating oil should have done it's magic, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,261,690}

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THIS MORNING WE had overcast sky and it was cool out with a breeze, was thinking it was going to be one of them fall days. I was out on the deck with a glass of juice as the dogs were making rounds of the grounds. I heard a shot and then a second blast and I looked towards the woods. Duncan froze in his tracks and stared in the same direction. I am sure we both had the same thought at the same time, Bird. The shot sounded like it came from the direction where Chuck has been extending his trail system, Not like Chuck to be up this early bird hunting so I got to wondering who was on his property. There are two coveys of grouse that we know of back there and we are saving them for Duncan to hunt when the leaves fall. I am guessing someone kicked up a bird on the road and then followed it into the woods. I was just about ready to give Chuck a holler when I saw him come out of his back door, hop on the tractor and head towards his trails.

Duncan went back to his checking the grounds out, the gun shots already forgotten. Yesterday the oil change was done on the Tahoe and the fuel filter changed but not without a few words of encouragement from myself. Tahoe runs a little better but still has a miss and I am running out of ideas. Guess I am down to bring it to Dug's garage and have him look at it. Either that or I'll put a piece of duct tape over the warning light so I can't see it. Grand kids spent the night and it was of course movie night. This morning they were all gone before ten, two of them had play dates scheduled, in the old days we would just say they were going to a friends house to play but now they are dates. Later this afternoon in the next town over they are having a hot air balloon race and a couple of the kids will be going to that. I am trying to decide if I should try and go fishing or take in the college football game that also is going on this late afternoon.

As I write this now the clouds have cleared for the most part and the red needle on the bass thermometer has climbed to fifty-five, might just make it to the mid sixties as forecasted. If Sunshine Ray is correct there might be a nice stretch of fishing weather coming up next week. I hope that is the case because I am way down on hours that should have been spent on the water. Garden could use some hot weather to, tomatoes need some heat to ripen and peppers can always grow just a little bit bigger. Yesterday I took some pictures in the garden, bees were working hard on the sunflowers and that is good to see them. The number two granddaughter got stung last week walking home from school and she is a little leery of bees and hornets now. I took her into the garden to pick carrots as she has a knack of pulling out the big ones. When we looked over the sunflowers she kind of hung back some. To her credit she did get closer and watched as I took some pictures.

Dogs were barking so I went outside to see what all the noise was about and it was Chuck coming over from his place. We sat on the deck and he told me of his encounter with a couple of guys on ATV's back on his trail. As I figured they had ran a couple of birds off the road and stumbled on to the trail system and got a few shots off at a bird, they missed of course. Chuck ran into and they could not get around the tractor so they had to stop. Chuck said they seem like nice enough people so he didn't read them to much of the riot act. Just told them they were on private property and pointed out the way to get back to the main road with a polite warning about not seeing them again. A few months out of the year we have to deal with folks looking for places to hunt birds or new deer hunting land. This year from everyone we have talked with the grouse are down and so are the bird hunters. Even Gus said he noticed a few less hunters at the Lodge. All the more reason we are hiding out our grouse for Duncan to hunt. Chuck went on his way back to his place and I came in to finish this story and look over the do list. Wife has gone to hit some rummage sales down the road and I am thinking maybe I should take Duncan for a walk over at Chuck's. Might as well bring the shotgun with, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,264,872}


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SAW A GROUSE today, at least I am pretty sure it was a grouse. Yesterday afternoon I took a walk with Duncan over at Chuck's. He has a mess of trails over there that he started putting in last summer. We were walking down one and I heard a grouse but never saw it. Duncan kind of cocked his head but then he went back to working the trail with his nose down. I marked the spot in my memory and this morning I went and took another walk and this time I was looking when I saw the grouse jump up from the tall grass in the center of the trail. Duncan to saw the bird get up and froze. Now I didn't get a shot off and I will tell you why. The wind was blowing about thirty miles an hour with gusts. That old bird just hopped up into the air gave me a road runner Beep-beep, opened his wings and the wind took him and he was flat out gone into the heavy leaf laden poplar.

I didn't even bother giving chase and Duncan just kind of gave me a look like it was not his fault, he did was he was supposed to do. I headed back to the cabin as it was almost football time and once again Bud met us and he and Duncan walked off to the side and had their little conference. I sure do hate being evaluated by my own dogs. Last night I went to watch the local college team play and it was a good game right down to the last thirty seconds where they scored to take the lead only to lose it on a questionable holding call, of course if it is your team just about all calls against you are questionable. So I sat down to watch the pro team this afternoon only to have them lose in the last minute too. I would have said my time was better spent fishing but with the howling winds and white caps on Lake Iwanttobethere that was not really an option.

With the game over I went outside with Duncan at my heels walked down to the dock where Barney was lying. Even Barney was not fishing today but it was warm on the sun drenched wood and I sat for awhile on the bench. Elmer appeared and walked down to his dock and pulled up his minnow bucket, he open the lid and yelled at me asking if I took his last sucker. I just raised my hands and shook my head no. Elmer tossed the bucket back into the water and marched back up the hill, he takes losses by the home team pretty hard. Of course he will be able to needled Marv whose Giants took a thumping. I sat for awhile and figured I should at least get something done and the rest of the week is looking pretty good for fishing. Yesterday I did get my tin work done on the shed so I decided I might as well go ahead and stain.

With Duncan laying in the grass and both Buddy and Barney sitting on the deck I got out a brush and stained the new shed. I stood back to admire my work and the wife came out and gave me a thumbs up. "Guess you plan on fishing this week" is all she said and I just nodded yes. I cleaned up my brush and put ladders away. Left over stain back to the basement and I got cleaned up. The wind was still howling and I figured it was at least a good wind to dry stain with. Back inside the cabin I had supper and could still hear the howling wind in my ears and my face was wind burned. With darkness coming in the wind is still blowing and I was thinking of siting on the deck for awhile. A pretty good bet there will be no sketters strong enough to fight the wind. Instead I decided to jot down a few lines and look over the fishing journals for what lakes I should try and fish this next week, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,266,910}

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I HAVE BUT seven apples in my tree in front of the greenhouse, was not a good spring for apples this year. The number two granddaughter who was the one who found the apples and counted them also named them. She is at the right age where it was a no brainer coming up with names. Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopy, Doc, Happy, Bashful and Grumpy have been under the watchful eye of the granddaughter for most of the summer. She will point out the apples and talks to them by name. I have no clue as Sneezy and Sleepy look the same to me and I for the life of me I have not been able to spot Bashful but she tells me he is up near the top. Seven apples, hardly enough to make a pie out of for me but the granddaughter tells me they will be just enough to make a pie for her!

Some wind but a lot of sunshine yesterday and as long as you were working in the sunshine it could be done in short sleeves. Step into the shade and a wind breaker or sweatshirt was soon sought out. Tahoe is still not running and I had to order a distributor from Dan's should be here today so yesterday was spent working on the to do list. Changed oil on the push mower and sharpen the blade, even changed out the spark plug for good measure. Will only have to mow a few more times this year and it could have waited but it got done and I can check it off next Springs do list so I am already a head. I will make sure to point the check mark out to the wife someday when she asks me what I have been doing.

Mowed the yard here, it needed it. The couple of days of rain and a little warmer weather has seemed to woke up the grass and it is growing again. Before I could mow I had to pick up the yard and the dogs have left me a few surprises along with the normal things that Duncan hauls out of the cabin to play with and of course just like a little kid he does not return them. After making a few trips I just went ahead and got the little green pull wagon and loaded up the stuff in that. Chew toys, pull toys, a deflated volleyball, two basketballs a shoe, not mine and an assortment of sticks that I know I had put in the burn pile. Duncan followed me around like a kid who's parents had found his secret hiding stashes. Every time I stopped to pick something up I would turn to look at him and he would be looking the other way. Suddenly very interested in a falling leaf or a chirping bird.

With the yard picked up I got the lawn tractor out and Duncan headed to the deck to sit and watch, he is not a fan of the tractor. I took my time and mowed it tight figuring maybe if I am lucky I will just have to mow again when it comes time to start mulching leaves. With the yard done the tractor was put away and Duncan came jumping off the deck to run the yard and drag a few toys off the deck. Buddy came down and walked out to his favorite spot in the yard and started rolling around on his back, feet kicking in the air and just enjoying being a dog. I sat on the deck steps and took turns petting dogs as they came to me and then went back out to run on the grass. I was thinking I should go and roll in the grass, but then I thought about how much fun it is to try to get back up with my knee.

I then walked over to Elmers dock and pulling up his minnow bucket I counted six lively suckers. I pulled out one and headed over to my dock and a waiting rod and red and white bobber. The sucker made a nice sounding splash and I sat down on the wood bench, I tipped my hat down over my eyes to block the low riding sun and Barney sat at my feet, intently watching the bobber. Was not a bad day to be at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,269,342}

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LOVE IS IN the air, that is if you are a dog. Yesterday Echo the Wonder Dog returned from a visit with Mike the local vet. My neighbor Chuck caught Echo in a compromising position and decided pups were not something in his or Echo's future. Two weeks ago my daughter's dog Mia went through the same thing and got herself fixed to. Duncan just lost two of his lady friends but does not seem to bothered by it. Now this brings me in a round about way to announce that my good friend and neighbor Chuck is getting married! Yup, he proposed to her several months ago and gave her a ring and all that good stuff, I don't remember if I wrote about it so I may just be repeating myself here. The thing is that they decide to set a date and it was much sooner than I thought it would be. As a matter of fact it is going to be during deer season and they are having an outdoor wedding. You can't imagine the ribbing Chuck is taking down at the Lodge.

Now I can't really say too much here as both Chuck and sometimes his wife to be read these reports from Lake Iwanttobethere but you know a few things are going to slip out. The wedding is going to be on a Tuesday which is better then on the weekend, fewer hunters in the woods. I think the bride and groom are wearing blaze orange with a tree pattern. The wedding is going to be right here at his cabin and I think it will be in the afternoon during shooting hours. Since it is going to be outside brown Carhart coats are not to recommended to be worn. As I write you can hearing the pounding of the first stages of the stage being built. After the wedding it, the stage will then be completed with walls and turned into a sauna/storage building. Going to make the first week at deer camp a little interesting this year as I would think we will be having a bachelor party up there opening weekend.

On the home front have been working on the shed, put windows in yesterday and still tinkering with the Tahoe. Dug is on vacation so I have not been able to get him to look at it. Thinking about using the Dodge to haul the Puddle Humper to a local lake but then I would have to change the bald tire on the front and put gas in it. I think the wife is kind of happy I am not fishing as I am working on the do list and getting a lot done. Trouble is that as soon as I put a check next to something, something else gets added to the list. Been making pickles the last few days and the sweet corn is tasty. Have to clean the greenhouse out here soon and bring in the pepper plants that are in the pots. We might flirt with eighty here in the next couple of days so the pots can wait. Sunflowers have so many bees working them over that they are hanging over. Potato plants are just starting to get a little yellow on the edges so I would imagine in another month we will be harvesting spuds. I am looking forward to some fresh French fries.

Grand kids are all in school except for the latest addition Mallory May better know as MM she is out with her ma visiting relatives and at two months already knows how to work a room. Daddy can't be any prouder and we tease him some but this is the first girl in his family in three generations, they have always had boys so can you say this little girl is going to get spoiled on his side of the family! With everyone in school Friday nights are now sleep over nights, and four grand kids, three dogs and three cats shake the cabin up. If the other two dogs come over to visit for the weekend it is anything but quiet around here but I would not have it any other way. By ten everyone is in bed and peace returns, Each kid will have a dog to sleep with and the cats will come out of hiding once the coast is clear. I will be working on my list of chores for the grand kids to do on Saturday morning. There are flowers to water, frogs to catch and the girls will help the wife make cookies. I'll send the boys over to uncle Chuck's to ask questions about getting married and if they can wear orange hats to the event, From Lake Iwanttobethere {1,272,075}

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GETTING DARK HERE and it is not that I am writing this at ten PM it is actually ten AM I know this for sure as the ten o'clock freight is rolling by across the lake. There is a new engineer on board and he sure does like that horn. Ever since there have been a few accidents on the tracks they now blow the horn when ever they come up on any crossing. They do this from seven in the morning till ten at night. Most of the guys give a polite toot but there is this one guy who just loves to hang on the horn. Sometimes he is so long and loud that I can't talk on the telephone with the sound of the horn blaring across the lake. Of course the good thing about the horn is now there is no reason to wear a watch in the woods as we can tell time by the air horn of the train.

So getting back too dark here, there is rain on the way, dark clouds off to the West and what sunshine that was here is now gone. Supposed to get to eighty today so that will be nice, of course it will feed the thunderstorms if they do make it here. I was just listening to Sunshine Ray on KCUM and he is saying there is a fifty-fifty chance the rain will just slide right on past us here at the lake. I think his fifty-fifty call is just him covering his, well you know what. Was over at Chuck's this morning and the beams are in for the new wedding shed as I have been calling it. As most projects go they are fluid and with Chuck's soon to be wife adding impute the plans are changing. Now a hot tub is going to be added and some solar heating. This means some changes need to be made to carry the added weight and framing may be adjusted on the fly. As the part time building inspector of Lake Iwanttobethere I am helping out with ideas as much as I can, It is always nice to spend someone's else money.

The gate to the garden was left open and I found Duncan doing his Charlie Brown impression sitting in the pumpkin patch. Not much for pumpkins as they got a late start and made a lot of vines but only a few small pumpkins. Some more corn is knocked down so my midnight visitor is back. Elmer was cussing the other day as something came in and knocked several of his sunflowers down, the tops chewed up. You are hitting kind of close to home there as Elmer actually grows his sunflowers to harvest. Not just for looks like some of the other lake residents do Elmer grows his for the seeds. You can always tell which deer stands Elmer sits at come deer season as the forest floor will be covered from sunflowers seeds. For years Elmer has been roasting his own sunflower seeds and if he has a good year he will share but otherwise he keeps them for himself, except the grand kids always seem to come away from his cabin with full pockets of the tasty seeds.

I am debating on what to do now with the threat of rain, I was going to put the soffets in on the new shed and maybe trim out the windows. But if it is going to rain then I have to put everything away that I haul out. Saws an nailer and such, the days of building something with just a hammer and a saw and maybe a yard stick are long gone. Currently we have to get out the air compressor and the air nailer and electric saw or in the case of trim we get out the powered miter saw and the saw table. Have to run extension cords and plug in a radio. Need a chair to rest in and a couple of tape measures and a level. Can't forget a pencil and a razor blade knife to sharpen it with. A hat to keep the sun off your head and a pair of safety glasses to keep the sawdust out of your eyes, not to mention the chance of a misfire from the air nailer. I am already tired just writing down what I need to get out and if it rains then I have to start putting it all back in the shop. I can hear the sounds of a saw coming from over at Chuck's, he must have decided that the rain is not a threat and is working. That or he is trying to impress his soon to be wife that he is building the wedding shed for. I on the other hand don't have to do that, I am already married, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,273,667}

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A RAINY SATURDAY afternoon here at Lake Iwanttobethere and for once Sunshine Ray got his forecast right. Of course from what I hear it is raining from the Canadian border all the way to Texas so it sounds like it was a no brainer of a weather predication. About an hour ago we had some strong winds that lasted for a few minutes. Knocked a garbage can over and a few trees gave up some small branches and some leaves were also blown across the yard. I had not even noticed till then that some of the trees are starting to go a little yellow, must have happen overnight and fall is really here now.

Before the rain started I was in town picking up yet another part for the Tahoe and I think we might have got it fixed, at least good enough to run without the red engine light glaring back at me. I will give it a couple of days of driving before I will declare it good to go and if that happens I might get a few fishing trips in yet. With a few rain drops falling Duncan and I checked out the main garden and I picked some bell peppers and some hot peppers, next I took all the ripe cherry tomatoes and brought them inside the cabin. Chili is on the menu for supper tonight along with home made bread that is rising and enough apples peeled to make two pies for dessert. All the grand kids have gone back to their houses except for number two grand daughter who is the baker. She will be staying behind to help bake pies with grandma and sample my chili.

While I was writing the first two paragraphs here the rain stopped and the grand daughter came and got me. We went outside with the Duncan and the grand daughter made an inspection. With hands on her hips she told me that someone is going to have to pick up these branches on the lawn and move those leaves off the deck. She looked at me and I thought for a second she is looking so much like her grand mother. She then went back inside with Duncan at her heels, the traitor. I thought about picking up some branches but then I saw Chuck's pickup truck coming up his drive through the trees. I walked over on the path and found him scratching his head and looking at a load of wood on the back of his truck.

We exchanged HIYA's and I offered to help him unload, of course I suggested he put the forks on the tractor and then we just slid the eighty 2x6's off the truck and onto the forks. As we worked we chatted some and tried to get it done before any more rain fell. Chuck told me that Luan the owner down at the Lake Iwanttobethere Lumber Yard said to say HIYA and that her son Tong and his brother Grove wanted to tell me that they have some pallets for me to pick up. With the wood loaded Chuck drove over to the Love Shack as he calls it and I followed on foot behind. Building is coming right along, beams are up, rim joists and joists are set. I put down a couple of stringers on the ground and Chuck set the wood down on top of them. Turning off the tractor he reached under the seat for a new blue tarp and I helped him spread it over the pile.

No sooner did we get the tarp secured then a few rain drops splattered on it. We both walked over to the big pine and standing under it we watched the rain start to fall again. In the correct Lake Iwanttobethere chatting position we stood backs to the tree, facing the new building with Chuck waving his hands around pointing out where this and that was going to go. I nodded a lot and hunkered down some in my flannel as a few rain drops made it all the way through the tree branches to land on the back of my neck. "There you are, I have another idea!" I turned as Chuck's bride to be headed in our direction holding a towel over her head in an attempt to keep the rain away. Chuck and I looked at each other and together we both just said "Later" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,275,361}

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THE BOX ELDER is shedding leaves like bad habits today. Windy out and as the trees sway leaves are falling. In just the past few day's leaves have started to change color and the potato plants in the garden are starting to turn yellow. I have been harvesting corn and even though it never got real big the small ears have been mighty tasty. So much to do around the cabin and at the Resort that I am just sitting here doing nothing. My neighbor Chuck is in the same position and over a mug of coffee surveying the work on the Wedding Shack yesterday we came to an agreement. We need to go fishing!

My Tahoe is still not running right and it looks like it is going to have to go to Dug's garage and have some major work done to it, not happy about that but not much I can do about it either. I was thinking that fishing is done for me this season as I really don't trust the old Dodge hauling the Puddle Humper on some long road trips to a few secret lakes that I fish come this time of the year. The wife is happy and a new page appeared on the fall to do list, looks a lot like the stuff that was not done on the summer list. Chuck has been spending so much time down at the Lake Iwanttobethere Lumber Yard that customers are asking him where stuff is. He is ready for a break from building the Wedding Shed and is in need of some fishing. So I supply the Puddle Humper and he will supply the ride and tomorrow we are going fishing.

We had talked of going today but Stormy Clearweather is calling for twenty to thirty mile an hour winds and gusts on top of that. But tomorrow it is going to be a much better, winds just five to ten and just a tad cooler but still a decent fishing day. I did get some things checked off the do list yesterday, lawn tractor was powered washed, the deck taken off and blades sharpen. Changed the oil and the put it all back together and mowed the yard. Stained a few pieces of siding for the shed and today I will finally hang the door, put the last of the trim on and call it done. Just in time to fill it up with stuff. Was going to power wash the fence today but since Stormy is calling for it to start raining Thursday I can just as well do it then.

Resort has lots to do also, it will be our first fall up there but we have the advantage of having six guys around to do the work. Vic has the white board out and as things come to him he has been writing them down for us to do. Tomatoes up there are ripe and hanging on the vine, go figure corn did better to. Duncan and I did go take a little walk up there the other night and that is when I found the orchard. Well Vic told me there was a stand of apple trees always back and he has not been out that way for years. I took a walk hoping to kick up a grouse or two and instead came back with a back pack of apples. The wife made a couple of pies and they were tasty and the grand daughter gave them a thumbs up! I may have stumbled on a supply for apples for my pies. The seven apples I have on my main tree at home are still hanging on the tree but I did notice the other day Edd and Eddie the squirrels were eyeing them. Good thing for me they have to run across open yard to get to the tree and Duncan has been defending the tree.

October already where did September go or for that matter the summer? A quarter of football is already gone by and baseball at least for me is all done. First hockey game coming up and very likely tomorrow will be my last fishing day in the Puddle Humper. Still have lots of trails to walk and I think there may be a few stories involving Duncan coming. Chuck's wedding I am sure will take up a few lines and the Fellow are working on yet another money making scheme. Of course since it is the first day of October that means the Lodge will be celebrating Oktoberfest! And the doors are always open late here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,278,666}

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AN OVERCAST COOL damp day here at Lake Iwanttobethere, a small fire crackles in the fireplace, the first one this fall. The Puddle Humper sits in the boat house with all the hatches open, two wet life jackets hang open on the back of the seats. Water droplets still rest on rods and the carpet is damp to the touch, I went fishing yesterday. Not an unusual scene and I am sure every one has returned from a fishing trip a little wet at one time or another. Yesterday my neighbor and best bud Chuck and I went fishing. Now I have been fishing or walking down grouse trails with Chuck longer then I have been married which if I remember right is thirty-six years. During that time we have had a few adventures but as we have gotten older the adventures have mellowed some. Now we just call them fishing trips.

With my Tahoe out of service Chuck drove his pick up over to my place to hook the Puddle Humper up to. Right away I spotted a problem. Chuck's truck had a round trailer light hook up. Chuck already a step ahead of me held up an adapter and the trailer light problem was solved before it even became a problem. Eyeballing his hitch I said "Houston, we have a problem" you have a 1 7/8 ball the Puddle Humper takes a 2 incher and that is when the adventure started. Several whacks with a sledge hammer did not loosen the receiver from the hitch, exchanging recivers with the Tahoe was not going to work. Next idea was to take the ball off and I just happen to have a brand new 2 inch ball so we got out a big pipe wrench. The ball moved but so did the nut, Chuck asked if I had another pipe wrench and I told him I did, and I knew actually where it was, under the sink at my son's house..

Chuck ran over to Elmers cabin to borrow a wrench and about thirty minutes later with the help of a half a can of penetrating oil and two six foot pieces of pipe the nut was finally off and the new ball installed. Gear was loaded into the truck and we were on our way, just about an hour later then planned. Stormy Clearweathers forecast was calling for calm winds and a twenty percent chance of rain late in the evening. The thermometer read out on the truck mirror said sixty-eight degrees as we headed NW to a northern and bass lake that I had some real good fishing on this time last year. We arrived at the lake to find calm water and even though the lake was low we got the Puddle Humper wet without any problems. I was wearing shorts and a tee shirt and I decided to put on a pull over wind breaker and we started fishing. Not five minutes later the wind picked up and it got a little cooler. I traded the wind breaker for a long sleeve shirt and a sweater and we headed for the other side of the lake and calmer water.

We fished down a section of shore that I did good last fall but was not holding any fish this fall. Chuck caught a bass and I caught a few northerns. The first rain drops fell at five o'clock on the dot. Looking over my shoulder and skyward I pointed out to Chuck that it is getting kind of dark behind us. All Chuck said was "This will be all past us in five minutes or so" An hour later as we were throwing buzzbaits in a small bay and the rain drops were still falling on the water. I now had the wind breaker back on and a rain coat on top of that. The video camera was back in its case and the only towel we had was no longer dry. Chuck had caught and released another bass and I had release several small northerns, looks like Chuck was Bass fishing and I was doing the northern fishing.

The rain picked up some after that, We were for the most part still dry I had on five layers of shirts and jackets but was still just wearing shorts. Chuck asked why I didn't put my pants on and I just told him I was saving them for when we finally got off the water, they were going to feel so warm! Chuck was tossing his favorite white weed walker when the big northern hit, I can't even say he had a fight. The lure was just heading back to the Puddle Humper when there was this big splash and a hole in the lake where the paddle bait was. Chuck reeled his line in to find his leader about ten inches shorter and a few words of appreciation echoed around the lake as Chuck yelled at the big fish. I must admit I had a grin on my face as I tossed my lure in the direction where Chuck's fish had just been.

Six o'clock and it is still raining, I caught a couple more northerns and finally a bass hits a buzz bait and I reeled it into the boat, I am not skunked bass fishing. Now you just read about how Chuck lost a lure to a big ole northern, well guess what, it happen again. Yup about thirty minutes after the first one another big old northern ate his second favorite lure and left him hanging with a broken line and dripping water off his hat. To top it off it started to rain a little harder and it was getting dark. I was already heading toward the landing so I turned up the trolling motor a couple of clicks. Dang if Chuck didn't catch another bass, this one was his biggest of the night and he declared that he caught it on his new favorite lure. I managed to hook a thirty inch northern and get it into the boat. I measured it on the big ruler on the side of the Puddle Humper and then let it slide back over the side into the water. To wet to take a picture and Chuck said something about good thing I had a leader on, I showed him the spinnerbait I was using, no leader, "Aw Geeze" is all he said.

With rain still coming down we made it to the landing, Chuck now wet backed the trailer into the water and I hooked up the strap to the Puddle Humper. Boat was not sitting just right so I took one more step out into the lake and my knee high boots filled with water. Chuck pulled the trailer out of the lake and I followed pretty much soaking wet. I put my foot up on the trailer fender and listened to the water pouring out of the top of my boot, when I could no longer hear the water hitting the gravel of the landing I figured it was done draining and did the other. Using flashlights we got the Puddle Humper ready for the ride back home and we took our time, we were wet already. Sitting in the glow of the dash board lights we ate sandwiches that I had packed and not eaten because it was raining. They tasted pretty good, Chuck said he could sure go for a hot cup of coffee about now but we had not brought a thermos. We sat in wet clothes with the wipers slapping on the windshield, heater on high and looking at a hour of driving ahead of us when Chuck said "Did you notice there were no flies" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,282,706}

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BANG, CLANG, I can hear the wind chimes inside the cabin today. Bass thermometer hanging on the wall of the cabin appears to be stuck on fifty-five this morning. Trees are swaying but no leaves are falling. I think any that were loose fell over night as the winds started late yesterday afternoon and have not diminished any this morning. Before the wife left the cabin this morning she made a comment about how I got the shed done just in time, "Timing" is all I said back to her as I sipped on my orange juice and rattle the morning paper some. Yesterday was what they call in the big city a blustery day and it looks like today will be more of the same. Waves are pounding the shoreline here and I don't see any boats out on the water, not that I expected to.

I was in town most of the afternoon yesterday as I had a few things that had to get done and I did have to stop by the Lodge. I walked by Burts Barbershop and saw that they had two chairs going as Burt's brother Bart was back in town and he to clips hair. I gave a wave as I walked by and they both waved back at me with straight edge razors in their hands. That is when I noticed the small sign in the window about shaving specials in September, guess they were extending the specials. I stopped when I heard my name and as I turned Reed the Realtor came out of the shop with a little tissue on his chin and we exchanged HIYA's I walked him down to his store and we made some small talk.

I was going to step in to the Dew Drop Inn but from the sidewalk I could see the counter stools were all filled. I kept walking and waved at Big Earl across the street, he was losing the battle of keeping the leaves off his sidewalk and he waved with one hand as he tried to hold his broom with the other and not get his hat blown off. I noticed Stan and Jeanies Ice Cream and Tackle truck parked outside of Surplus is Us. This time of year they also sell caramel apples and I was thinking that maybe I should cross the street and get me one, or two. I was just about to step off the curb and cross when my nose caught apple pie in the air and I followed it right to Amy's Bakery. I went through the door and I saw a vision. A fresh hot steaming apple pie right before my eyes and an angel waving me forward. I blinked a few times and saw Amy holding a pie in my direction with a look on her face that was asking me if I want a slice, or two. Two slices later and some small talk and I was back again on the sidewalk trying to remember where I was heading to.

The Lodge yes the Lodge as long as I was walking and after eating the two slices of apple pie I decided I would just go ahead and keep walking. I was about halfway to the Lodge when I had second thoughts and I was debating on turning back to the Dodge and driving to the Lodge. This is when one of my neighbor kids pulled up alongside of me and asked if I needed a lift. I told him no that I was just walking, he nodded his head and just said that he thought maybe I had broken down or something and with that he gave me a wave and nodded his head at me and was gone. I turned back towards the Lodge and continued walking, two more cars stopped to ask if I was in trouble before I got there. I got to get out and walk more I was thinking, but I guess it was nice that they stopped.

I arrived at the Lodge wondering when the hill got so steep. I stopped at the edge of the parking lot and made it look like I was gazing out at the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Actually I needed a break from that hill, when did it get so steep! After awhile I made my way to the Lodge and went in through the front door, The Fellows were sitting at the big round table and the room went quiet. Gary asked " You OK, did ya break down?" Gus came from around the bar wiping his hands on his apron, "Bobby?" I just waved them all back, "What can't a guy take a walk and use the front door" I walked across the room and sat down on a stool, Gus slipping back behind the bar started to reach for a mug and I just said "Water" With a glass of water in front of me I took a few sips and Gus just said "I have never seen you use the front door, I just thought something was wrong". I sipped on my water and after awhile I told Gus I was going to need a ride back to the Dodge, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,283,954}

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NOT A HAPPY camper today, the wind has not let up any and if anything it has increased over night. I have been in and out of the cabin checking on the yard and looking for one of the cats that managed to slip out last night. I think she is hiding under the big deck but I can't coax her out and with the wind howling I doubt if she can hear me. The garden has taken a major hit, all of my corn is on the ground and even though the sunflowers put up a battle the wind has cut them down at the knees and they to are down. I put a call into Gus at the Resort and the damage is the same, corn is on the ground and tomato plants that were not double staked are down also.

The big lake is throwing mountain high waves at the shoreline and tourists are flocking down to the park and lake access to enjoy getting wet from the falling rain and heavy spray coming off the waves. Flags are flapping straight out from the poles and seagulls with beaks into the wind seem to just hang in the air. Mini donuts and Pretzel trailer are both doing brisk business as customers hide in the lee of the trailer putting in orders and hiding out from the wind. Hard to believe but there was a cross country meet at the golf course this morning and the high school football team played a game this afternoon. I didn't go to either but I heard that a good turn out showed up for both events. Guys wearing their duck gear were in full glory and I am sure several used the weather to sell their wife's on why they should purchase three hundred dollar rain coats and bibs.

Not many colored leaves down on the ground instead there are green leaves that have been torn from the trees. My deck is covered in the wet leaves as are all three trucks. The trucks look as if someone hand painted a tree leaf camouflage pattern on them. Maple trees are shedding all of their small branches and I will be picking them up for the fire pit for the rest of the week. Not a lot of rain has fallen, just enough to get everything wet and keep it that way. The wind is making the rain feel like you are being hit by a pressure washer. For over twenty-four hours now it has been a constant wind out of the NNE at thirty miles an hour, gusts hit forty-five and I have heard it said fifty has been hit more than once. Temperature has been hovering right around fifty so it is not too bad out if you are out of the wind, it is tough to keep a cigar lit though. Of course it could be worse, it could be snow, that would make things real interesting then.

Small fire going in the fireplace but the wood rack inside the cabin is full, fire is going more for the look then for the need. One side of the cabin has water running down the glass and leaves stuck to the screens, the other side of the cabin has just a few water drops. Supper tonight will be home made pasties and I can smell them baking in the oven. Grand kids are all here but they are quiet and in the living room, I should check on them. Dogs are scattered about, sleeping and ignoring the weather. I keeping looking out the deck window hoping to catch a glimpse of mama cat so I can get her back inside. Most likely she has found herself a warm dry place to ride out the storm and I am worrying about nothing. Looking out the window again I pat myself on the back for getting that shed all closed up and done before the rain started, timing I remind myself here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,286,377}

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SUNLIGHT FILTERS THROUGH the trees and just a breath of wind moves the branches. Storm is officially over and as Mother Nature usually does Stormy Clearweather is forecasting several nice days ahead. A couple of days in the seventies and then a couple more days in the high sixties with no rain in the forecast. Since everything is soaking wet yesterday I got the power washer out and cleaned the deck of down branches and leaves. I went a head and gave it a good cleaning and now I will go ahead and stain it one of them seventy degree days. With any luck I will be out fishing on the other nice day. Just need to give Lake Iwanttobethere some time to settle down. Mama cat appeared late last night, not looking any worse for wear, I think she found a nice warm spot to weather the storm. She came back prancing through the door like being gone was no big deal. Her sons the two tom cats thought otherwise and gave her a lecture over the food bowl.

I did manage to tie a few of the sunflowers back up, they had not broken but had blown over and lifted their root balls with them. The corn is a loss though as the wind blew it all down to the ground and I harvested what good ears I could find. Everything is wet, there is not a dry spot anywhere as the wind driven rain found it's way everywhere. A good test for the new shed as it did stay dry inside but there is other damage to report. The poor Tahoe will be heading to Dug's garage this week for some engine work but even the storm left its mark on it. A couple of half sheet of plywood were stacked next to the shed and the wind blew them over and clipped the driver's mirror, something else that needs to get fixed now.

Sound of chain saws in the air this morning as a few trees did not fair well against the constant strong winds. I know Elmer lost one of his small maples as it split right down the center. When he gets ready to cut it up Chuck and I will go over and make quick work of it. We will use the tractor to haul the branches back deeper into the woods and cut the trunk and bigger limbs into firewood for next year. The stump will remain so Elmer will have a seat to rest on when he takes his walks around the property. Grouse hunting might improve some now with leaves down, Any loose ones are off the branches along with a lot of green ones. I can see back a little deeper in the woods from my window here in the den. Of course this means I am going to have to mow again later in the week when things dry out as I don't want the leaves to get ahead of me.

As soon as I get done with this Duncan and I are headed to the Resort, Vic called and told me to bring the chain saw and better bring some gas to. He heard a few trees fall over the weekend and it looks like we have some work ahead of us. Hammering Hank and Skinny are back to pulling out docks as none of that got done this weekend. Mark the mailman is done delivering mail by water and is back on his motor route and even Jessie the paperboy has decide to call it quits and is back to tossing papers at driveways. Produce stand out on the highway has there blue tarps out on the ground and pumpkins cover them. Hay bales and cornstalks are for sale and of course vegetables fill the bins along with bags of apples stacked on top of the hay. I almost unloaded the Puddle Humper but it looks like a little more fishing is in my future, after all this is Lake Iwanttobethere {1,289,091}

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WHAT CAN I say, several nice days in a row and I have not been inside at all during the day light hours. Several items on the Honey Do List have been checked off and today is going to be another nice day and I will add a few more check marks. The big deck was dry after being power washed so yesterday it was stained and this morning it is ready to be reopened. This will make the dogs happy as they were somewhat confused all day yesterday as they were not allowed to go out the deck door but had to go out the front door to get outside. The deck was blocked off so they could not walk on it and they were kind of lost not having their vantage point to watch their grounds.

The past several days of sunny warm weather has triggered the garden into over drive. Tomatoes are finally ripe and the last of the cucumbers have been picked. A few more jars of pickles were put up by the wife and this weekend I will make a big pot of sauce to can for future spaghetti dinners. I started to dig up some potatoes and I would have like them to be bigger but I am not complaining too loudly. Grand kids will be there on Friday night for their sleep over and I think Saturday morning will find them doing the potato harvesting. They are a lot closer to the ground then I am and besides they like finding stuff. Tahoe is in at Dug's garage and last I heard it was getting put back together today. Replacement fuel injectors arrived and it should be back on the road pulling the Puddle Humper for a few more trips.

I did spend some time at the Resort as a few trees fell but it was not too bad. Nothing real big just a couple of smaller trees on the edge of the woods and a couple of them we just left them where they fell. If we are lucky maybe we can entice a few of them grouse to move into the branches, less room to walk to go hunt them. The lake like an old girlfriend has calmed down and does not look anything like it did over the weekend. Even saw a few boats out yesterday back trolling off Root Beer Island. The Leafers have appeared though, it is the name we give to the tourists that come to Lake Iwanttobethere in search of the perfect falling leaf. I came around the corner by the Resort and there was an older couple standing in the center of the road with a camera on a tripod. Not a lot of leaves falling but they were set up to take a picture of one if it did. I gave them a nod of my head and they waved me around like I was going to ruin their shot.

Like spring was I think fall is a few weeks behind, our little bay has yellow leaves but this time last year it was filled with orange and red. Water should be covered with rafts of leafs but it is clear. Of course having that wind event sure did push any debris in the water up the banks away and the winds took any loose leafs off trees. Edd and Eddie the squirrels have been busy repairing the damage to their house so just like the rest of us the extra week of warm weather is welcomed. A couple of windows to paint today along with a coat of paint on the shop and shed doors, should not take but a few hours. My neighbor Chuck is busy this morning using a sod cutter to make a lovely winding trail from the cabin to the Wedding Shed. The lovely winding trail is his girlfriend's description of the job cutting sod and removing dirt just to replace it with a few tons of pebbles that will be covered in snow in just a few short months. But I am sure it will be very pretty and will look good till the first time Chuck decides to take the plow to it to move the snow out of the way.

Well I suppose I should get outside and start getting to work, deck has to be put back together and yard picked up. Am going to make a big point this season to make sure all my tools and things are in their places. Don't want to have to wake up some morning and find everything buried under snow. Which reminds me I need to take a visit down to see Big Earl at the General Store, I don't have a snow shovel. I broke all three of them last year. You may think it might be a tad early to go snow shoveling shopping but this is after all Lake Iwanttobethere {1,294,021}

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WIND IS BLOWING here at Lake Iwanttobethere today. Nothing wrong with that as the ground is still damp from last weekend's storm. Spent yesterday painting shed and shop doors and touching up spots. Funny how when you start walking around with a brush in your hand you find things that need to be touched up. Before you know it most of the afternoon was gone and I just kept going from one small project to another. Still have a list of things that need to get done today as we are going to have to pay for the week of nice weather with what looks to be forecasted as a week of rain coming. The seventy degree temperatures may come to an end today and we are going to skip right past the sixties and only have high's in the fifties all next week. Still warm enough to fish as long as it is not in the rain. Fishing in the fifties with rain and wind this time of the year gets to be no fun quick.

My oldest son's birthday today, thirty-four years old he is and that makes me feel a little older. He is not yet old enough to start counting his birthdays in months but he is getting closer. I remember when he was born and I tell the story every year. Mainly I do it to bug my mother in law. Back in the day after giving birth the new ma could stay in the hospital for four days, not like currently where it is like twenty-four hours and you are out the door. My buddy Chuck and I had a late season Smallmouth trip planned for the first of October up in the B.Y.O.B ( Bring Your Own Boat ) area. The pickup with camper on it and the trailer with the Jon boat and canoe were packed and ready in the driveway. My son was a few weeks late and I had promised that I would hang around till he was born. Well twelve hours after Del saw his first light Chuck and I were heading to the B.Y.O.B

My mother in law was beside herself that I would leave her daughter in the hospital all alone. I figured the wife had five hundred doctors and nurses to take care of her and she would not miss me at all, I was correct by the way. Chuck and I left late in the afternoon and it was raining, halfway to our destination the rain turned into sleet and when we got to the landing it was dark and snowing. We set up camp and hunkered down inside the camper with the thought of fishing at day break. Day break came and as we exited the camper there was the crunch of snow underfoot. We walked around the camper to get our first look at the lake and found it frozen. Well there was some skim ice on it that if you tossed a lure out it was just rest on the ice, topwater fishing was out of the question. We figured that if we had actually came when we were supposed to that there would have been no ice and now we would just have to go to plan two, grouse hunting.

There is of course a lot more to this story, we did get some fishing in as we went to river where we had some open water. If I remember right I think all we caught were a couple of small northern and nothing else. One grouse was shot and roasted over a open fire. Seems we forgot to turn off the heater and used up all our propane. Yup good times, good times. We portaged back to a lake but found a half inch of ice on it, going was slow and after a morning of playing ice breaker we gave up. We were about to head back the way we came when I yelled out Del's name for the very first time, it echoed back at us seven times, which even now as I write this was pretty cool. I still remember telling Chuck that that was the first time Del's name was ever shouted and it won't be the last. Thirty-four years later and I am right about the shouting out part.

I just came in from outside, I went down to the dock and with Duncan at my side I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted out HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEL and waited for the echo to come back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEL came back across the water and I grinned. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEL came across the water again but not my voice. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEL I heard but this time in a ladies voice and then I figured it out, my neighbors were yelling from their docks Happy Birthday to Del pretty cool I thought but then this is Lake Iwanttobethere {1,296,583}

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SO FAR SO good the rain is missing us here at Lake Iwanttobethere although last night was a pretty good light show. The thunderstorms stayed off to the West and a few drops fell on the newly stained deck. The lightning flashed across the sky and was reflecting on the beads of water on the deck. I sat on the covered swing with Duncan at my side and we watched for awhile. Grand kids were all over and were in the kitchen working with grand ma on some cookies, I should say they were doing the eating and not the baking. Friday is movie night and after cookie eating the kids hit the couch in the living room and grandma put a movie on. I went to the theater and put on the local college hockey game. One by one the kids lost interest in the movie and wandered in to watch the hockey game. After awhile the wife was the only one watching a Disney movie and all the kids were with me. The wife came in and told me I was bring all the kids to the Dark Side. I just smiled back at her as the kids were all cheering a big check.

Unlike summer bedtime during the school year is a lot earlier and by ten kids were headed to bed and dogs were picking who they were going to sleep with. By ten-thirty quiet had returned to the cabin and I went out and sat on the swing for a few minutes. A few distant flashes of light in the sky but the storm had passed. Wind was up and branches swayed, still lots of leaves on the trees this close to the lake. Duncan let himself out from the cabin and disappeared into the darkness, I tried to follow him with my ears but he moves like a ghost. Matter of fact I was looking towards the lake for him when he came up from behind me and jumped up on the swing. He pressed up against me and we both just sat for a spell.

This morning I was actually up before the grand kids were, kind of a surprise there. Ground was dry so no rain fell over night and I thought maybe I should take a walk down the back trail and see if I could wake up a grouse or two. I made it to the gun cabinet and the click of the lock was kind of loud I thought. I was right as I turned and both Duncan and Bud were standing in the doorway looking at me like I was a kid coming in after curfew. I was actually thinking about going out by myself but I guess that was not going to happen. I was feeling kind of lucky so I pulled the double barreled twenty gage out of the cabinet and a handful of shells went into my pocket. Vest went on and a orange cap from the hat rack and the three of us slipped out the deck door.

Trees were swaying and a few leaves were falling, Duncan took the lead and Bud was just a few steps in front of me. We entered the woods and I stopped to load the twenty and Bud patiently waited. Duncan was already working the trail, nose down and tail wagging his rear end. We moved down the trail and I had to call Duncan back a few times, he was getting a little too far ahead of us. He figured it out and took more pauses and looked over his shoulder to make sure Bud and I was following. Bud worked close and didn't move much off the trail, he let Duncan do all the grunt work. Wind was making a lot of noise so I didn't think I was going to hear any birds get up unless they were at my feet. We, the three of us worked down the trail and came up on the old top of the down pine tree. Duncan started moving slower and the tail was not wagging as hard. Bud with his head down moved closer to the down top as Duncan worked his way around to the far side. I stood still gun at the ready, it just felt birdie. Bud froze and looked at me and at Duncan and just stood there, I figured he was letting Duncan do all the work and I watched. Duncan worked his way around the tree top and back onto the trail. I relaxed and was going to tell Bud to move on when Bud looked at me kind of shrugged his shoulders and for Bud made a rush into the tree top. A grouse exited like it was shot from a carrier catapult and I made a feeble shot at it and missed of course. Duncan frozen in his tracks watched the bird dip and dart away.

Having done this a few times before I shouted out to Bud to "Hunt em up" and Bud moved deeper into the tree top and another bird jumped up and took wing, this one I was ready for and the other barrel of the twenty was touched off and the bird flew right into my pattern of 6's Duncan had a good view of the bird and was off for the retrieve, Bud backed out of the tree with a did ya get him look. I whistled up Duncan and he came trotting down the trail with the grouse looking small in his mouth. He didn't bring the bird to me at first instead showing it off to Bud. Thirty minutes later and the smell of Grouse breast fried in butter for breakfast woke the grand kids up. A fall Saturday here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,300,110}

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BY HALF TIME I had enough of the football game, I turned off the TV in disgust and stood with a soda in my hand looking out at the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. I could see Barney sitting on the dock looking into the water but he was also looking up from time to time so that was a clue. The clue was there were no fish under the dock and like a lot of fishermen this time of the year he was just hoping to see one. With some extra time on my hands since I had turned the TV off I was thinking I should go do something with the rest of my afternoon. A little breeze out but sunny, I could get the golf clubs out and maybe get in nine before it got dark. I then remembered that Chuck went golfing the other day and it was tuff going. He went with a couple of the Fellows and they had each brought along leaf blowers. Chuck thought that was kind of strange till he drove his ball just off the fairway and it disappeared into the fallen leaves. I didn't want to have to carry the leaf blower so I gave up on the golfing idea.

On his round of golf with the Fellows they tried to sell him on their latest idea, they were going to get in on the highway sign business. One of them has a cousin who told him in the next county over they were taking down all the Deer Crossing signs along with the Children at Play signs. Seem studies had shown that no one was slowing down and giving the signs any attention so there were just a waste of tax payer money. The Fellows were thinking they would buy up the signs and then combine them. They would then sell the Children Playing with Deer at Crossing signs for half the price back to the county. Chuck told him he would have to think about it since they do not have a very good track record with signs. He then reminded them of when they tried to sell Braille Stop signs.

Bird hunting crossed my mind but as I looked out at the dock and Barney I thought it has been awhile since we have done anything. Duncan has been getting the bulk of my attention probably because he is always stalking me. Bud to has been out for a few walks this week and maybe Barney and I should just get out and stretch our legs some. I told the wife of my plan and she distracted Duncan and Bud with the offer of a car ride. They both followed her out to the Jeep and jumped in, I think Duncan thought I was going to return to the football game so he left without to much coaxing. With the coast clear so to speak I got out the single shot twenty gage and the vest, but before I carried it out to the Dodge I grabbed the back pack rod that I got as a gift and is seldom used. Lifting the cover off the Puddle Humper I pulled out the small tackle box that is under the seat and I was ready to do a little bird hunting/fishing. I yelled for Barney and he slowly walked up the hill, I rattled the little tackle box and he picked up some speed as I had his attention now.

With Glen Fry singing "To the River" on the cassette player in the Dodge we drove down the dirt road heading for Mystery River. Barney has his head out the window and was riding shotgun in the front seat. Barney is a pretty good size dog going around ninety pounds or so and he sinks in the old seat of the Dodge. At thirteen he is the same age as his brother Bud but where Bud has the short legs of his Springer dad Barney takes after his mother has the longer legs of a lab. They both have very large ears and Barney's were flapping in the wind of the open window. I will continue this later as the wife is calling me to a late supper and besides Barney deserves a whole story to himself from here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,304,583}

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OVERCAST AND DRIZZLE here at Lake Iwanttobethere as I write this today, good thing Barney and I got out yesterday afternoon. As I was saying Barney was riding shotgun and we both had our windows down. We took the long way to the river and I must admit I was spending some time looking into the woods hoping to see a grouse or two. I didn't see any but I am sure I must have driven by some. We were headed to a section of the river that I know well having spent time fishing and hunting along the banks for more than forty years. We arrived and took the turn that took us down to the water's edge. Back in the day there was just enough parking for maybe two station wagons or grocery getters as we called them. Just enough room so you could park at the bank of the river and get your canoe off without banging the wagon next to you.

Now there is a big turn around and enough room to park twenty suv's, maybe more. A concrete ramp descends down the bank into the flowing waters of the river. Sometimes there is a faded blue fiberglass outhouse sitting off to the side depending on what time of the year you go there. In the middle of summer catfishermen come here and you can see where they have been by the forked sticks stuck into the bank to hold fishing rods. Small scattered fire pits hold blacken chucks of wood also dot the shore and for the most part the area is kept cleaned by the catfishermen. Some type ll rapids are down river and people launch canoes from here to head down river to shoot the rapids.

There is bird huting down stream to as the atv's have made new trails and where there are trail's hunters will walk. Barney and I had the place to ourselves as no one was at the landing and all you could hear was the occasional hum of a truck on the big bridge that crossed the river fifty yards or so upstream. We both got out of the Dodge and we both headed to the river bank. The water was down and the undercut bank edge was showing. Soft and muddy it looked like a good way to walk up the river but I know from past experiences the mud was deceiving. I have lost shoes to it in the past, step in too deep and it will suck the shoe right off your foot and if you are walking in boots and get both feet stuck you may be standing by yourself for awhile.

Back to the Dodge and I slipped the little tackle box into the game pouch on the back of the hunting vest and made sure the little pack rod is in there to. Orange hat on me and the orange collar with bell went around Barneys neck. He kind of gave me a look like a kindergartner does when their mother ties a scarf around their neck but Barneys hearing is not what it used to be and if he can't hear me it is best I can hear him. I slide a shell in the old twenty gage and we set off up river away from all the tracks and cut across the brush that hides a trail that I know about. The old trail runs along the river but about fifty yards or so back. I have never seen anyone else on the trail and very seldom do I find any shell casings. Barney stays close and I take my time walking and looking. About a quarter mile up the path I see two yellow spent shotgun shells lying in the center of the trail. I stop and look around and then I reach down and pick up the shells, I sniff them and can smell powder and they are still pretty bright and not rusted. I tuck them away in my pocket and I am thinking someone shot at something here.

Barney is walking in front of me when a woodcock hops up in a classic helicopter takeoff, I wait till the bird stops and levels off and before it can decide a direction to fly I knock him down with a load of #8's Barney trots down to the bird and sits alongside of it. I yell out to him to fetch it up and Barney just sits and looks at me, he shakes his head and the bell around his neck jingles some. I walk down the trail and pick up the little morsel of bird and tuck it away in my game pouch. We move on down the trail and dang is we didn't get up two more woodcock, I shot one and the other got away, I am blaming the sun being in my eyes, at least that is my story. The trail winds down to the river and when I step out of the woods we are on a small rock point out of sight of the bridge and the landing. I trade the shotgun for the little fishing rod and start to fan cast out into the river.

Barney is sitting on a rock up river from me and is giving me that look. I finally give up on the spot that I am at and move up the shore to join him. My first cast and I get a snag and then the snag starts to move. A little coaxing with the little rod and I have a eating size walleye on the wet rod behind me. A few more casts and I have his brother alongside him and Barney is giving me an approving look. Feeling lucky I keep fishing looking for a third fish but I don't get one. With the sun getting low I am thinking maybe a grouse might be found on the walk back out and I tuck the walleye in the game pouch and tuck the little rod back in to it's case. I pick up the shotgun and Barney and I head back the way we came. The walk back is always quicker then the walk in and we don't see or hear anything. Back at home the walleye and the woodcock are big enough to nicely cover the bottom of a ten inch fry pan. Barney is laying on the floor next to me as I write this and he looks at me and then puts his head back on the carpet. If he could talk I know what he is saying "Just because I don't talk about hunting, don't mean I can't do it," Kind of like me and walleye fishing, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,307,479}

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REMEMBER LAST TUESDAY when it was seventy out, well we are paying for that today. Nothing getting done outside today as it is not raining real hard out but with the driving wind anything that is outside is wet. Even the sides of the cabin are wet from the eves to the ground which does not happen that often with the big over hang I have here. Puddle Humper looks kind of lonely sitting under the boat house with just the small tarp on that covers the center from falling leaves. I was kind of planning on working on the Puddle Humper today, it is time to unload it and put things away. My neighbor Chuck told me to hang on we will still get out again but I have been listening to Stormy Clearweather on the radio and tomorrow is going to be the warm day of the week and that is only fifty-two degrees.

The next ten days it does not get above fifty and there is a chance of some snow showers on Friday. I was surprised to hear that we have not officially had a freeze yet and we are a month late, no wonder stuff is still growing in the gardens. Leaves on this end of the lake are starting to turn, the lake can't keep us warm forever. Dogs have been making quick trips outside and right back in except for Duncan he likes being wet of course that can be because he is still young and maybe a little dumb and then again he is a lab. On one of their trips outside this morning Barney went out and stood under the patio table out of the rain. Duncan went and stood under the eve where the water was coming off the roof and falling on him. Didn't seem to bother him at all and I made sure he shook before I let him back into the cabin.

Day has not been a loss though, I have managed to stay busy cleaning the den and my desk up. Surprising how many things find there way into the den instead of where they belong. Now I may be guilty of some of the stuff lying around but I think the wife when cleaning the cabin puts a lot of my stuff in what is my room when it makes her life easier. I have been filling boxes with parts and tools and nuts and bolts and more tools. Actually they are small boxes that stuff has come in the mail in, books and fishing tackle mostly. I mean to get them out to the recycling but they end up in the corner stacked on top of each other. I tell the wife not to toss them as they are the right size for presents and every time I use one for a gift I make sure I point the box out to the wife and gloat a little. Also the grand kids use them to build forts with. Like every parent I am sure you have spent money on a present for a kid and then watch them spend more time playing with the box it came in. The cardboard box that the water heater came in lasted here for over a month as a make believe boat, might still be here if it had not been launched in the lake.

So after filling the small boxes with stuff I used one of the wife's laundry baskets to carry several of the boxes down to the basement. I have a inside shop down there and I set the basket on the table saw and then sorted and put what was in the little boxes on shelves and hooks. Made me think about heading to the outside shop and bring in the spray cans and liquids that can't handle being frozen. I carried the basket back upstairs and was looking out the back deck door at the falling rain when the wife came home. Seeing me with a clothes basket in my hand she made a comment about me being a dear and doing the laundry. I didn't confirm it nor did I deny it I just kind of mumble something about the falling rain. Well time for me to get back to my desk and sort through those ice fishing catalogs, won't be much longer, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,309,496}

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SUNNY AND EIGHTY-TWO degrees out, somewhere just not here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Been raining some here the past few hours and it looks like it is going to be like that most of the day and a good chance it will rain right through the weekend. Yesterday the red needle on the Bass thermometer hanging on the wall barely nudged fifty but it was sunny out and just a slight wind. In about three months a fifty degree day will have the folks of Lake Iwanttobethere outside of their ice shanties in tee shirts cooking on grills.

I got a call from Dug that my Tahoe was just about done and all that was needed was a clip to hold a fuel line down that he could not locate and would have to order. He did mention that maybe Mike at the Lake Iwanttobethere junk and scrap yard might have a engine with one on and if I wanted to give it a look I could have the Tahoe back on the road. I did have work around the cabin that should get done on the only sunny day of the week but I thought a ride to the junk yard should not take that long. I called Mike and he told me it was slow and he had already talked to Dug and he had the clip or would have by the time I got there. Dogs were all taking their midday nap so I went solo to the yard.

Half an hour later and I rolled into the yard and had to weave through a few cars and trucks parked out front of the pole barn that serves as the part's shop and office for Mike. No sooner then I got out of the Dodge and I was greeted by the junk yard dog, Goose. Now Goose is not what you would expect to see at a junk yard. Not a pit bull or a shepherd but Goose is a hunting dog and he is all white. Mike's favorite movie is Top Gun and when he got the dog he named it Goose just so he could say to the dog "Talk to me Goose" Of course the first thing I said was "Talk to me Goose" and Goose started howling and I patted him on his side and he ran off to go find Mike.

Mike came out from around the rim rack where he has a couple of hundred rims stored, all for sale and most will be sold to the Lake Iwanttobethere youth who will spruce up their pickups with them. Mike handed me a little plastic clip and asked if that is what I needed. I said I guess so since I have not seen the missing part that was keeping the Tahoe parked. We did some chit chatting and Goose sat at Mike's feet and listen to everything we said. Mike asked if I had brought Duncan with and I told him it was nap time, Mike petted Goose behind the ear and said as soon as I leave Goose will be in his office chair sleeping. I asked Mike what I owed him for the clip and he just said he would trade me the clip for a cigar that he knows I have hidden in the Dodge. I grinned and told him that sounded like a pretty fair trade. He walked me over to the Dodge with Goose at his side and we made the trade. I got in the Dodge and Mike told me that he has a bumper that would fit the rear of the Dodge if I ever want to replace the rusted one, I asked him if I could trade a gar for it and he just chuckled and waved me good-bye.

Next stop was Dug's Garage and about an hour later the clip was on and the Tahoe was purring away like it was new. I should not have to do anything under the hood for awhile the tune up was complete along with replacing the fuel injectors which were the big problem. Missed most of the fall fishing but it has rained so much there were not really that many good days lost. Drove the Tahoe back to the cabin and Chuck gave me a ride back into town to get the Dodge. We went to the Lodge for awhile and sat on the deck with some of the Lodge members enjoying a sunset with out flies or skeeters buzzing us as we talked bird hunting and watched the sun set over the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere {1,313,180}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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