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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Just got back from down at Marv's Cigar and Magazine Shop, no sooner did I enter the main room of the Club House then Hammering Hank came in through the side door. Hank looked at me with a smile on his face and said it is done. I handed him a cigar and we shook hands. The daughter had a baby girl at 11:59 if she would have held out for another minute it would have been a high noon baby. Hank was just back from changing the Welcome to Lake Iwanttobethere sign by adding one more to the population. No fishing for me today, I plan on handing out a lot of cigars! From Lake Iwanttobethere {1,182,555}

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Today I feel like a flower, not something you would expect a grown man to say unless he has been smoking some herb. I feel like a flower because the woman folk are buzzing around the cabin like busy little bees or hummingbirds. The daughter is coming home from the hospital and the latest addition to the Bass school is coming home to. Well at least for a brief stop here before going to the daughters home. The ladies are all busy with setting up a brunch and relatives are coming over and grand kids are already here. I am trying to stay out of the way but I keep getting asked where stuff is that I know the wife knows as she is the one who has put the folding chairs away and table clothes for the picnic table.

Grand kids are doing chores right now, watering plants and walking the lawn to make sure there are no surprises left by the dogs for people to step in. Dogs are hiding out trying to stay out of the way. Barney is out on the deck fishing while Duncan is watching the garden waiting for Speedy to appear. Bud is under my desk resting on my feet just trying to get a nap in. The day did not start this way it was nice and quiet with the kids on the deck fishing out of their cardboard canoe. Yesterday I had brought up the cardboard box from the basement that the new water heater came in. I was going to cut it up with a box cutter to recycle when the daughter said that the box would make a good boat. The granddaughter agreed and before you know it the two of them were cutting up the end of the box to shape it into a pointed bow and used markers to start drawing on the sides of the box that was now a boat.

Some duck tape to reinforce a few spots and then off to the woods to cut saplings to make fishing poles out of. Some old lure bodies without hooks were tied to string and then to the poles and with a little imagination the granddaughter was fishing from her boat on the deck. When the other grand kids came over this morning the boat got a walk around and the boys went to work making improvements. Cardboard box boat needed more paddles and a anchor and another longer fishing pole. Once again I pointed out to the wife that kids sometimes have more fun with a cardboard box then the gift that is or was in them.

Rain that was forecasted for over night never fell so gardens all need a good watering, with any luck things will be quiet around here starting tomorrow and fishing will be how days are planed for the next few months. Gardens will be watered and watched and Duncan will get some special time every day as we work on his hunting skills. Projects will be worked on as long as they don't interfere with fishing and the grass might grow a little longer between mowing. Baby M will spend some time here and I will carry her around and show her the gardens and the lake and tell her stories that can only be getting better as I have told them to her sister and her cousins before her. It's good to be the Papa, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,185,530}

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Well, July is gone and next up to bat is August. I am hoping that we have gotten our heat out of the way and we will be having a nice fall. If mother nature has her way things usually seem to even out. That means after a very long winter into a cool and wet spring that fall should be a slice of heaven. You know temps in the mid sixties, not too windy, a little morning rain leaving afternoons perfect for fishing and letting crops grow ripe and grass staying green but growing slowly. Late afternoons spent on the water with baseball games on the radio to listen to on the drive coming home from fishing. Football season and bird hunting will clear landings of trailers as there are to many things for guys to do and lets face it a lot of guys clear the water once it starts cooling down.

For the first day of August it is looking like Mother Nature is reading this. Here at Lake Iwanttobethere it is mid sixties, a few clouds in the sky and just enough wind to move the skeeters away from you. No rain this morning but I already watered all the gardens and even though things were planted late this year I am thinking I might just have a decent season if Mother Nature keeps reading me. Cabin is quiet as baby M has made her appearance and is now home with her ma, my daughter. Relatives have come and gone, ate my food and drank the old beer I had around. Projects on the to do list but nothing that I can't knock off today which will leave me open for some fishing time. I for one get a lot more work done when it is sixty out then when it is ninety. Got a window to rebuild and a fence that needs some attention, maybe a trip to visit Big Earl down at the General Store.

I was showing Chuck how to take aluminum wheel cleaner to clean his new old boat and I was demonstrating on the Puddle Humper. Well, I cleaned up a little spot and I could not leave it that way so I went ahead and cleaned the whole hull. I still had some left to do yesterday so as soon as I got my time in with baby M I went out and started cleaning up on the Puddle Humper what I had left. Amazing how black dirty hands keeps the relatives away from shaking your hand or offering to help. Heheh the wife accused me of having planed it on purpose. Duncan spent most of the time with me lying under the boat. Guess he could only take so much petting and he came and found me, he had that look on his face of "If one more person asks me to shake a paw" he rubbed up against me and since my hands were dirty I didn't ask him to shake a paw. I just told him to go ahead and hide out, he then worked his way under the trailer out of sight.

The cardboard canoe was a big hit, funny how grown people would stand around a cardboard box and make such comments as "Well that is a smart idea" and "Next time I get a water heater I am going to do that to the box" two more reasons why I went and polished the Puddle Humper. Kids enjoyed playing in the box and at one time there was actually a line to get into it. One thing did baffle me though. The saplings that were turned into fishing rods, I improved them, or so I thought. I took the string off and tied on fifty pound braid figuring that would last. Somehow seven year old kids managed to break the braid, I can't break that stuff but they did. I mentioned it to Chuck and he simply reminded me that they are seven year olds, they can break almost anything at that age, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,187,499}

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Spent the evening at the Resort last night, borrowed Vic and his row boat and we set off to do a little fishing. A few small northerns were caught and one bowling ball hit that we both agreed had to be one of the Sungills. Vic was reeling in his lure from what looked to be a perfect spot in the reeds when he got a hit that looked like someone had dropped a bowling ball out of the sky. Vic being an older guy is kind of slow when setting the hook and he missed what ever made the hole in the lake. I didn't see the beginning but I saw the end and watched as the lake filled the hole and the little spot went calm again. Vic patting his shirt over his heart and said quietly "That was a big one!"

That was the highlight of the night as we just rowed around the little bay and mostly just relaxed and traded stories. Vic has lots of stories and I keep telling him that when he moves on to that great fishing hole in the sky that I am going to retell his stories as mine, of course I might improve on them a little and we both chuckled. Old fishing stories and old hunting stories never really go out of date. The rods and lures may change but the game is still the same.

Back here at the cabin this morning I have to finish up on the window that I ended up building in the shop. Going to have to go down to the General Store and get some glass as the old window was beyond repair. Had to make a new wood frame and with any luck I will take it over to the son's place and get it installed this evening. Busy day over at Chuck's as he is waiting on Hammering Hank to bring him a load of firewood, maple I hear and Chuck is planning on splitting it all this afternoon and maybe even getting it stacked. County is out on the roadway pounding in stakes with ribbons, they are going to dig the ditches deeper and wider and Chuck is getting a new culvert. Come to think of it there is a lot of work going on over at Chuck's, yesterday he took the tractor and mowed his pasture, around the cabin and even went and did his trails. Was all I could do to just sit on my deck and watch the blur of the tractor through the trees.

Sometime today I am going to mow here, will have to get the tractor out and spruce up the place. Maybe go down the trail behind the cabin that leads to the down tree top. I did hear some drumming back that way so I am guessing the grouse are still making it their home. Chuck told me he did run into two covey's back on his trails and Duncan's ears perked up at that. Swear that dog is learning more then I am teaching him. Speaking of Duncan he is getting some dummy sessions in every night. If I forget he goes over to the shop and scratches on the door to get my attention. The throwing dummy is inside and he knows exactly where it is.

Summer is slipping away from us here, maybe because of the long cold spring it did not feel like it should be as long as it should have been. Dark around eight-thirty and the last few nights it has been getting cool enough to wear pants. Skeeters are around but seem to disappear quickly once the sun goes down. I wish I could say the same for them little buggers in the garden that bite in the middle of the day. Another month and grand kids will be back in school and I will lose my cheap labor in the garden. My wood rack on the deck has but a few sticks in it, guess I should think about hauling a load down and filling it. For the beginning of August it has to be to early to be talking about fireplace fires, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,190,031}

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Spent last night behind the bar at the Lodge, took me a little while to get used to it as Gus has moved a few things around. Not much and not a big deal but once you get use to reaching for something and it gets moved after years of being there it is a change. A quiet Saturday night till after dark when the fishermen haul their rigs up from the landing to park in the Lodge parking lot and come in quick like as to not let the skeeters in with them. A month ago and they would still be out on the water after nine-thirty but now nine o'clock will find them with a beer already settled in at the bar or around one of the Lodge tables.

Gus was taking one of them rare Saturday nights off and I do still have to pull a few shifts at the Lodge so it was not a big deal for me to tie on an apron and pour a few Hamms. I also spent the time listening in on the locals and the tourist's conversations. A few of the Fellows were sitting at the big round table and we also had a few of the farmers in with their wife's, must be some kind of date night for them. Baseball game on TV and a few Lodge members were gathered around the set and sitting on the wicker couch. Popcorn machine was chugging away and no sooner would I make a new batch of popcorn and it would be gone. Honey was filling baskets and putting them out to be scooped up by waiting fingers. Beer sales were good as that is why we give the salty, buttered popcorn away.

Bud came to the Lodge with me, no sooner did he come in through the back door then he was greeted by Lodge members. I got a wave from most of them while Bud got pats on the back and his ear rubbed by others. Took Bud several minutes to make the rounds of the guys and Honey the waitress just leaned against the bar and watched. Honey catching my eye said "Does everyone here know your dog?" Tying on an apron I said "Actually I think everyone here at Lake Iwanttobethere knows him and his brother" I found myself a clean bar towel, folded it in threes and tossed it across my shoulder. Hands resting on the edge of the bar I was ready for business.

Bud done with his rounds headed for the wicker couch and with a little coaxing got himself up on it and leaned into a tourist who was sitting there. The tourist was a little surprised but Bud let him pat his head. A few minutes later the tourist got up between innings to get a drink and when he returned to his spot it had been taken by Bud. The tourist asked one of the Fellows about moving Bud and Tiny just smiled and said "Good luck, it's his spot" Honey quickly move over with a chair and offered it to the man and whisper in his ear "Dang dog owns this place" Arlo was sitting on the other side of the couch and when he got up to get popcorn the man in the chair got up and made a move to get back on the couch. He was too late as Bud felt Arlo get up and proceeded to spread out the length of the couch. The guys watching the game chuckled at the tourist who was a good sport and just threw up his arms in defeat, I sent Honey over with a Hamms on the house for him.

Conversations were varied across the room, talk of baseball and upcoming football season. Early goose season and grouse drumming. Fishing was discussed and it has been quiet but everyone thinks with the cooler weather moving in fishing will start to pick up. Farmers talked farming and the gardeners talked gardening. Tourist drank in the place as it was a Saturday and it was a new crowd of them. A few were repeat customers from past years and they knew to say HIYA to get the bar discount. I poured some shots and put flame to a cigar, one customer made a little noise about it being against the law to smoke and Tiny just pointed and showed him where the door to the deck was if it was a really big problem. The screen was covered in skeeters and the guy just decide to stay inside with his drink.

Baseball game ended and guys with the boats decide it was late enough to go home. Lodge kind of got empty then except for a few members who always seem to be here every Saturday night. Honey left as there was not much for her to do. Guys sitting at the tables know if they want a drink they have to come to the bar to get it. Bud had moved from the couch to my old office, he has a bed on the floor in there and that is where I could hear him snoring. A couple of cribbage games going on and I announced that I was giving away three free pitchers of beer, and Arlo was buying. Arlo dozing on the wicker couch heard his name and just kind of waved his hand at me, I took that as an OK. From a summers night here at the Lodge on Lake Iwanttobethere {1,195,370}

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Yesterday being Monday it was penciled in on the calendar as being a fishing day. Over a half an inch of rain has fallen overnight here at Lake Iwanttobethere and the sky was dark and gloomy with Sunshine Ray forecasting another round of thunderstorms. With the rain no watering was needed for the gardens and I told the wife that "Dang, just to wet to mow" as I carried fishing rods out to the Puddle Humper. "You are not going fishing in this are you?" She shouted out behind me and my reply was "It has to be dry somewhere" We were both just making noise as she does not really care if I am going fishing and after all it was Monday, it was on the calendar.

With the boat packed and some extra clothes in the Tahoe just in case, I hitched the trailer to the truck and off I went. Was thinking I would go do some northern fishing as everyone's conversation that I over heard down at the Lodge the other night was that no one was catching anything anywhere. I had a tackle order come in and I had some new skirts for my spinnerbaits and buzz baits that I wanted to try out. Lake about an hours drive from the cabin always seems to have northerns looking to steal lures so that is where I headed. The farther I drove away from Lake Iwanttobethere the better the sky looked and by the time I got to the little lake there were patches of blue sky, but the potholes were filled with rain water.

No one at the landing except flies and no sooner did I have the Puddle Humper in the water then the flies joined me for the afternoon. Third cast with the buzz bait and I had a fish on, I am guessing the northern saw that seven inch black and chartreuse skirt as a big old frog trying to get away. I spent the afternoon and evening catching a lot of small northerns waiting on every cast to hook up with a big one but that did not happen. I did catch a few bass and one was a fat eighteen incher that had no problem taking in the buzzbait in her mouth. Most of my time was spent swatting at flies till I gave up and just put my rain suit on. I did take great pleasure in smacking a few of them with the fly swatter that I have on board just for that reason.

Spent some time shooting some video and caught some fish. Was looking for a bigum as we all are when we go fishing. I did have an interesting conversation when I was working my way down the shoreline toward the landing as the sun was going down. I felt that I was being watched and as I got close to a dock with a pontoon tied along side I notice a house cat watching me intently. Sitting back in one of the seats was a lady who smiled and said HIYA to me as I got close. HIYA back I returned. As if on clue a small northern hit and I reeled in and let the fish go back into the water, the cat watching the entire time. The lady and I chatted some and she told me her cat used to like to fish with her husband all the time. I asked if her husband was gone and she told me yes, I told her I was sorry for her loss and she laughed and said no they were divorced. It worked out well for her, she got the cat and the cabin. She then told me all the places on the lake where her x caught fish.

I made a few mental notes about her x's hotshots and a little while later I had the Puddle Humper back on the trailer and was headed for home. No big northerns to brag about but I did a lot better then I had the last time I was out. Looking forward to some fall fishing as I think the big skirts on the buzzbait are going to put some fall fatties in the boat. Headed down the blacktop to Lake Iwanttobethere I can see lighting flashing across the sky and no stars. Looks like it is raining somewhere, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,199,228}


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Siting in the sunshine on the deck this morning, I have the laptop out and decided to jot down a few thoughts out here. Actually I was looking over the to do list and hoping I could delete a few things on it. All three dogs are out and Bud is blocking the back door sleeping in the sunshine. Barney is out sitting on the dock staring intently into the water and Duncan is running through the yard chasing a butterfly that is ten feet over his head and no where close to being caught by Duncan no matter how high he jumps.

Monday was spent fishing and tweaking some lures, a good way to start the week. Of course being retired I don't really have a start or an end to a week any more. Matter of fact the more that I think about it I am kind of leading a dog's life now. Just like Bud I am sitting in the sunshine avoiding the shade because the sun feels good on my old body. That and the fact that if you go in the shade the skeeters are waiting to attack you. At least in the sunshine I can see the flies coming and I have a swatter close at hand to deal out justice. I think I kind of lead a life shared with the three dogs. Barney the fishermen, Bud the hunter who does not have a problem taking a nap anywhere or any time and Duncan who is my inner me, the playful anything goes run like the wind me. There is not enough of Duncan left in me and I am jealous as I watch him run and jump after the butterfly. He would not know what to do with the butterfly if he caught it, but then again neither would I.

Bud shifts a little on the deck to stay in the sunshine and without thinking I move the chair I am sitting in a little to the left to stay in the sun also. Barney is still on the dock staring down into the water that this morning has just tiny two inch waves. The Lilly pads seem to quiver in the water as the little waves flow in and around them. The old wood row boat is rock steady in the little waves and I have to cock my ear in the direction of the dock to just make out the sound of the wood rubbing on the dock bumper. Quiet at Elmers cabin, I don't think he is home and other then chickens I don't hear anything over at Chuck's place. A couple of crows fly by and Duncan stops his butterfly chase and stares at the birds over head, they are so low that even I can hear the wing beats.

Back to the list, I got distracted there, I see it is time to do oil changes and sharpen mower blades. Good day for it I guess, the mower blade part. I look around the yard and see the grass is due for a mowing, again. The last good rain we got was the cue for the raspberries to pop and now every morning is spent picking the berries for breakfast cereal. Summer is moving on, I know this because I can see the corn growing taller and the tomatoes getting bigger. Can't tell by looking at the dogs though, they just keep doing what they always seem to be doing. Bud is still sleeping, Barney is still staring but Duncan has disappeared. I get up from the chair and step out to the edge of the deck and look out over the yard. It takes me a few seconds but I see Duncan lying in the sun in the middle of the yard in the deep grass, sleeping. I don't think he is worried about sharpening mower blades or cutting the grass, picking berries is for sure not on his mind. For him it was time for a nap, and it just so happen he was standing in some sweet deep grass and the sun was shinning and well he didn't have any thing on his list to do. With that thought I went back to the table and closed the laptop, and my do list was gone, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,200,619}

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Overcast sky today and the grass is wet from a shower that fell over night. Yard is mowed so the little rain is not going to be a problem today. As a matter of fact I think enough rain fell that I will not have to water the gardens and the flower pots should be good for the day. My neighbor Chuck came over and we sat a spell on the deck just catching up. I was out most of the afternoon yesterday in town and while I was gone the county brought in a crew and the ditch in front of Chuck's place is dug out and a new culvert is laying on the grass along his fence by the horse pasture. Chuck was saying they are going to put it in today but it looks like rain. As we sat on the deck sipping coffee Speedy the chipmunk who is either dumb or daring made an appearance. We watched as it ran across the deck making a dash for a piece of donut that had fallen off the table and somehow had been missed by Duncan.

I said something about Speedy and Chuck said you mean Flash! We then talked about the chipmunks as in two of them as Chuck says they are over at his place all the time and his girlfriend named them Flash and Gordon. I chuckled at that and I am guessing there is probably more than two or maybe even three of the chipmunks making the rounds. Speedy filled his cheeks with donut and I did see that Duncan was laying on his side with one eye open watching, maybe he has learned he can't catch Speedy anyway.

Yesterday when I was in town doing errands and at the General Store picking up some painting supplies I ran into Andy who is Mindy and Mandy's brother. He is town visiting some before the county fair starts up next week. Andy is a judge that works the county fair circuit and has been doing it for years. A good size guy standing over six six and must be close to three hundred pounds, his rulings are usually not contested. He does the tractor pulls but also does the food eating contests, you know pies, hot dogs and watermelon. He is known for his trademark dickeys that he wears under his flannel shirt year round. When I came into the store he was standing at the front door with Big Earl and customers were having a hard time walking around the two of them to get in and out of the store. I said a few words and he told me he was going to come out to the Resort and visit after he stops off at the Lodge for a Coney and chili dinner.

Chuck finish his coffee and headed back over to his place when we saw the county truck drive by and Duncan headed to the garden to stand watch for awhile. I went inside to find Barney and Bud both fast asleep on the couch. A note on the counter from the wife mentioned something about checking the Honey Do List. Don't know how but the last of my coffee spilled on the note making it hard to read, so I didn't. Back out on the deck I don't see any rain falling and the sky is overcast but there is no wind. I am thinking maybe I should clean up the shop some and then head out and do some fishing this afternoon. I watched Duncan sitting at the garden and decide that sounds like a plan, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,202,055}


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Well, I didn't go fishing and it was by choice. I was getting ready to load up the Puddle Humper when the wind changed and the leaves on the trees started to sway some. A few rain drops fell and I headed to the deck swing to sit it out and see what was going to happen. Some more rain fell and soon the deck was wet and Bud climbed up on the swing with me and kind of pined me in. It has been awhile since he has sat on the swing with me, usually Duncan sits alongside me but he was in the cabin and the wife was baking cookies, Duncan's favorites I am sure. So I sat on the swing with Bud half in my lap and I watched the rain drops fall and I petted Bud along his broad back, I would tease him by tugging on his ear some and he would nuzzle me back. The shower slowed then stop but Bud didn't make an effort to get off the swing and so the two of us just sat there like a couple of old men.

After awhile Bud fell asleep but I kept rocking the swing nice an slow just pushing back and forth with my feet on the deck. One arm on the arm rest and the other resting on Bud's back. I could feel the rising and falling of his breathing and I ran my fingers in his hair like dog owners do. I ended up with my fingers resting in the deep folds of hair that cover his neck and I could feel him move closer to me in approval or he just didn't want me to move. The rain started up again but it was just another brief shower and it ended before it had a chance to even get the deck any wetter. I heard a tap on window glass and saw the wife standing at the back door with cookies and a glass of milk, Duncan standing at her side. I shook my head no and she turned back into the cabin and I stayed where I was with Bud warm against me. I must have fallen asleep myself as a while later Bud stirred and we both managed to get off the swing and make a few adjustments so we could stand straight and walk.

Bud stood at the edge of the deck that faces the lake and I looked at the Puddle Humper. Bud gave me a low little bark and I looked back to him as he stepped down the first step and looked back at me over his shoulder. I don't know why but somehow I just got this feeling that I was suppose to be making a decision here. Go fishing or go with Bud, most decisions take longer to write about then it does to make them and in that moment I decided to follow Bud and so I did.

Bud waddled down to the lake as he is old and only saves what passes as running for him to special occasions. I suppose if you were standing on the deck watching the two of us head to the lake we would both be waddling as I to save running for only special occasions. I stuck my hands in my pockets and I acted like a tourist with Bud as my guide. We went down to the water's edge and Bud took a couple of licks of water and looked up at me as to tell me it is OK to drink, I decided to pass. Up on the old dock where we both stood for awhile looking out at the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Normally I would be the one to turn away first and would call Bud to follow me but this was different and we both seem to know it. Bud sat on the end of the dock and just looked out and I sat down on the bench and tried to see what he was seeing.

I spent some time following Bud around, hands back in my pockets we walked the shore and I had more interest then he did in a frog that jumped into the high grass. We came back up from the lake on the edge of the woods, we walked slow and stopped a few times to look at trees or for reasons I didn't know. We climbed the deck stairs and Bud needed help getting onto the swing, I sat along side of him and rested my hand on his back. He pressed against me and I just said "Thanks for the walk, old man" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,204,135}

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No grand kids here today and I have to do morning chores. Which means I am watering the flower gardens and flowers that are in hanging pots all over the place. Number two grandson is correct in telling his grandma to stop buying and hanging more pots up. Kids were here for the weekend and they got to have some fun at least for them. I have a shed that is in need of a roof and a better door. The shed is just kind of a catch all and an eyesore so I gave them the green light to take it apart. They hit the wood shop and found hard hats, gloves and flat bars. Add hammers and cats paws they headed to the shed like an angry mob. I was missing number two grandson till I saw him dragging a sledge hammer through the grass and I then had second thoughts about letting them dismantle the shed.

The shed had already been emptied and everything put on a trailer and moved out of the way. Instructions were given that I wanted to save not totally destroy the shed. This changed the way the kids went at the shed and now they had to work as a fine polished team together to pull the plywood walls apart. Well, that is how I was hoping it was going to happen but it is more fun to try and drive a nail through the wall with a sledgehammer then it is to pull it out with a hammer. With some help from me after the afternoon was done the walls were down and the wood sorted into burn or save piles. What was to be a remodel job has turned into a total rebuild job and I went around the shop and cabin looking for some windows and 2x4's. Today finds the kids all gone and a warning from my number two granddaughter that I can't stain the new shed till she OK's the color. I told her she can fight with her grandmother over the color.

Yesterday I did make a new base for the shed and leveled it up and today I can start to frame up some new walls. Of course I had to run down to the General Store as no sooner did I take my impulse nailer out of the box to discover the battery charger was shot. I guess after ten years it can wear out but I don't know how things seem to break when you are not using them. I was greeted by Big Earl at the door and told him my problem he sent me to see Junior in the tool aisle. Junior said they had a charger, it was of course the last one. After trying to sell me nails, which I have plenty of Junior was distracted by another customer. I headed to the front counter but had my arm grabbed by Nancy, Steve's wife who wanted to know how the Resort was going and if we had any openings for Labor Day.

Finally at the front counter I had to sample some of Barb the cashiers raspberry sheet cake and we both tried to find out the other's berry picking patch. The new battery charger was written down in the ledger and I shook hands with Big Earl as I headed to the Tahoe. Riding shotgun with me was Barney who does not like to leave the dock when it is this nice out but he had followed me out to the truck and I yelled at the wife I was taking him with. Barney prefers to sit straight in the passenger seat and looks forward through the windshield. From time to time he might look out the side window but I think he just likes to feel the truck on the road. What he does do that annoys me from time to time is he will paw at the radio and change channels on me. He does not like talk radio as he would rather listen to music.

No fishing to report on, got this shed to build and then the mother in law's garage needs to be painted. Don't know how I got wrangled into that I was hoping she would forget but I think the wife keeps reminding her. Good week weather wise so maybe I might get the shed knocked off and it will give me some time to think of an excuse for not painting the garage. If I can get a little rain here I can blame the weather and go fishing instead, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,208,209}

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Got to sleep in late yesterday morning, at least for me. Didn't get any more sleep it was just that I went to bed so late. Spent most of the day working on the shed and realize how much I depend on having the grand kids around. Seems all I did was spent the day walking to get something. Hammer left there, tape measure over there, lost the pencil in the grass and had to go into the cabin and find another one, sharpen it go back outside step on the pencil I dropped, break it, bend down to pick up the pencil have the other pencil drop to the ground from behind my ear. Have Duncan swoop in, grab the pencil and run off with it. I sure did seem to spend a lot of time just going to get stuff. Having an extra pair or two of hands even if they are little ones sure does seem to help.

After working on the shed and getting a couple of walls up I got some cross bracing up and decide I had done enough for the day. Then I had to haul tools and saws back to the shop and more walking was done. The wife came home from work and found me sitting on the deck sharpening pencils with my pocket knife for the next day. She gave the shed a glance and said something about progress and winter is not that far off. Phone rang and it was Andy, Mindy and Mandy's brother asking if I was going to be at the Lodge that night. Looking at the wife who I was sure listening I told him I would make a point of it. Took the sharpen pencils out to the wood shop where I pushed them into a piece of Styrofoam and then sprayed painted them florescence pink, should make then easier to find. While they were drying I took the path over to Chuck's to check on progress.

For the past few days Chuck has been moving dirt, about two hundred yards of dredging from the newly improved ditch along his property. The old bucket on the tractor has been banging away working on moving the dirt to the far end of his yard and down some of the trails he built last fall. New culvert is in and Frank the plow driver just finished grading the road that morning. Chuck is now daring it to rain but it has been sunny skies the past few days. Chuck sees me coming and drops the bucket and turns off the tractor. Ear plugs come out and we exchange HIYA's

"I'm heading to the Lodge for a cold one, interested?" I ask. Chuck just nods yes and climbs down from the tractor, He yells over his shoulder about getting his wallet and walks towards his cabin like someone who has been riding a horse all day. I smile and head back to my cabin I feel like I have been on a tractor all day. A little while later we are sitting on the wicker couch of the Lodge with pillows under our rumps. Andy is filling up one of the old wood chairs telling us stories about working the county fair circuit. Elmer, Marv and Arlo show up and no sooner do they join our little group then Hammering Hank and Skinny along with Vic show up. Vic with a beer mug in hand comes over and ask if it has started yet?

I speak up and say that you have already missed a couple of hours of stories, and Vic just shakes his head and says "No the meteor shower" I kind of knew about the shower but had forgotten and we took our drinks and headed out to the deck. We faced the Southeast and no sooner did we get settled in and a bright streak blaze across the sky. Andy said "I have something just perfect for this, I'll be right back." A few minutes later Andy returned with an old Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer jug and told Vic to take a pull on it. Vic lifted the jug resting on his forearm and took a deep sip, I think he was expecting root beer but the jug held shine we were told from one of the southern counties that Andy had worked. To his credit Vic just whispered one word "Smooth" and with his eyes watering he passed the jug over to Arlo. The jug made it to me and I took a good pull as everyone was watching. I think I might have seen several meteors all at the same time as my eyes seem to get spots as the shine went past my lips. I tried to say it was good stuff but the old guys were just laughing. That's my excuse for sleeping in late as we stayed up late sipping shine, trading stories and watching meteorites, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,210,510}

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Good progress on the shed so I am going fishing this afternoon. Don't want to have the wife think that I am going to just keep working on it everyday till it is done, a guy has to learn how to pace himself. My neighbor Chuck next door has moved just about all two hundred yards of dirt and when I mentioned that I was going to go fishing today he agreed it was a good idea. Well since he has his new old boat we thought that maybe we should go fishing together, he in his boat and me in the Puddle Humper. Last night we were relaxing at the Resort sitting in the main room and looking at the progress of the new wall map that the town's artist Katrina, was painting on the wall that only had a coat rack which we removed. The newly commission map when done will feature Lake Iwanttobethere in the center and a ton of local lakes that surround it. I had seen a map like this done before, an old friend had a wall in his cabin done of his area and then made it part of his bucket list to fish every lake on the map, when he was done fishing a lake he would then paint it blue other wise it was just white.

The map was not finished as he past before he could fish all the lakes but I thought a map like that would look good here at the Resort and the others agreed. So we were looking at the map and talking about the lakes when we spotted a lake that neither one of us had fished. Since we were looking for a lake to fish and bring separate boats, well it didn't take long and it turned into a challenge. Later this afternoon we will hook trailers to trucks and head out to fish, and have ourselves a little fishing contest. Will also be a good way for us to cover twice as much water and see if we have another bass lake we can add to our list.

I think the calendar and the weather have also finally synched up. Temperatures in the upper seventies low eighties, county fair is going on and the garden is starting to produce tomatoes and cucumbers for the table. Saturday we are all heading to the fair for the day, grand kids included. Treat is on me for them helping with the shed and it also gives me an excuse to sample cotton candy, kettle korn and what ever is the new thing to deep fry. Of course a visit to the micro brew beer tent will be in order later in the evening when the wife will take kids to ride some more rides. When the sun goes down the kids will start to clear out and like we do every year we will go and bribe the bumper car attendant to look the other way as a few of us guys will have a little race of our own.

School is just a few weeks away and summer suddenly has reached the other side of the mountain and is falling away. Fall is not too far away and I might even miss having the grand kids around during the day. I must be getting good at this watching kids stuff as the daughter has asked me to watch the newborn next week. It will only be for an hour but I am thinking it is a test for me. Has been awhile since I had to change diapers and make a bottle but I think I can handle it. When the new granddaughter has come over for a visit Duncan is totally focused on her. I don't think he knows what to make out of this little thing in blankets that gets so much attention from everyone.

Well the sprinkler is on and flower pots have been watered. Gardens checked and yard picked up. I could run the mower but I think I will let that sit. No rain in the forecast till next week so I am not worried about the new shed roof, it can wait till Sunday. Fishing this afternoon, County Fair tomorrow, good time to visit Lake Iwanttobethere {1,213,068}

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Funny how just a simply thing can make an evening of fishing so much better, yesterday I had one of those simple things make my fishing so much better, no flies! My neighbor Chuck and myself made the trip to a lake that neither one of us had ever been on before and when we arrived at the landing we were impressed. All kinds of parking and a deep access which meant that neither one of us had to get wet. A little trouble finding the place as the access road was not marked and when I fired up my graph the lake didn't show up on my lake map chip, but then again Lake Iwanttobethere is not on the chip either. A flip of a coin and Chuck took the North shore and I took the South shore. The lake is long and narrow and most of the time we could shout across the water to let one another know when we caught a fish or missed one.

As luck would have it the 3-5 mile winds quickly picked up to ten from out of the South and while I had relatively calm water to fish Chuck was having to deal with the wind. Well he did pick the North shore so I might have mentioned, OK I rubbed it in a few times as I watched him fight the wind. It took us four hours to fish down the lake till we ended up meeting in a quiet bay. We both had stories to tell of fish that we didn't hook and the three eagles that kept flying from one side of the lake to the other and then back again. I came around a little bay and was so intent on fishing that I didn't see the eagle that was in a tree right there. I didn't have my video camera handy and I heard the wings slap together when the bird launched itself from a tree limb and took flight almost over my head. You don't realize how big these birds are till you have them right over head close enough to look them in the eye.

With the sun getting low in the trees we ate a sandwich and decided to make the run back to the bay where the landing was and get a few more casts in. Of course we had to race and all I will say is that the younger twenty-five year old boat beat the twenty-eight year old boat. Fishing the access bay was a good choice as we switched shore lines and between us we caught five more fish and I caught a rock bass that was guarding a stump fifty feet from shore. Which brings me back to the flies, there was none to be seen, swatted or cursed about. A few skeeters at the landing but they didn't show up till we already had the boats on the trailers and cigars lit to keep them away. Checking our little note books we landed twenty-six bass and four northerns, not bad for a first time scouting trip, we are going to pencil in the lake for another visit this fall, on a weekday as we forgot all about it being a Friday and there were some other fishermen out on the water with us.

Not many docks or cabins on the lake as there is mostly farmland surrounding the lake. On my way in I took a picture of a field covered in hay rounds, someone has their work ahead of them moving all of them. Today finds the winds blowing briskly and the bass thermometers red needle is hovering around the eight-five degree mark. Grand kids have already headed off to the county fair and me and grandma will relieve their parents for the second shift later this afternoon. With any luck the kids will have had their fill of rides and cotton candy by the time their parents come to get them later in the evening. I have been working on the shed the past few days and after a dose of more sun yesterday fishing the idea of sitting in the cabin with the a/c on is very inviting. Sunshine Ray is taking the credit for the next week of warm weather but Stormy Clearweather is calling for a few days of rain to be mixed in. I figure I still have plenty of time to put on a roof between now and then. With the corn growing taller and the fish jumping have a good weekend from here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,214,333}


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Hot and muggy is today's forecast and it looks like a good day to do one of two things. I'll give ya a hint, neither one of them has anything to do with working. I figure I can read a book in front of the a/c or I can grab the little rod and head to the trout stream and do a little wading and fish for some of them small tasty little dudes. Since it is going to be a muggy one out today and it is going to feel like I am walking around in water I might as well just go do that. As you can see I am leaning towards the fishing instead of sitting today. Arlo let it slip out where he has been fishing by the Resort, a small stream that is hidden away and he says he has seen no one else on it except the occasional deer at the waters edge drinking. I have a couple dozen crawlers tucked away just for a day like today.

Yesterday was a work day, with rain in the forecast for today I had to get a roof on the shed. With the daughters help we got the rafters on and sheeted. A layer of roofing paper was put down with a lot of extra staples and it should be OK till I can shingle it. Chuck came over to check it out and told me the shed looks like a deer stand on the ground. Lot of old weathered wood and I still have the windows to put in. After I side it and stain it will be a good looking deer stand I told him. County Fair was a hoot to use one of Elmers favorite sayings. I have had my fill of deep fried hot dogs and cotton candy for awhile. Feet were sore from walking on the hot blacktop and somehow I got roped into going through the chicken barn with Chuck. Chuck raises chickens so we had to go check out the hens. It was not till we were halfway through the building that I noticed Chuck was trying to impress a lady chicken judge with his hen knowledge. I sure do hate it when I am someone's wing man.

Too hot to do any outside painting so I told the mother in law it will have to cool down some before I can get to her garage. She nodded and said something about that she had already figured that out. Could use the rain though, I was checking the corn this morning and the ground is hard but the corn is doing well, maybe a week of hot weather will be good for the garden. Speaking of garden I was at the beer garden and ran into the Fellows who just happen to be sitting around the largest table. They waved me over and I sat down and asked what that evening's conversation was about. "Tobacco" Steve replied, we are thinking of growing tobacco. I then listen in on how the guys were talking to a few farmers over in the horse building about how they are growing tobacco in a section of their pastures. With the price of smokes these days growing your own sounds like something that the Fellows would be interested in. After all they did have some experience growing crops in fields when they were younger.

I listen in as they talked about growing tobacco and how horse pasture is rich in the kind of special dirt that tobacco needs. I was thinking to myself that my neighbor Chuck has horses and maybe we should see about planting a few plants ourselves. After all making cigars can't be that hard, one just needs to experiment some I am guessing. I left the tent with the idea tucked away for next spring. Time to get the brown bag lunch from the fridge and head out to the Resort. Duncan is resting at my feet and I think I will take him with. Barney and Bud are already sleeping in front of the a/c and I am just going to leave the old dogs where they are. I'll be thinking of you when I am wading through knee deep cool water probably getting eating alive by skeeters, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,216,596}

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Getting through the night is sometimes worse than getting through a hot day. Two days of hot weather here at Lake Iwanttobethere has the hum of a/c units echoing across the still waters of the lake. It's after one in the morning here and the red needle on the bass thermometer hanging on the siding of the cabin rests at eight-two degrees. I know this because I can clearly see the thermometer in the light of the blue moon that is high in the sky. Matter of fact it is so bright out that we don't even need any lanterns as we sit around a small fire glowing in the fire pit. Too warm to sit in the cabin let alone try to sleep so we are sitting around the fire and enjoying the evening. By we I am referring to Elmer and Chuck who both spotted my fire and wandered over to sit a spell. Elmer came over with his fogger and laid down a fog bank that would have hid a tank and a squad of troops. When the fog lifted there was not a skeeter to be seen, heard or swatted at.

Chuck came over with a cooler and a few bottles of Hamms could be heard clinking around in the ice water. We moved wood chairs down from the deck to the fire ring and soon we were sitting back and watching sparks float skyward. I ran a cord from the wall outlet and we plugged in a radio and spent some time listening to a distant baseball game. Didn't matter who was playing, just the sound of a ball game and the crack of a bat seem to be the proper thing to be listening to on a night like tonight. Around midnight the wife open the back door a crack and all three dogs walked out on the deck and then scattered to the grass. One by one they found their way to the fire and soon each of us had a dog at our feet, snoring. The light went on in the back bedroom and a minute later it went back off, Chuck said "I guess the wife is not going to join us" and I nodded and took a sip of my beer.

Not too often here at the Lake do we get temperatures in the low nineties like the past few days, The high humidity is the real kicker as it makes the heat feel even hotter and hard to find relief. No work was done on the shed, no way was I going to go up and try and put a roof on. I did go out for awhile and do an inventory on wood to see if I had enough to build my shelf's inside but after about fifteen minutes my tee shirt was dripping wet and I felt like I was back in high school doing two a day football practices. I just walked down to the shore and kept walking out into the water till I floated. That felt good but you can only stay in the water so long and when I came out I sat on the dock and didn't dry off, the humidity was just too high.

All three dogs and all three cats have taken over the master bedroom, the only room with a/c and they refused to give up the bed or the space in front of the a/c unit. I think the wife had tricked the dogs into coming outside so she could get in the bed. Baseball game ended and someone won, we didn't care as we never were listening that close to find out who was playing. We left it on the same channel and after the post game it went to some talk radio where they were talking about area 51 and the government finally admitting that it existed. From there it went to talk of aliens and abductions, you know the typical late night/early morning talk radio stuff.

Chuck's beer was gone but Elmer had a few bottles in his fridge and he went back to the cabin and returned with them and a half a tray of ice. With the fire nothing but coals we adjusted our chairs to face the North as Stormy Clearweather said there is a good chance of some Northern Lights tonight. I have the lap top out and I thought I would jot the moment down to share, it's too hot to sleep here at Lake Iwanttobethere tonight. {1,218,517}

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Nice morning this morning, bass thermometer says it is sixty-five out and the cabin one inside says sixty-six, nice sleeping weather. Some more hot weather on it's way, a couple of more eighty degree days and then some nineties again but the nights will cool down. I have closed all the windows and pulled the shades, see how long I can keep the cabin cool and the dogs comfortable. Today is my 722nd birthday and I of course will be down at the Lodge to celebrate. Having a birthday is always an excuse for someone to buy a round or two and a lot of times the tourists will get wrapped up in the birthday thing and buy a few drinks to. Just good for business as we say. I did go trout fishing the other day as planned, I fail to mention it as I didn't catch a thing. I think Arlo sent me to the wrong creek as he was not surprised I didn't catch anything. But it was not a total loss as the water was cool and surprisingly there were but a few bugs, that should have been a clue there would be no fish.

Since it was too hot to work out yesterday I headed to the Resort to put my feet up and enjoy the a/c that we have in the Club House. Pretty much everyone had the same idea as all the co-owners were there. We decided to have a meeting and gathered around the Great Table and went over our to do list and started talking about winter. Kind of strange but when you think about it in the dead of winter we talk all the time about warm summer days. Hammering Hank has been in charge of fire wood and has been working on bring in down trees found on the property. We have a pretty decent wood pile going and we should add to it as fall arrives and we spend more time in the woods. Hank also brought up that we have at least three coveys of grouse on the property and Duncan's ears perked up at that.

Vic reported that it has been slow but yet still steady in the bar and bait shop. Just when you think you can go take a nap someone will show up looking for minnows or want to hang their hat and have a soda or beer. We have three of the cabins open and booked or maybe we better say "Spoken for" till mid September. The Fellows have asked if they could winter over their camping spot, I think they just don't want to have to move the camper back to Gary's place. Marv got up during the meeting but came back shortly with a platter of egg salad sandwiches on fresh Kaiser rolls. A big salad bowl was also brought out filled with radishes, onions, carrots, sliced cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, the only thing store bought was the lettuce as everything was fresh from the garden here at the Resort. Between mouthfuls of sandwich Vic said the corn is still a few weeks away as are the potatoes, Home made French fries are going to taste good come this fall.

Talk continued around the table and it was brought up that maybe we should have a grand opening or maybe not. We for the most part agreed we are as busy around the place as we want to be. For our first summer we have gotten a lot done and knowing that we have grouse about fall might be just the time for all of us to sit back and enjoy the Resort ourselves. Some bird hunting, a little fishing. Spending time on the deck, sipping beer from our own keg, smoking cigars and not having to drive home at the end of the night is kind of why we all bought the place. As Skinny says it is kind of just like home, where else can you drink half a beer, leave it on the table and come back the next morning to finish it! From Lake Iwanttobethere {1,220,862}

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Back at the cabin after a morning in the quiet town of Lake Iwanttobethere. On the drive into town the Tahoe thermometer said it was only fifty-seven but I had the window rolled down anyway. I enjoyed the cool breeze and stuck my hand out the window a few times deflecting the air into the cab. By two the temperature had climbed to eighty and Stormy Clearweather on KCUM radio said that should be as high as it goes. I was listening to the morning show on the ride in as I had heard they were having a ventriloquist on but I can't tell you if he was any good or not, since it was radio. I knew we had not received any rain for awhile but I was surprised to hear that Stormy was reporting that we have reached the drought stage. Good thing we had a wet spring as I have not noticed the Lake down that much. At the Resort we still have a few sections of grass that need to get mowed every week. Can't see where the drought has effected the grass growing. Maybe I need to trade mowing sections with one of the other guys.

We are getting July weather here in the late end of August, more heat coming and just a slight chance of rain. After listening to the drought report I did notice that the arrow on the fire danger sign was on high and the Skeeter sign arrow was low. Also a lot of dragon flies are around and spiders have suddenly appeared everywhere. About the only thing that is on time is the hornets which seem to be hovering everywhere. I drove by Burt's Barbershop and I saw he had an empty chair, I parked and made my way in to the shop and saw that I was the only one there. Burt came out from the back room sporting his softball team shirt that he sponsors. Across the shirt the team motto is printed "If you don't move, you can't get hurt" as you might guess it is a senior softball league.

With a wave he ushered me into the chair and with a swirl and flair the pinstriped table cloth was draped on me. I know it is not really a tablecloth but I don't know what the barber industry calls it. I told him to give me about five dollars worth and a minute later he was brushing the cut hair off my shoulders. Best thing about the quick haircut is we never got to the question and answer part. I didn't have to answer the Hot enough for ya, how about them deadbeat baseball players or is Honey Sauce down at the Lodge seeing anybody? I gave Burt his five dollars and told him his next beer at the Lodge is on me. Burt palmed the five dollar bill and offered me some scented water from the ledge behind his barber chair, I declined and watched as Burt splashed a few drops on his hand and slapped his face on both sides with it, He then took a sip before putting it back on the ledge and turned to give me a big smile. I just waved and said "Later"

A stop at the General Store was made, Big Earl had paint brushes on sale and I bought two. Drugstore for shampoo and Gas-N-Go for a fill before the price goes up again. Next stop was Diggers Garden Center where I chatted with the daughter as she watered shrubs and then I thought about going across the road and hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range. I have not golfed once this summer and I thought about Burt's softball team motto, Hitting golf balls sounds like a good way of getting hurt so I turned towards home instead. I pulled up to the garage and Duncan was there to greet me. Barney and Bud were on the deck watching but not making any effort to come see me. I gathered up the bags but gave Duncan the two paint brushes with instructions to take them to the shop. Duncan headed that way with the brushes in his mouth and tail wagging. I made my way up on the deck and petted the old dogs and waited for Duncan to return. Duncan came back with one brush in his mouth, I shook my head and pointed at the shop and told Duncan "Both brushes" dang dog, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,222,893}


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Even if I wanted to I could not write today's report without talking about the weather. Only those living in a North Dakota missile silo are not going to be effected today. It was supposed to cool down overnight so said Stormy Clearweather but she missed that forecast. I had the whole cabin attic fan running on high all night figuring I would pull in all that free cool night air and then this morning pull all the shades and close the windows tight. I got up at seven and it was eighty degrees outside and eighty degrees inside. Reason I was up was I had to run down to the landing and pick up Chuck and his brother in law. Late last night I pulled their boat down to the landing and they were going to spend the night fishing, walleye fishing. I helped launch the boat and then pulled the trailer back here, they did not want to leave the trailer at the landing overnight. Chuck's brother in law is not from around here and even though we told him his rig would be fine he didn't want to leave it.

I was alone on the drive in, not even Duncan wanted to leave the cabin and the one room where the a/c was running. I figured the guys would be in no rush to get off the water so I took my time driving to the landing, in some places I drove at a grouse hunter's pace. Some wind was blowing so that is good well at least until it gets hot out then the wind will make what is forecasted to be ninety-five degrees feel like a blast furnace. As I got closer to town I noticed how quiet it was, even for a silent Sunday. Just outside of town I came up on a runner, well actually a jogger. I was going slow so I just slowed down some more. The jogger was running, I mean jogging down the center of the road. I was figuring he would hear the squeaking of the trailer and move over to one side but he just kept jogging.

I figured he was a tourist here for the week, I don't know anyone that is that healthy here at the lake that they would be running on a Sunday in the heat and high humidity. Also I think his clothes gave him away. We all know that when you are golfing you can get away with any clothing combo you want. Checks and plaids and stripes and bright colors like what a clown would keep in his closet. If it extremely hot I guess you can go running in any combo to. I suppose it was good that he looked like a peacock, he sure did stand out running er jogging down the middle of the road. I could just not figure out why he was wearing gloves. I trailed behind him waiting for him to move to the side or at least look over his shoulder. After a few minutes I did what anyone else would do here at Lake Iwanttobethere, no I didn't lay on the horn and pass him. I didn't leave him buried in a dust cloud or give him a one finger greeting. I just pulled back a little further turned on my four ways and escorted him into town.

Just as we entered Main Street he veered off on to the sidewalk and only then did he notice me behind him. He gave me a slow nod of his head and looked away, I just shook my head and gave the Dodge some gas. Well, I guess I was wrong, the guys did want to get off the water, Make a short story short they didn't catch any fish, it didn't cool down, they ran out of bug spray and they were waiting on the dock for the trailer. I turned around got the trailer wet and the boat was on like it was being timed. We were just pulling out when the jogger appeared blocking the ramp. He pulled ear buds out and running, er jogging in place he asked where the nearest drinking water was located. Chuck stated to point up the hill to the Lodge when I interrupted. "Are you looking for ice cold spring water" and the jogger asked "Is it free" I smiled and said "You bet, all you can drink, just over that rise there, stay on the running path" the jogger put the ear buds back in and just gave me that curt little nod of his. He ran down er jogged down the lakes four wheeler trail and soon was out of sight in the brush covered skeeter infested underbrush. Chuck looked at me and said "It's five miles to the spring there Bobby" I put the Dodge in gear and replied, "Yup, I know that" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,225,535}

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I drank a lot of water yesterday with good reason. According to Sunshine Ray the high temp for the day was 95.2 and with the humidity it felt like 104 I am not going to argue his numbers. Whenever the temperature is so high it sounds like a FM radio station it is too hot for me. The afternoon was spent sitting on the deck with the sprinkler on. Every few seconds the water would fall from the sky like a gift before heading to the other side of the deck. All the dogs were on the deck and after a few passes they too started to follow the falling water with their eyes, too hot to chase the raindrops.

I sat in one of the wood chairs with a hat on, it was to keep the water out of my eyes. Elmer came over and seeing where I was sitting he joined me. Took a few minutes but soon his bibs were dripping wet and he started up with the stories of how when he was a kid every summer day was just like today. Chuck was next to show up, he had tried to get some sleep after staying up all night but it was too hot in his cabin. He came over with a jug of lemonade and I got up and fetched us glasses. Just too hot to drink beer, it would be a waste of good beer so we sipped on lemonade. We sat on the deck and got wet, it was refreshing and better than going in the cabin. The wife came out and asked what us fools were doing sitting like kids in a sprinkler. When the water went to the other side of the deck I looked up and told her that I "Have a condition" she just shook her head and went back inside, no doubt to sit in front of the a/c

As we took turns talking I told Elmer about the jogger and Elmer shaking his head said "He must be from that small town north of here" "Which one is that" I asked. Elmer ducking his head said " He must be from Nowhere" I nodded my head, "Yup, he sure did just come out of Nowhere" Chuck jumped in with "I used to date a gal just down the road from Nowhere. She worked in Obscurity for many years." I nodded my head and waiting for the next sprinkler pass to pass. 'I think I remember her, didn't she use to have a cabin right in the middle of Nowhere?" "No, No " Chuck replied " Her cabin was Nowhere in particular" All of us lowered our heads as the next pass of the sprinkler went over our heads. I think the Fellows get a lot of ideas from out of Nowhere, at least that is what they say when I ask them.

By four in the afternoon the wind started to pick up and we lost a couple of degrees. We had turned the sprinkler off and now just sat with our feet in the kiddy pool. From time to time one of the dogs would walk through the pool or in Duncan's case just sit down in it. Sunshine Ray was on the radio giving us live reports of what was going on at the Lake Iwanttobethere swimming hole and also keeping us up to date on a jogger found along the Lake Iwanttobethere beach. Chuck and I both looked each other in the eye over the watermelon slices we were eating at the time and kind of shrug our shoulders. Ray went on to say there is still a chance of rain later in the day and all three of us looked up at the blue cloudless sky and Elmer said " It is going to have to come from out of Nowhere" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,227,410}

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We got some rain last night, a few showers and a few rumbles from distant lightning. I was reading in the den after watching some TV when the phone rang late. I am sure many of you know that I do like thunderstorms and have been known to take a drive to get in the path of a good one. Well last night a friend of mine who lives an hour drive west of me called to tell me he was in the middle of a doozy thunderstorm and it was heading at me here at the lake. I moved a few books on the bookcase to reveal a hidden cigar I had placed there just for a good reason like a thunderstorm to smoke.

I made my way out onto the deck and moved the covered swing so it was facing the lake. Across Lake Iwanttobethere I could see the storm coming but it was still far away and not much of a light show. Matter of fact it was kind of like sitting in a movie theater waiting for the feature film. Some soft glows in the clouds and a few quiet booms like what you would hear if someone was shooting fireworks the next town over. A little rain was falling and you could almost hear the individual drops as they splattered on the wood of the deck. Duncan was sitting at the glass storm door and watching me so I got up and let him outside. He ran in the rain for a few minutes before shaking himself at my feet and then jumping up on the swing to lie with his head in my lap.

With an ashtray close at hand I put flame to the cigar and puffed on it till I had a nice red glow. I blew smoke out and watched the slight wind sweep it away. I had left my shoes inside at the door because I knew they were going to get wet and sure enough it did not take long for my feet to get wet from the rain that was splashing on the deck. A long rolling boom came from across the lake as the storm marched closer. Duncan moved but only to snuggle up closer, the noise does not bother him as he has been sitting on the swing during rain storms since he was a pup. The glow in the sky started to become sharper, harsher streaks of light. There are many reasons to live out in the country and one of my favorites is the lack of light out here. No street lights so when it is dark out here it is dark, I had turned off the motion lights when I came out and now the lightning was close enough and bright enough to light up the night.

The storm was on the other side of the lake and the wind suddenly picked up. My ash tray was blown clean of ashes and one of the grand kids plastic deck chairs flipped over and fell off the edge of the deck. The air felt like it dropped ten degrees and I had a little shiver, I was thinking to myself this should be a good downpour and so I waited for the rain. The lightning picked up its pace and keeping in the movie theme it now looked like it was a marquee at an old theater. The lightning chased itself across the sky quicker and quicker. The boom of thunder bounced off the water of the lake and you could feel it hit you in the chest. The wind died and then came the rain. A bright streak from Nowhere appeared and it was so bright it made me close my eyes. A second later I felt a boom that was so close it made me open them back up and the deck shook a little or so I thought. Another bright stab of light let me see the clock on the cabin wall and that is how I know it rained hard for the next five hundred seconds.

I had to cup the cigar in my hand as water fell hard from the sky, it hit the deck and bounced back upward. Rain rushed down the roof of the cabin like it was a waterfall, overwhelming the gutters and shooting out from the roof. Duncan sat up but stayed on the swing, leaning into me he looked at me like he wanted to make sure I was not missing any of this. We were both wet but we were both enjoying the storm. The rain kept falling and I was thinking of ways to describe it, I knew that I was going to write a report about it. The rain slowed then stopped, the lightning moved off and the thunder became softer in the distant. The water still fell from the roof but now it was just the sound of dripping and not like the sound of a rushing river. We gave the storm a few minutes but it was over. I stood up and Duncan jumped down off the swing and shook. I wish I could do that, shake, but I just made my way to the back door dripping water but feeling cool for the first time in several days, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,229,130}

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WOKE UP THIS MORNING to a low rumble in bed, I opened one eye and saw Bud with his head on my pillow, snoring. Then I heard the rumble again and looked at the cabin window where a few rain drops were chasing each other down the glass and the rumble was thunder. Not surprised as when I put the Puddle Humper in the boat house last night I had been chased by lightning in the sky. I had heard on the radio yesterday morning that we were going to have rain today so I decided to go fishing yesterday. The advantage of keeping fishing logs is that over time it can give you a good idea on where to go fishing. I checked the date in the data base and it told me I should go north young man and so I did.

I made a lunch and a few phone calls but everyone was busy doing chores between rain storms. Decided to go by myself and the wife told me to bring home fish for a change. Two hours later I was on the water fishing, about an hour and a half drive but when I fish alone I take my time getting rods ready and launching the Puddle Humper. Water was a warm eighty degrees but the air was even warmer as the thermometer said it was eighty-six in the shade and I tapped it to make sure it was working. The little lake is normally colder this time of year but as I set off down the shoreline I could hear the sound of sunfish snapping at the surface and that is always a good sign.

A few minutes later and I had my first bass in the boat along with a good chuck of weeds. The fish was released and I went on to miss two more fish in quick fashion. A northern launched himself at my buzzbait and fell back into the water with a splash. I'm thinking I picked the right lake to be fishing on. A few more northerns slashed at the buzzbait which I had decided was the right choice to use. I had a brief hook up and could see a thirty plus inch fish in the clear water. It had come rocketing out from some Lilly pads and I just happen to be looking at the right spot at the right time. Fight was brief and I lost it, the buzzbait came back to the boat and looked a little worse for wear. I replaced the trailer and straighten the hook, declared the tattered skirt was still good for a few more throws.

Wind came up a tad, not much but enough to keep the skeeters away, matter of fact I had seen very little of the blood thirsty devils. An eagle flew off in the distance and I heard a loon call from time to time. I never saw anyone else on the little lake the entire time I was there, it is not exactly a busy place. Places that should hold fish didn't and I soon changed tactic's going to the run and gun approach. The bait of choice was still the buzzbait but now I was covering water in forty yard sprints. I worked my way down the shore with the trolling motor on high and when I stopped I would fling the buzzbait as far as I could ahead of me. Make two or sometimes three casts before moving down the shore again. Just as the sun was settling into the trees I found the bass.

Another thirty plus inch northern went airborne and I felt his weight on the line, I thought I got a good hook set in but he went one way and the lure another. Buzzbait back at the boat I replaced the five inch grub that had lost its tail and deemed the lure still useable. Another dash down the shore and on the second cast this time I hooked up with a stout bass of sixteen inches. It fought all the way to the boat before getting her picture taken and released. For the next thrifty minutes I caught some fish, I lost some fish and the skeeters discovered I was on the lake. Humidity rose and I was dripping, don't know if it was from the fishing or the heat but I was breaking a sweat. Finally I declared "Last Cast" and fired off one towards a reed point. Halfway back to the boat I saw off to the side a bulge in the water that turned into a vee wake and the race was on. I reeled in the buzzbait moving just quick enough for it to keep the blade twirling watching the vee wake coming in at an angle. The bait reached the boat and I did a figure eight but the fish didn't bite and the wake spread out and disappeared in the quiet water. I started up the big motor and headed for the landing. Put on the rubber boots to keep the skeeters off my legs and I loaded the Puddle Humper and cleaned her of a lot of weeds that had fallen to the carpet. With it dark I head down the dirt trail to the gravel road to the blacktop and off to home. Lightning flashed behind me but I made it home before the rain fell, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,232,298}

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FRIDAY NIGHT HERE at the Lodge and it is quiet in the place, kind of unusual for a holiday weekend. Of course there is always a new crowd of tourist here at the lake but Friday nights are pretty much taken up with exploring the campground or resort that they are staying at. Kids go back to school next week and that is probably why on Labor Day weekend the tourists that are here are mostly adults. A few tourists have found their way to the Lodge having been here before or given directions by someone who has been here already. Somehow the Fellows managed to corner a few tourists to come and sit at the big round table, I am guessing the fee to sit with the guys is going to be a couple of pitchers of beer.

I am working the bar tonight as Gus has a night off and Honey has already left with Burt the barber of all people. I have the lap top up and running and I am spending some time looking over some e-mail and jotting some thoughts down from time to time. One of the tourists makes his way to the bar cradling two empty pitchers and he sets them down on the bar and asks for refills. Chuck is sitting at the bar working a crossword puzzle in the yellow light coming from the popcorn machine. I look at the tourist and say HIYA the tourist answers back with a Hello. As I fill the first pitcher I already know the guy is not from around here, but I ask anyway "You're not from around here eh!" The tourist shakes his head no and I just nod mine. Chuck looks up from his puzzle and asks "You here for the fishing?" The guy looks at Chuck and says "You Betcha" and I shake my head. Chuck points his pencil at the guy and says "What's your name?" The guy responds with "Phil" and I think to myself here we go.

Chuck moves down a stool and says "Phil you got a couple of minutes?" I already know what is going to happen and I tell Phil that I will get the pitchers over to the Fellows for him. Chuck goes on to say, "Phil I am in a pretty good mood tonight so I am going to give you some free advice that normally someone would have to buy me a couple of drinks for" Phil looks at me as I go around the bar with the pitchers and I just give him a wink. Phil, first off it is not "You Betcha" that is from that Fargo movie, it is just a simple "You Bet" as a matter of fact if you want to fit in here at Lake Iwanttobethere you only need a few words that will get you through any conversation with a local. The first one is if someone asks you a question that you don't know the answer too just reply "You Bet" if someone asks you something and you think you might know the answer but are not sure it is what they want to hear then just reply with "That's Different" and the third one is for when you don't really care what the answer is but don't want to get in an argument just simply say Whatever.

Phil took a stool and looked over his shoulder at his fishing partner and said "So them guys, I think you call them the Fellows, are they are just pulling our chain? Chuck who had picked his pencil up from the bar top just nodded his head yes. I came back around the bar and leaned up against the back bar and said "Of course there are a few more phrases that will make the Fellows think you were born here" and I picked up a square bottom beer mug and wiped the inside out with the white bar towel I had draped over my shoulder. Phil leaning over the bar top and whispered "I suppose those aren't free" Chuck and I locked eyes and smiled. "Nope those will cost you a drink for each of us from the top shelf"

"Done" Phil whispered. I turned and reached for the fifteen year old Wild Turkey and poured two fingers into two cut glasses with one ice cube in each. Chuck looking over his shoulder said to Phil with the next three phrases you can carry on a conversation with the Fellows. All you need to remember is if asked a questions answer with "Not too bad, Can't complain or Could be worse." Phil tossed money on the bar and whispered thanks. He then walked over and sat down with the Fellows. I raised my glass to Chuck and he raised his, we met in the middle and softly clinked the glasses together. "To Tourists" said Chuck, "To Tourists " I replied, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,234,748}

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ALMOST FEELS LIKE a silent Sunday around here today but then again it is Labor Day and in the true celebration of Labor Day I do not plan on doing anything. Yesterday we had a Lodge get together celebrating Labor Day a day early as a lot of the lodge members had plans of doing nothing today and setting up tables and chairs can be mistaken by others as work. We had a late afternoon get together which means we cracked open a keg of Hamms and the gathering was not done till the beer was gone. For food we had the normal fare here at Lake Iwanttobethere, Hot dish. Sometimes refereed to by others as a casserole but here at the Lake we go with hot dish.

We had several tables set up end to end in the main room of the Lodge with the big round table at the head. Hot dishes were then places on both sides of the tables so by the time you walked down one side of the tables and back up the other side you would have a chance at well over a hundred different hot dishes. The big round table held platters of rolls and biscuits and butter along with relish trays and open pickle's jars. Plates were filled with a variety of hot dishes and one tried to sample as many as one could. Now a hundred hot dishes may sound like a lot but I have it on good authority that we are barely scratching the surface as far as hot dishes go. Gus's wife told me there are over three thousand seven hundred and twenty kinds of hot dishes that you can prepare. She knows this as a fact because she has counted them all in her collection of Lutheran church cook books that go back over forty years.

While standing with my plate sampling several different hot dishes I was told by Gus's wife about the number of hot dishes. I was also told that dishes made with hamburger helper and rice a roni do not count as hot dishes, they have their own separate category and are usually a main meal in California or on the East coast. After the gathering the women cleaned up the tables and the men retired with beer and cigars out to the deck of the Lodge. The day was not real hot so the beer did not go real quick and we were able to enjoy several mugs each. When the sun started to dip low on the horizon we still had some beer left and there was now room to go back inside and sit. There were still several small groups of Lodge members and their wife's saying good bye out in the parking lot. After a get together like we had it usually is polite to start saying good-bye about an hour or so before you really plan on leaving.

Labor day for many is the end of summer and the start of fall, here at the lake we have been trying to move Labor day back a month so we can get more tourist to keep visiting. With the sun down Gus toss a match in the fireplace and soon flame was curling around some birch and a couple of pieces of maple. No one really told him not to do it and soon afterwards a few chairs were dragged across the floor making that scraping sound that wood on wood does. A half circle of chairs faced the flickering flames and dang if someone didn't rub their hands briskly against each other and then hold them palm facing the fire to feel the heat. Just like that summer may be over here at Lake Iwanttobethere. But not for me, I sat on the deck in my shorts and swatted at a sheeter, I am not ready to surrender summer just yet, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,238,184}

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Been busy the past few days, kind of got myself cornered into painting the mother in laws garage which I guess I had promised to do sometime. She is on vacation and left me a note with the keys to her house asking me to check up on the place and take in the mail while she is gone. Tuesday I went over as it is just a little out of my ways to the Lodge and found out that Mark the mail man already has a stop on her mail and there was no real reason for me to be there. I unlocked the kitchen door and went in to find three gallons of white paint for the garage and a gallon of primer with a note. The note said she will be back in a week and she would take kindly to finding the garage painted on her return. She had already talked with Sunshine Ray and he was forecasting no rain for the entire week so that should not be a factor. I am pretty sure the wife was totally aware of the project for me and when I came home she just smiled and had my painting clothes hanging on the clothes line drying.

Yesterday I got up to find a double brown paper bag lunch in the fridge and a note from the wife telling me to have a nice day. My bucket of paint brushes were sitting on the table and a assortment of paint scrapers and wire brushes, some of them which I have not seen for years. I mostly stain everything around the cabin. I went out and put the stuff in the Dodge and loaded the step ladders and a twenty footer. Got an extension cord and a radio and some tarps, the mother in law would surly complain if I got any paint on her grass. I was looking through the bucket seeing what the wife packed when Chuck came through the brush that separates his place from mine. He was closely followed by Echo his wonder dog and Lucky the duck. I guess for some seeing a small dog and a mallard walking or waddling, depending on who you were looking at might seem a little out of the ordinary. Not here at Lake Iwanttobethere, not a common sight but nothing that you would look at twice and so I didn't.

We had a brief conversation and it seemed that Chuck already knew about the painting job and if he didn't have work to do he would surly help me out with the project. I got in the Dodge and drove down the drive, made a right turn and passed Elmer who was at his mail box. I don't know why we still get mail delivery by boat to the dock but then I heard him say something about painting. Just someone else who wanted to rub it in I am guessing. I arrived at the in law's place and unloaded stuff, Open the garage doors and plugged in the radio. Pulled out a chair and stuck it in the shade and started to figured out a plan of attack. Every job should have a plan and my first order of business was I needed to find a helper or two. No grand kids, they were all back in school as of Thursday, maybe I could get the daughter to help. I went back into the kitchen to check over the paint hoping maybe she bought interior paint but no she bought the right stuff and I see Big Earl has initialed the stuff so he was in on it to.

I did find a note in the fridge saying the ice tea was for me and I could have the Twinkies in the cupboard but I was to eat the new ones not the old ones, she was collecting them. I open the cupboard and found a box of Twinkies unopened, didn't see any thing old about them so I tried a few and went back out to the garage and started scraping. Today I am still scraping and it has been two days. I don't think any one has painted the place since I did it with the wife, then my girlfriend Thirty-six years ago. Funny thing about painting, the sun just seems to follow you around. By four o'clock everyday I have to stop and drive to the Lodge for a beer just so I can keep hydrated. I would drink some of that ice tea but she didn't tell me which glass was OK to use. I hope to be done scraping and priming tomorrow, I have a little left to do on opposite sides of the garage, that way I figured I will be able to work in the shade, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,240,388}

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SATURDAY IS HERE and I am not going to the mother in laws today. What I should do is go fishing but Stormy Clearweather is calling for some good rain tomorrow night into Monday and I guess it is time to get the roof on the shed. The shed is ready for siding as I have house wrap on it and there is paper on the roof but now it is time to roof it, or maybe I will do that tomorrow. The mother in law's garage has been scraped and primed and it to is just waiting the perfect conditions for a coat of paint. I did have to go down and see Big Earl at the General Store and put some more primer on the mother in laws tab, the one gallon was not enough. Friday it got hot and muggy and it was all I could do to watch the daughter work. She had a few days off from Diggers so I managed to trade some of her time for a promise of some fall fishing.

By noon we were pretty much done and could have started painting but I decided that it could wait. Instead we had some sweet tea and a Twinkie, the daughter reached up into the cupboard after reading the note her grandmother left about the Twinkies. She took down a box and started to open it. I watched as I was sipping the sweet tea and told her that I already opened that box. She set the full box on the table and reaching up she open the cupboard next to the one she had just been in and pulled out another box of Twinkies. This one had several missing from it and the daughter looked over the two boxes and said you in trouble now! You have been eating the collectable Twinkies. I reached into the box and pulled one out and compared it to the ones from the new box, I couldn't tell the difference. I was already thinking of a plan, tomorrow after the football game I will take the grand kids for a ride, we will come over to great grandma's cabin where I will show off the primed garage and of course we will go inside and discover the Twinkies that Great Grandma left for us. She can't do anything about her own great grand children making a mistake and eating BOTH boxes of Twinkies.

After Labor Day and things of course do change around the lake this time of the year. My neighbor Chuck is off to a wedding this afternoon. It will be held in a barn and there will be dance afterwards. I was not invited but the wife was hinting that we should go anyway, them ladies sure do like to go to weddings invited or not. I of course told her I have all this work to do around the cabin since I have spent the better part of three days at her mothers. Duncan has been at my side all morning this morning, I think he is a little upset that I have not been around. That and there is the geese problem. The past few days about forty geese have moved their way down the shoreline and up on to our little beach before spreading out over the grass. Buddy and Barney pretty much ignore the geese but Duncan being young thinks he has to run them off. His first skirmish was with just one honker who flared her wings and stood her ground. Buddy came off the deck to see what all the noise was about and ran as best as he could straight at the goose who turned and headed for water.

Bud kind of gave Duncan the "That's how you do it look" and then headed back to the deck and the sun warmed boards. A little while later three geese hit the beech and Duncan ran down to run them off, a moment later Duncan was the one running back up the hill with the geese in pursuit. Buddy and Barney stood up on the deck and with the odds even again the three geese stopped and started inspecting the grass like they were doing no wrong. This morning finds Duncan at my feet inside after spending time on the deck watching all forty or so geese move up into the yard. Buddy and Barney didn't get off the deck and Duncan has learned that forty geese are about thirty-nine to many. After a while I felt sorry for Duncan as he can't even run in his own yard and I am not a real fan of geese craping in it either. I walked over to the gun cabinet and pulled out the twenty gage and put one shell into it. I stepped out on the deck and fired a single shot into the air and we watched as the geese took flight. They headed across the lake towards someone's else yard and Duncan jumped off the deck barking what sounded like "Don't come back" to me. With the gun back in the cabinet peace was restored at the cabin, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,242,380}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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