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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Just saw Frank the plow driver heading back to the garage. Looks like he finally is done with the repairs to the boat landing made the other day when the failed launch attempt was held. I am told it can be very interesting when trying to pull a boat still on the trailer and a small car still attached to the boat and trailer when all of them are in the water. Might have been done easier except there was beer involved and the train pull did not work out as planed. When the guys left the Gas-N-Go all they were going to do is just watch a launching. Little did they know they were going to spend the rest of the day trying to get trucks and a car and a atv out of the drink.

I was not there so I don't even know how they got the farm tractor down there and I hear that when a old rusty chain that has not been used for awhile snaps it can really go right through the fender of an old Ford without much problem. There are still looking for the hook that came off, that might be in the water. As the story goes the small car with the big boat backed up to the landing and made it way down to the water's edge. The driver got out to unhook the trailer lights and forgot to put the car in park. He watched as the trailer, boat and the car with his buddy in the passenger seat rolled down the gravel landing and into the lake. The trailer of course disappeared from sight and the car floated for a moment before it sank from sight. Just as the water covered the roof of the car the passenger popped up holding on to a case of beer.

A few of the guys waded in and pulled the beer to shore and the passenger spitting water made it in on his own. Well the group stood and watch where the bubbles were coming up and decide that cold beer should not go to waste. Sipping on their beers they tried to remember if any of them had any experience at retrieving sunken cars. Deciding this would be a new experience for all of them they drank more beer and took inventory of what they had on hand. No four wheel drive trucks but they did have some pickups and some chain. It took a while but soon they had the trucks all chained together like a train figuring that together they would be able to pull the car and trailer out.

The idea sounded pretty good and they thought that even a BP engineer would have approved. Starting engines they pulled and pulled creating some nice deep ruts while covering the windshields of the truck behind them with rocks and dirt. The second attempt it was thought that maybe they should unhook the trailer from the car. That went well until they remembered they should also take the safety chains off. With the chains released the boat floated away taking the trailer with it. The owner of the boat climbed on board and started the big inboard motor. Trying to save his boat he put the throttle all the way forward and with the trailer hanging below barely made a wake as he moved forward sending the tongue of the trailer through the back window of the sunken car but pushing the car forward so the hood was now above water.

Somehow an ATV got involved and ended up in the lake and not until a local farm kid who was moving hay arrived and pulled all the two wheel drive trucks out of their ruts and then the small car was pulled out. Not a total loss as when the car doors were open to let the water out there was a fine looking three pound bass in the front seat. One of the trucks was backed into the water and the trailer hitch was lower onto the ball and then the tractor pulled the truck up the landing.

Frank the plow driver spent the day leveling the parking area and redoing the landing. After a lot of back slapping the guys all drove away and are now working on fixing the hole through the Fords fender. None of them have ever done any body work before but I hear they have a few ideas and a welding touch with full tanks. So glad I spent the day mowing as I am sure I could have helped, I always have cable in the Dodge! From Lake Iwanttobethere {145,023}

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Some rain over night here at Lake Iwanttobethere but it is drying out nicely. Toying with the idea of going into town for breakfast. Yesterday I had a craving for some blueberry pancakes and since the wife had already left for work I went to the Sunshine Cafe for some. Walking into the dinner I hung my hat on the rack and retrieved my mug from the shelf. Pouring some coffee from the urn I went to the counter to get some sugar when I noticed several of the fellers sitting at the counter with their hats pulled down tight on their heads. Stirring the sugar in the mug I notice the first feller was missing his eye brows and his buddy was hairless all the way to his elbows. Nodding at both of them I turned away thinking the body work on the Ford seems to be going well.

I ordered up some pancakes with blueberries and drenched them with some Lake Iwanttobethere maple syrup. I paid the check and with a tooth pick hanging from my lips walked out to the Dodge. My son and two grandsons on bikes drove by and my son gave me half a wave as he went by. I could hear my youngest grandson yelling at his dad " If you don't stop you won't fall" good advice I am thinking. I watched as they rode down Main Street till they turned off heading towards the park. Thinking that as long as I was in town I should go over to the General Store and pick up some siding nails. I arrived at the store to find Big Earl working on a display of first aid kits. Saying HiYa I picked up my nails and asked Earl how is day was going. Said he had sold three first aid kits that morning and he heard the fellers were working on some truck so he was moving the kits closer to the door so they would be in easy reach. Nodding I paid for the nails and headed back to the Dodge.

Rest of the day was spent planning on what I should be working on. I have always thought that planning is a big part of any job. I keep telling the wife that you need to plan what you are going to do, just can't grab a hammer and start pounding nails anywhere. I seem to do my best planning fishing so I grabbed the small tackle box and two rods and made my way down to the dock. I pushed the old row boat out on to the calm waters of the lake and began to do some planning.

Thing is fish kept on interrupting my planning. I caught a few small bass on a paddle tail then picking up the other rod a few more were caught on a buzz bait. I took the paddletail off and tied on a spinnerbait which I caught several more bass on and then had a northern take a swipe at it. Looking through the box I found a top water stick bait and I tied that on replacing the buzz bait. No sooner had the top water found the surface than the bluegills would come up and make that smacking sound as they tried to eat something bigger then themselves. Going through the box I found a bright yellow ugly bug and switching again I was now teasing bluegills to come up and take swipes at the tangling legs of the ugly bug. I didn't even notice the Jeep returning home but did hear the wife standing on the dock yelling at me. Planing is just so hard to do when the wife is around. From Lake Iwanttobethere {145,842}

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Monday night was movie night but not the kind I am thinking you are used to. Out here at Lake Iwanttobethere we still have a drive in that is open for a few months in the summer. From mid July till late August you can still go see a movie at the drive in. By then all the boats and RV's that are normally stored there are finally all out on the road. The days of all you can fit in the car for five dollars are gone but for ten dollars you can still sneak a few in the trunk. The speakers hanging from posts where you park are gone, now you just tune in your radio. Double feature but I can't remember what was playing. Monday was opening night and it has been a long tradition that the Lodge members show their support. The old cars come out for the evening and just like back when we were in high school more time is spent looking under hoods and sipping from doctored coke bottles.

Wife's gather and talk about what ever it is when more then three of them come together. Car's park in the front rows and pickups in the back. I see the Ford that the guys have been working on roll in. The hole is gone but there are now singe marks the entire length of the truck. The flames look almost like they were made by a real fire. Sheriff Tim is here and from time to time I see he is tapping on trunks. We park the old Dodge almost in the middle, that is where my glasses allow me to see the screen the best. I tune the radio in and we wait as the big clock on the screen counts down. I actually like the radio better than the old speakers that you had to roll your window down and pull into the car. Never can get the windows closed all the way and the skeeters would find their way in.

The wife gets out to get us some hot dogs, soda and buttered popcorn. I stay in the Dodge and adjust the radio to get the best signal I can. The countdown hit's zero and the lights on the poles dimm the only real light is coming from the screen and the spot lights that show you the entrance to the cider block concession area and of course the rest rooms. After a few trailers about the dangers of smoking and keeping an eye on your kids the dancing hot dogs and boxes of popcorn appear. Well this is making me hungry and I start looking for the wife who has not yet returned. I get out of the Dodge and start heading in the direction of the concession stand. I am sidetracked by Gus who has a mini BBQ going with brauts. Hidden behind his truck he tends to the coals and soon I am joined by Skinny and Hammering Hank. I ask where Tess is and Hank tells me she went to get popcorn a half hour ago. I nod and start squirting mustard on my braut. I hear the clinking of bottles and here comes Hunterdown with a cooler. Reaching into the cold water with floating ice cubes he pulls out some long neck Hamms and with beer and braut in hand I lean up against the truck.

Another braut later and several beers later we are sitting on the tail gate talking about, Geeze I don't really remember. It did remind me a lot of what we used to do in high school. Seems we had dates back then who would disappear just like our wife's do now. When the first movie came to an end and the dancing popcorn boxes started to move across the screen. I made my way back to the Dodge and just got the door closed when the passenger door opened. The wife holding some cold hot dogs and some even colder popcorn climbed in and started to tell me about how she got sidetracked and do I know that so and so are doing.... I cut her off and told her " Hey I'm trying to watch a movie here" Putting the cold popcorn with in reach I leaned up against the Dodges drivers window and fell asleep. Yup, just like the old days, from Lake Iwanttobethere {146,668}

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Sometimes here at Lake Iwanttobethere I feel like a tourist. Not a bad thing at all and I bet if you wanted to you to could be a tourist right in your own back yard. Sometimes we all get to caught up in the daily work grind and one day just folds into the next. Driving the roads we see these cars and trucks and RV's and they don't seem to have a clue as to where they are going on our streets. But if you stop for a moment, them RV's are here for a reason. Either they are driving through or here's a thought, they drove here. So when I say sometimes I feel like a tourist it is because I take time to become a tourist right here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

Yesterday I wrote about our local drive in, no big deal because we have one and even though it is open but a few months a year it is still open. From what I am hearing there are very few drive ins left anywhere and now people are thinking it's not a bad idea to take the kids to the Lake Iwanttobethere drive in before it to is gone and will be nothing but a memory. So maybe it is not such a bad idea to become a tourist at your end of Lake Iwanttobethere When is the last time you have looked around in your own back yard? How about the last time you found that little out of the way place that still has car hops? Sit down dinners with checkered tablecloths and a waitress with a bee hive hairdo? How about making a stop at that historical sign that you drive by every day but have never stopped to read what it says. Been inside the local museum? Do you even know where it is?

This time of year it is hard to travel to far without hitting a county fair. You park in a grass field converted into a parking lot and you join others walking across the hot black top of the entrance to the main gate. Tank tops and tee shirts are the uniform of the day and you can see the Ferris wheel rolling with colored shirted riders. Just inside the gate is a booth and you buy a few tickets for rides, The vendor tries to sell you a pass but you pass. Kids walk by holding hands of parents with the other hand holding a cloud of colored cotton candy. Mustard and catsup stains are worn on shirts like a badge. The deep mooing of cows and the smell of farm is in the air. You walk along and old memories are brought back. That young pretty gal when you were in high school you took once and spent almost your whole weeks paycheck trying to win a five dollar stuffed bear for.

A paper cup filled with more ice then pop never tasted much better and bumper cars are still the best ride. Nothing like accident after accident and getting to walk away from it all in the end. Having the sun set and being stuck in the Ferris wheel at the top. Looking down through the metal grate and seeing all the people far far below you. When you think of it now you must have been two hundred feet up in the air, well at least forty for sure. People watching and food tasting. When you are a tourist paying a little extra for a hot dog is OK, because it is not just the hot dog you are buying it is the memory of where you were when you bought it. As you get older you spent some time back in the animal tents. You look at three roosters wearing three different ribbons and try to figure out what the difference is between the birds. You see pigs as big as your freezer and you mentally tried to figure how you would get them in it. Fresh and I mean fresh milk from cows and apple pie that you tell your wife is not as good as hers.

As you might have guessed I hit the fair last night. Yes, I had a hot dog and a nice slab of apple pie. No cotton candy, it gets stuck in my beard. I'll be back to, nothing like the demolition races and fireworks afterwards. So call me a tourist, we all are here at Lake Iwanttobethere {147,718}

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Turnover day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Time of the week when the tourists who arrived a week ago now head back to their homes and are replaced with new tourists. Of course we would like to think that they are no longer leaving as tourist but are now considered part time or seasonal residents of Lake Iwanttobethere. In the past week those leaving have gotten to fish the waters of the lake, bike along the shoreline and have met several new friends here at the Lodge. Some will have found their way to the General Store and met Big Earl the owner. They might have been looking for something simple like a mantle for their lantern and have big Earl take them right to the rack where they are hanging. No pointing down an aisle at the General store, service is king there and you are waited on whether you are buying a mantle or a new lawn mower.

Some will have discovered Ma and Pa's grocery store and standing under the new single energy efficient light bulb were told a few stories by Pa as he sliced their bologna thin or thick for them. For others their noses in the early morning might have lead them to Amy's Bakery and the smell of hot bread fresh from her oven. After some samples they would leave with donuts and loose meat sandwiches for fishing later in the day. Everyone makes a trip to the Masterbaiters shop, entering to the cool quiet sound of the bubblers working in the several minnow tanks. Small kids looking upwards at big fish mounts and their fathers grins as they look over the wall of spoons moving slightly in the breeze from the over head ceiling fan. " Honey, look.. I have not seen that spoon in years and they have six of them here" Wife's in the beginning of the week just nod but later they return and buy one of the spoons for a future present.

Toes dangle off the end of docks and six year olds become experts at chasing frogs and sneaking up on rabbits. Teenage girls forget to turn on their phones and instead walk with the local boys to the ice cream parlor. Evenings find family's gathered together on screen in porches, candles flickering and mosquito coils burning. Frogs croak along the shoreline and crickets sing in the grass. A lonely loon calls out in the night and the brave six year olds sit a little closer to ma and pa. Stars rise up over the calm waters of the lake and kids point out the ones that are moving closer. Fire flies dance and wink off and on and parents explain the difference between them and the stars overhead.

Parents find their way to the Lodge and sit at the old hand polished bar. Square bottomed glass beer mugs leave wet marks on the bar top and smoke curls upward from cigars in round bottomed ash trays. Cell phones are quiet and a empty glass jar that once held pickled eggs now holds old beepers. Bartenders are called by their first names and customers the same. Sometimes even the dance floor welcomes a couple who move slowly together and dance to their own favorite song.

Some people are delaying their exit, having heard about the demotion derby at the county fair tonight. They wander around main street shopping and saying good bye to new found friends. There is always talk of returning next year and some will even make a point of it to return come hunting season. Small kids are overheard asking their parents if they can move here. New tourist arrive and point at they old tourist and refer to them as "Locals" little do they know that in a short week they will be standing along the side of the street pointing at the tourist as they arrive. Mid summer here at the lake and it's turn over day, but the lake is always just a short visit away, from Lake Iwanttobethere {148,816}

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Silent Sunday found me fishing on Lake Iwanttobethere. On a whim I decided to take my old 1953 Whirlaway down from the wall and take it fishing. Many years ago I was given the old rod and reel from my neighbor Chuck who bought it at a rummage sale. From time to time he would mention that I never have used his present, so yesterday I took it down and put it in the Puddle Humper.

It took a few tries but I learned how to cast with it, well actually I decided that using it flipping style would work best. On my third flip I hooked up with a fish that quickly took me to a minnow basket hanging from a dock and I got hung in the rope. That should have been the first clue that fishing with a 57 year old rod was going to be different. Turning the handle picks up very little line and the fiberglass rod is about as sensitive as killing a fly with a sledge hammer. I moved around the dock and flipped at the corners. Moored to the dock was a boat and I got a decent cast back towards the bow and actually watched as the line started to move under the boat. A quick hard set, or so I thought and I was rewarded with a fish moving off and not being slowed much by the old drag. The drag didn't sing but sounded more like a 57 year old drag would, it buzzed and clanked.

I was thinking this is good, there is a working drag on the reel. Trying to turn the fish from the dock and boat was not working. I got a feeling there might be some weight to this fish when the bow of the Puddle Humper starting turning on it's own. The fish headed for the lower unit of the docked boat. With some luck I got her off the motor and turned her back to open water, the tip of the old rod was being pulled down towards the surface and I tried to keep it up. Turning the crank as fast as I could the old reel was only taking up inches of line at a time. Before I could turn her again she made for the trolling motor and wrapped the line around the shaft. This girl had been to the dance before! With my rod tip bowed and line wrapped around the shaft I saw her for the first time out in front of the bow. She came to surface and gave me a look and now I could see I had an easy four pound fish on.

A nice fish but what was going through my mind is this is a huge fish for this old rod and reel, It would be great to get her in the boat and get some pictures. In less time to write this she turned and lunges at the trolling motor and with a splash she was off. The last thing I saw of her was a smile as she slipped under the water and I was left with the dangling hook and no fish. I had the video camera on and caught it all, Keeping that in mind I did not really say out loud what I was thinking when she got off. I wish I had caught a few fish before I hooked up with her, But the story is better if I say I lost a big one five minutes after I started fishing. I fished a few more docks and I did catch a few fish with the old rod. With the sun setting I returned to the dock where I lost that big one. I tossed a few but I already knew she was gone. But stranger things have happen here at Lake Iwanttobethere {150,957}

See the video here http://www.hotspotoutdoors.com/forum/ubb...y_r#Post2319829

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Monsoon season continues here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Last evening depending on where you were on the lake anywhere form one inch to three inches of rain fell and hail as big as golf balls took out some bird feeders and knocked down some corn. Today you can hear the sound of chain saws echoing around the lake as down branches are being cleaned up. Frank the plow driver was in this morning and has been busy grading the road washouts.

We weathered the storm here at the Lodge as we gather here in case our help is needed. Some of the older guys were already here as they are in training for the Lake Iwanttobethere senior tri- challenge. This year Elmer and Marv will form a team with Doc Burriem as their backup. The challenge consist of checkers, horseshoes and boccie ball all while drinking shots of Wild Turkey. Target shooting has been dropped from the challenge due to some problems and property damage done last year. Last night they were hard at it polishing up on their checkers and Wild Turkey sipping. The challenge will not be held till late in the summer but the guys like to start training early.

CB was crackling away and their were a few reports of some big gusts on the lake. Tinker reported in that he had to land and taxi in some ruff weather but the old plane did just fine. Another resort had to go out and get some of their clients off the end of the aluminum dock, they were standing out there with a large metal picnic table umbrella that they had borrowed toasting the coming storm. When lightning hit a spruce nearby the owner had a enough and dragged them back into the main building. Most of the weather went south of us here at the Lodge so we just sat out under the roof overhang and watched it rain. Looks like the campers down in the park were having a good time and I see there are a few less of them there this morning. Funny how a driving rain storm can get everything you own wet and saying it is guarantee not to get wet is not really a guarantee. At least there were no skeeters for a few hours.

All of this rain and we are just an inch or so above normal, guess that shows us how little rain we have been getting the past few seasons because it sure seems to have been raining a lot this summer. Earl at the General store is always busy after a storm. Rakes and tarps and rope sit in the rack outside the door. The postcard rack took a hit as it was forgotten about and a gust of wind knocked it down on to the sidewalk spilling cards. I found a card outside the Lodge door when I came in today. I added it to the pile where others have been found and placed. Earl will come and retrieve them and I am sure will sell them as "aged" cards at a special tourist price.

Well waiting for the grass to dry some and then I have to get some mowing done. With luck I'll get the rowboat out for some late evening fishing. Should do some painting but I have to pace myself, don't want to get to much done around the cabin while the wife is at work and can't enjoy watching me work. Matter of fact I think Elmer might have a few suckers in his minnow bucket, maybe I go over and borrow one. I think a sucker on a bobber off my dock is just the thing to pass some time while I wait for the grass to dry. From Lake Iwanttobethere {151,768}

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Gus stood in the door way to my office here in the Lodge and watched as I moved papers and lifted boxes. Opening drawers and checking the screen of the computer. Finally he had to ask " Bobby, just what are you looking for?" I sat back in my chair and looked him straight in the eye and said "July, we are missing July" my desk calendar says it is July 31st, where did July go? Tomorrow is August and I am not done with July yet. There should have been more fishing done in July, more sweet corn and hot dogs cooked on the BBQ more berries picked and jelly made. More T-bone steaks sizzling on the rack below the tin foiled wrapped baked potatoes, more ice cold Hamms drank with bare feet resting against wet dogs just back from swimming.

Should have been more time spent at the county fair, more time walking along the deep grass of the river with rod in hand. More time with grand kids chasing fireflies or watching mayflies land on the water to be taken by hungry smallmouth. More time watching smoke climb into the sky from birch logs in dirt fire pits circled with hand picked stones. More time watching little waves form as the old row boat makes it way across the calm bay. Seeing dripping water from the oars as they are raised and moved forward to dip back into clear water. Ducklings growing and stretching wings. Loons calling in the night and bees buzzing in the daylight. There also could have been less rain falling and fewer sketters searching for you in broad daylight.

Ya, there could have been more July, but I guess we will have to make due with August. Sunsets will come a little earlier now. Stars will come out and twinkle and sometimes it will be hard to tell the difference between a firefly and a satellite in the night sky. Frogs will croak with deeper voices and crickets will always be in the background. Deer will have that deep caramel coat and fawns will be seen running a little farther away from their mothers. Walks in the woods may be interrupted by grouse and mental notes will be made to return to that spot come September. Skunks wander around at dusk and the little ones will grow bold and follow their mothers as they go out in search of their own dinner.

Trailers will find their way to the landing a little earlier in the day as boats go out on the water sooner since they have a few minutes less each day to fish. Dummies will be thrown into the water for dogs to retrieve and gravel pits will hear the word "Pull" as hunters start to practice a bit. The sounds of shotguns will echo and other hunters will stop what they are doing and listen to the sound. Last fishing trips for some are being planned and others are not so picky on the days they choose to fish now. Days can still get warm but the nights are just about right to sleep with the window open and maybe just a sheet. Cool breeze and morning dew greets you when you wake. Won't be too much longer and the cooler will be holding cocoa or hot coffee and the pop will no longer need ice to stay cool. Ya, there could have been more July but August is not all that bad now that I am thinking about it From Lake Iwanttobethere {152,489}

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Busy day yesterday as I spent some time in town doing errands in the morning and trying to stay out of the wife's eyesight. Tuesday was National Watermelon day, I know this because the farm produce stands out on the highway had a big banner up and I stopped and bought a melon. I always shake my head when I stop at the produce stand. They make me envious when I see the size of their cucumbers and baskets of onions laid out on their tables, ripe tomatoes and carrots long and straight are stacked next to sweet corn and squash. I always think my garden is doing well till I see their stuff. I gave my garden a stern lecture this morning. Corn was told to stand a little straighter and the tomatoes to ripen quicker. The cucumbers, I had to move the leafs to lecture to them and I could not even find the carrots. Peppers were the only ones that are doing well and I just patted the sides of their pots and gave them a "that a boy"

I stopped at Amy's Bakery to pick up some day old muffins from Mini Muffin Monday, Always try to make it in on Monday but I was side tracked this week. Amy is always good to me and sets some of my favorites off to the side. With a bag of muffins secured I next had to stop at the candle shop ran by Mr. Wicks and his lovely wife Flicker. Elmer had ordered a five gallon bug candle, a big seller at the candle shop. Tourist often come in and buy one or even sometimes two of the large candles in the metal pails. I am guessing the skeeters that Mr. Wick has mounted outside his door might make people think that the huge candles are needed here at the lake. Mr. Wicks had Larry our local taxidermist make some oversized skeeters and even some black flies that he has nailed to the side of the building. A small sign under them says we grow them big here at Lake Iwanttobethere

With mini muffins on the front seat of the Dodge and Elmers bug candle secured in the back of the Dodge I headed home. I just got to the driveway when I saw the rear end of my friend's Gerry's truck heading up the drive towards the cabin. As I pulled up behind him he was taking his rods out of the back of his truck and looking at me he simply asked if I was busy. Well I can't turn down an offer to go fishing and the candle was hauled over to Elmers and I backed the Dodge up and pulled the Puddle Humper out of the boat house. Checking quickly to make sure the wife was not home I grabbed the always ready brown bag lunch in the fridge and loaded the cooler. A moment later and we were down the drive and heading to a distant access to the lake. As we rounded the first turn I might have seen the wife's white Jeep in the rear view mirror pulling in the drive but we were already well on our way.

I didn't need much of a reason to go fishing, the bass thermometer hanging on the garage wall was nudging ninety in the shade and the humidity was high. Since it was Gerry's idea to go fishing I let him pick the access. There is a bay that is full of bass and it is about one cigar away. Digging in his pocket he produce two cigars and soon we were puffing away with a breeze coming through the open windows. No one was at the access and we parked and walked across the road to the small tavern nestled under the pines. Buying a couple of Hamms we sat and sipped in the a/c of the dark main room. Spending a few dollars is always well spent as we chatted with the owner about fishing on this end of the lake. Finishing our beers we launched the Puddle Humper and five minutes later we had our first fish in the boat. A football sized bass was released and in the next four hours we landed twenty-nine more. Of course it did not come without a price as the horse flies took a few chunks out of us. A few nice fish were lost only to be added to the stringer of lost fish that always seem to grow in your memory. We made the drive back to the cabin listening to the baseball game on the radio and the lost fish were brought up only a half dozen times or so. From Lake Iwanttobethere {154,042}

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I sat down at the table with breakfast already all planned out. I moved the filled salt and pepper shakers off to the side to give myself some more elbow room. Unfolding the morning paper I was pleased that I was the first to read it this morning. Taking the sports section out first I laid the rest of the paper on the high backed wooden chair next to me. Opening the paper I first scanned the Big Fish section and then moved on to see how the local baseball team did last night. I was out shopping and forgot all about the game on the radio. I heard the clunk of the coffee mug on the table and absent minding reached around the paper to bring the hot mug closer.

Some soft chatter in the background as the local morning radio show was being played over the old radio tuned in to KCUM A couple of guys were talking something about a Chevy transmission, I have a Dodge. Turning the page again I glanced at some golf scores before setting the sports section down and reaching for the local news section. Clearing my throat I finally got some attention and looking up I placed my breakfast order.

This morning I would like two sunny side up extra large farm eggs, Don't over cook them like yesterday, they should be just cooked enough so that when I dab them with the edge of my toast that the yolk will break and run. As for the toast I would like three pieces of wheat, brown but not burnt, lightly butter with real butter and some of that fresh raspberry jelly. A nice slab of honey ham trimmed would be nice, brown but not burnt and two strips of bacon, crispy! Make sure the American fries are well done and dice up some onions and sprinkle them on top right before you serve me on one of them preheated plates. Also some ice cold fresh squeeze orange juice in a big glass, not one of them little kiddie glasses. Looking up over the top of the paper I said "Did ya get all that?"

The wife looking back at me smiled in that very special way of hers and said "You can go to the cafe for that order, I going rummaging!" And with that she turned and walked out the kitchen door. Looks like it's Saturday here at Lake Iwanttobethere {154,880}

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One of those nights where I am so glad that I don't live in the big city. Mid evening here and I was just sitting on the deck watching the sun dip lower on the tree line and waiting for the bass thermometer to start heading downward. Still hovering right around eighty and with the humidity it is a muggy muggy evening. The other night we got near four inches of rain and the ditches are full and the ground is wet. All you need to do is scrape the top a little and the dirt below is moist. Rain barrels are all full and the gardens are a little soft to walk in.

Puddle Humper sits quietly, all the hatches are open and the deck is scattered with tackle boxes drying out. Rain coats and life vests hang from hooks in the rafters, anchor rope is strung between a couple of nails. Water still is dripping from the drain, the plug sits on the rear deck. Lake is quiet, the sound of a yipping lap dog echoing across the water is the only noise besides that of the a/c making it's clanking sound as it tries to keep the cabin cool.

Early this afternoon one of the dogs was chasing one of the cats in the cabin, they were both walking. The wife is working afternoons so that just left me home alone. To hot to cook inside so I started a small fire in the pit and made quick work of a shore lunch. A couple of small blacken iron pans were soon hot with oil and tatters and fish were fried. An ear of corn turned in the coals off to the side and some strawberries along with a cold beer from the fridge were brought out. In no time I was sitting on the swing reminding myself it don't get much better.


Grand kids were here for a little while, just long enough to get wet in the lake and then turn the hose on their defenseless papa. Good thing I just happen to have a few pails of water hidden close at hand. The deck is still wet as nothing is in a hurry to dry. As we sat on the swings my youngest grandson sat dripping wet next to me. I pointed out a soaring big bird to him in the late afternoon sky. He covered the sun from his eyes with both hands and reported that it was a "Hog" Hog, I said, no it's a hawk! "No, it's a hog, that's what my dad calls them "Well I can't argue with that" Later my son told me the grandson is calling anything big a "Hog" I told him he better be careful around his ma. From a humid, warm but still a great night to be at Lake Iwanttobethere{155,409}

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Ninety degrees in the shade and barely a breath of a breeze moving through the leaves on the trees overhanging the small stream. When it gets this hot I do what I did when I was a little kid, I head for the stream to go fishing. Nice thing about getting old is you have a lot of stuff. I am now at the age where I don't out grow or wear things out. I either lose them or they get borrowed out and don't return. After some digging in the closet I found an old pair of boots along with a pair of bibs with enough pockets to carry the little bit of tackle I needed and I was all set.

As soon as the wife left for work I was in the rafters of the boat house searching for that five foot ultra lite rod with the four pound line on it. Finding it and the small trout net I added a small back pack and the bag lunch from the fridge and I was down the drive and heading for McDonnell's farm. I knew it was going to be a good day when old man McDonnell was out working in his barn and offered to drive me in the tractor across the field in return for a few trout. Ten minutes later and I was walking through the deep green grass down the slope to wear the little hidden stream runs along his farm.

Talk about turning back the clock, only thing that had changed with the stream is that I am not riding my bike here and I don't have to hide when McDonnell drives by. Walking slowly down the slope I ease in to the water of the stream and feel the dry leather of the boots replaced by the cool water. Ankle deep, then mid calf it's hard to describe the cool water unless you have been there. Sun is blocked out by the trees and if feels like it is thirty degrees cooler. The frozen water bottles in the back pack thud together and I take out the round foam box of night crawlers that I bought at the Masterbaiters shop. Removing the lid and sitting right on top of the moss a fat crawler is just asking to be first.

Being careful not to hook myself I thread the crawler on the hook and putting the box back in the pack I move upstream. Moving slowly and carefully I feel the bottom with my feet as my eyes search for a likely looking spot to toss the crawler. I make a few drifts and each time the crawler comes back to me whole. Water is a little deeper as I come around a shallow turn and remember the bank from days long ago. A flick of the wrist and the crawler finds the far bank and no sooner does it sink and my line snaps straight. I lift the rod tip and feel some weight and just like that it goes limp. I reel in and find half my crawler gone, the part that was not on the hook. I flip it out again but his time with a little more attention. I feel a bump and raising my tip I am rewarded with weight, A quick dash and the line cuts through the quiet water before turning and rushing back up stream. A few turns of the reel and I wade a little closer.

Another short run and a ten inch rainbow lays on it's side in the grass of the bank. The one eye looking at me as I sit alongside. Slipping the back pack off I look inside for my camera, guess I forgot it. I take another long peek at the fish and slide her back into the flowing water, She pauses for a split second before rocketing away towards the far bank. A couple of gulps of the now melting water bottle and I put the pack back on and adjust the remains of the night crawler back on to the hook. A few steps back out into the stream and I am fishing again, from a warm one here at Lake Iwanttobethere {156,217}

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Getting old does have it's advantages. Some of you are probably not thinking the same thing that I am thinking though. I am thinking more along the lines that now I can afford to do things and or make things that I did or did not have in my youth. Sitting on the deck after a morning of trout fishing my boots were almost dry enough to take off when my neighbor Chuck came over with a couple of ice cold beers. We sat and sipped and of course got to talking about the good old days and how on a day like today we would have gone down to the rope swing and did flips and twists out over the cool waters of Lake Iwanttobethere.

So as we sat I got to thinking maybe we should build a rope swing and this time do it right! I seem to remember the old rope swing was made from some rope that we found down by the railroad tracks. I think I still might have some scars on my hands from the ruff rope sliding through them. I also seem to remember tar or pitch on the rope that also made letting go at the right moment difficult at best. Well before you know it Chuck was on his way to go see Earl at the General Store and I was in the wood shop making a nice wood seat. The seat had rounded edges and was sanded with the belt sander and then a palm sander, no splinters would be coming from this beauty.

An hour later Chuck returned with a healthy length of soft thick dock rope and a receipt showing he put it on my tab. I had to redrilled the holes in the seat as the rope was thicker then what I had planned but then Chuck pointed out that I to was a little thicker. Elmer just happen to wander over and with his pipe glowing pointed out that I should perhaps tape up the knots so they don't unravel. Now we just needed a tree, Looking at Elmer and then looking at the big willow that hangs out over the lake and I think we found our tree.

Seat and rope was brought to the tree, I told Chuck "Well go ahead and tie it off" his reply was

" I ain't climbing no tree, I'm to old for that. Just as luck would have It my son and grandson came walking down the shoreline and ask what we are doing. The grandson looks over the seat and just says " Cool" my son says you will have to get me drunk to climb that tree. We stand wondering how we are going to get this rope over the big branch when my grandson hops up and runs up the tree and out onto the big branch. Balancing there he waves back down at us. My son, his dad starts to yell at him to get his butt out of that tree before he falls. Me being the concerned grandparent tells them both to hold up. I mean as long as he is already up the tree.....

Well the rope was pulled up with a smaller rope and tied off, the next thing was for someone to try it out. I was already in my trout fishing clothes and still a little wet and on a dare from Chuck I swung out on the rope first. I then swung back and declared it fit for Chuck to jump off. Before Chuck could beg off the grandson jumped on the seat and took off, he slid off the seat way higher then I would have and landed with a cannon ball splash in the lake. Just then the wife came down the trail and one look at the swing and us and that finger came out. She waged it back and forth saying there is no way you old coots better be swinging on that swing. Grandson, son, Chuck and myself followed her back along the path towards the cabin. Just as I turned to ask where Elmer was I heard a whoop! and a big splash, from Lake Iwanttobethere {156,558}

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Been an interesting week here at Lake Iwanttobethere, started off with the red needle hovering around the ninety degree mark and humidity so high that the sweat dripping off you would not dry on the wood boards of the deck. Today finds us with a nice drizzle after a thunderstorm that seems to have lasted nearly all night. Number two grandson spent the night and he loves the rain. As a matter of fact when he heard there was to be rain he asked his dad if he could come here and spend the night because he knows we will be out on the covered swing. Just about his bed time and still no rain and he was running out of excuses to stay up. I finally agreed that if it rains turning the night we could go out.

Four a.m. comes and I don't know if it was the sound of thunder echoing through the cabin or the grandson poking me in the head that woke me up. " PaPa, it's raining!" And so true to my word we put on rain jackets that we had at the ready by the back door and made the dash to the covered swing. Bud got up and followed us to the door but no way was he going to go out in the rain. He sat for a while by the door and then he to went back to bed. No need to lite a bug candle, I don't think we could have kept one burning. A few moths flying near the flood light of the garage. Grandson asks me how they can fly in the rain, would not a big rain drop hit them? Hmmm, good question. Didn't have the answer for that one.

Warm spot at my side where the grandson was sitting close. He stares skyward hoping to catch lightning streaking across the sky. He sees a bolt and I hear him counting slow and out loud. One, Two, Three, Four, Five Boom))))))))))))) "That one was close PaPa" I bump him with my shoulder and he smiles, We both look for the next flash of light. From out of no where he says

" Good thing we don't have to shovel rain" I chuckle, yes it is a very good thing we don't have to shovel rain. Of course that got me to thinking just how one would shovel rain if one had to...

The thunder went away after a while and then the rain slowed some. No longer pounding the deck and running hard off the roof and shooting out the gutters. A few small branches had fallen as there was some wind. The grandson made a dash to grab one and return to the swing wet. He pulled up a pillow closer and leaned against me. After a while with no close thunder boomers all there was the steady sound of rain falling. The drops bouncing off the canopy and the table tops making popping sounds when they hit a chair just right. The wind chimes adding a few notes as the wind moves them. Another sound was added as the grandson fell asleep, some quiet snores that I had to strain to hear.

I moved him a little closer and thought to myself when the rain slows a little more I'll carry him back inside. But for now we both sat and enjoyed the falling rain and I found myself thinking what if we did have to shovel rain? From Lake Iwanttobethere {157,524}

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Finally a day starts off not going to the fridge to get a cold drink. Breezy and a few clouds in the sky make it a very comfortable seventy in the shade. Guess my excuse about it being to hot or to wet will not work today. Lots of things to do on the honey do list and I guess I will have to head into town to start picking up things to complete projects. Some chop on the water so maybe fishing will have to wait till later in the day. I have been out a few times this week, buzzin for bass has been fair but the northerns sure have been running my white buzz bait down. Matter of fact I think I had better stop at the Masterbaiters shop and get some skirts. Mine are pretty much in tatters. With the hot and wet weather starting to show a few chinks we should be coming into some good fishing here. Just have to juggle the honey do list with the fishing a little.

I was over on Bacon Bay the other night and a few nice bass were caught. A few more were lost and some big gal northerns came out to play. Of course all they did is smack the buzz bait close to the boat when we were not looking. They have a habit of splashing water on us and leave us looking for more. A couple of interesting things at the landing when we came in. There were three young lads with a lund who were getting ready to leave just as we brought the Puddle Humper up to shore. They were still fishing but already had the boat on the trailer and It looked a tad odd the way it was parked on the side of the landing. After I got the Puddle Humper on shore I took a little closer look as the young guys were getting into a late model hatch back car. The car did not have a trailer hitch and they had the hatch wide open and the tongue of the trailer inside the car. How they had secured it I could not see, I don't know if they had tied a rope around a seat or were holding it by hand. I did over hear one of the guys saying they had better get going so they could get back home before their ma saw they took the boat out. Got to give the lads a thumb up for going fishing but I was still glad they were not my kids.

I walked over to get the Dodge parked on the grass and notice a mess of frogs moving out of the way. It looks like the frogs are starting to gather and I made a mental note to put the little net and a minnow bucket in the Dodge. One of my favorite ways to fish is still with live frogs, just gets a little harder catching them when your knees don't bend as well as they once did. Funny to they seem to have gotten quicker as I know I have not gotten any slower.

Seems that only a few days ago I was complaining that July has gone by to quickly and here we are with August almost gone. Football season is ready to start and baseball games take on a little more meaning. Grand kids are talking about going back to school, well actually parents are. I see Earl at the General Store has a display of notebooks, pens and pencils. Outside hanging from the rack Dora and Sponge Bob backpacks sway in the wind. A red lawnmower sits on the sidewalk with a yellow tag declaring it on clearance and as the last one. A goose call can be heard being tested in the back of the store as Junior is busy back in the hunting section. Summer is moving right along and I better get to the list if I want to get some of it marked off so I can go fishing this evening. From Lake Iwanttobethere {158,514}

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Wednesday was national banana split day and there was a decent line at Stan and Jeanies ice cream and tackle truck at the park. I went to Stan's side of the truck and bought some spit shot sinkers and had him add a banana split to my order. Doing it that way I got around the ice cream line over on his wife Jeanies side. Sitting under the shade of a maple tree at a park picnic table I ate my split slowly and enjoyed the extra cherries that Jeanie had added. While I was there I saw a few tourists pointed at farmer Fred's pickup truck as it drove by. With just a glance I knew it was Fred's truck. The old truck attracts attention because you see Fred grows sweet corn in the bed of his truck. By accident he had a load of dirt he was meaning to unload and did not get around to it. Well seems he had some old corn seed in there that had spilled when he last went to the feed mill and with all the rain we have had the corn just germinated.

He was going to clean it out but his grand kids told him it is neat having sweet corn growing in his pickup truck. So now the old blue truck with the weathered side boards has corn stalks about six foot high growing in the bed of the truck. The tassels dance in the wind when he drives around town and people point at the truck. He told me he has harvested a few of the ears and makes a joke about having the freshest corn that can be delivered in town. He even goes as far as moving the truck around his yard so it get lots of sunshine and if a storm is coming he parks it in the barn to protect his stalks from high winds. Next year he is thinking about doing some tomatoes or maybe even a pumpkin. Would sure make it easier getting it to the county fair if it was already growing in the truck!

After deciding against getting a second banana split I got back in the Dodge and continued on my way. I had a reason to come to town, well actually through town as I was headed to the marsh on the other side of the Masterbaiters shop. I had heard there were frogs underfoot there and I had my little net and my bait bucket. The plan was to catch some frogs for a fishing trip to be taken later in the week. But once again I got sidetracked, as I came up on the General store the fellers were in the parking lot. To make a long story short they had decide to put in some new door gaskets on their Ford and had bought some big tubes of silicone from Earl. Rudie the big guy went inside the cab to hold the doors closed as the other fella's filled in around the gapes with the silicone to make a new water tight gaskets. The idea seemed like a good one at the time but the silicone is also an adhesive and now they can't get the doors back open and Rudie is stuck inside. Rudie who is a pretty good size guy can't get out a window and is not to fond of small places.

I, like other had stopped to offer suggestions and help. It seems that none of us really had any good suggestions. Although one of the fellers came back from the bar with a couple of drinks. Said they had a deal on them as it was national whiskey sour day. Now this made me scratch my head as I thought it was national banana split day. Talking with Big Earl I guess there are to many things out there to just have a day of their own and national days must be shared. Well being fair minded I went to the bar for a whiskey sour. I figured if I had celebrated nation banana split day it was only fair that I should celebrate national whiskey sour day. That pretty much ended frog hunting as I soon forgot about the frogs and the fellers soon forgot about Rudie, from Lake Iwanttobethere {59,122}

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HIYA from Lake Iwanttobethere, has been a good week for fishing even by my standards. Have been lucky enough to find myself on the water when the northerns are chasing anything that moves on the surface. At least the little ones have anyway. Bass have been biting to but they have been chasing down spinner baits. Hot weather is I hope gone and now the water will start to cool some and maybe I will be lucky enough to be on the water when the big girls come up from the deeps and start to feed.

Boat landings are a little quiet as some of the fishermen have that hard decision to make, hunt or fish. Football is taking a few more fishermen away from the water and for some Labor Day will be the end of their fishing season. More rain has fallen and the lake is high making fishing tuff for some but I have been doing well. This past week in three trips we have had 105 fish pulled into the boat with a few dozen fish lost and countless hits that don't count for anything other then jabs from fishing partners.

My fishing partners have been doing well and everyone is happy when you are catching fish and trading stories. I did finally make it over to the Masterbaiters Shop. Had to pick up some plastic trailers as I almost ran out and while I was there I did catch a few frogs out back. I have put a bounty on frogs with the grandsons and they are looking to make some pocket money when they come over this weekend. The only downside to all of this fishing is that the Honey Do List is not getting many things checked off. Every time the wife comes in the den I do go through the motions of holding the list up and act like I am looking it over. Of course rain falling and the sun going down earlier every day means the days are getting shorter and one needs it to be dry for staining decks and fences and mowing grass.

All of us guys buy old Joe Chanson a beer at the Lodge when we see him. He was the guy who cut off his big toe when mowing some wet grass. Well actually he didn't cut it off but he took the tip off his old leather boot off and got a big red welt on his big toe. Doc Burriem told me one night that he was not really sure if the welt was from the lawn mower blade or if the old boot was just to tight. Anyway we all buy him a beer because anytime the grass is wet and our wife's want us to mow or for that matter do anything on rained or dew cover grass we just look over our reading glasses and mention what happen to Joe Chanson. Kind of a guys catch 22 You are pretty sure your wife is not going to send you out to mow and risk you losing your big toe or worse yet your foot! Besides no one ever lost a big toe fishing, at least not in these parts, not lately anyway.

Little lite rain falling and the batteries on the Puddle Humper are almost charged. Sunshine Ray is forecasting it is going to rain tomorrow but if you drive far enough it is always dry somewhere. Think I'll go fishing but I will look at the Honey Do List just in case there is something I can check off before I leave, maybe watering the gardens or filling the birdbath. From Lake Iwanttobethere {160,039}

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Almost had to go out and mow today but I quickly pointed out to the wife the lake law in regards to lawn mowers, chain saws and weed wackers being run on a weekend or holiday. A little too breezy to fish as the winds are coming down the lake at a steady thirty miles per hour with a few gusts in there even stronger. Can't even throw a bobber out as you can't get anywhere against the wind and even if you did it would be back up on shore in a minute or so. Corn has a lean to it and the wind chimes are banging away. Matter of fact the chimes are making quite the racket as they join the clanking of everyone's else chimes here on the lake.

Some of the seed pods are coming off the maples, the wind is giving them a ride well away from the yard. Of course we knew there was going to be a change in the weather that is why I went fishing last night. Fall looks like it is making a serious attempt to gain a foothold here at Lake Iwanttobethere. As I was fishing last night I noticed more than one flannel jacket on riders of pontoon boats as they circled the lake. A late holiday and not to many people out fishing. Bon fires were scattered about the shoreline and groups of uncles and aunts sat around them. A few kids still were fishing from docks and labs were fetching dummies thrown by owners into the water.

Just to make sure the night was complete a few jet ski's came out to buzz the shoreline and make a general nuisance of themselves. I am sure the riders were having a good time but why bother everyone when the lake was just settling down? After awhile the riders had enough and left, maybe they to were trying to get in a last ride before the cool settles in. Several docks are already up and paddle boats are pulled up on shore. The bright red and blues sticking out as they are pulled up under the trees. The smell of wood smoke lingers in the air and more then once I could smell steaks on a grill. I fished alone last night and a few fish were caught and a few more lost but I took my time and enjoyed the sights.

Putting the boat in the water I got to thinking I might have to bring some hip boots along soon. I started off just wearing a tee shirt and shorts but as the evening moved along the sweat pants came out. A fleece jacket was next and half hour later a wind breaker went on. A couple of small northerns were caught and now after rinsing my hands off in the lake I needed the towel to dry them. The cooler weather on the wet hands could be felt. But the wind does bring a few good things, no flies today and the Puddle Humper has dried out quickly. Wind not so bad if ya get behind the cabin and except for a few small branches that have fallen the yard looks pretty clean. I might even be able to check that off on the honey do list!

Thinking maybe I'll go out in the wood shed later and do a little cleaning, turn on the baseball game and make it a lazy day. Sharpen some hooks and change line on one of the reels. Shot gun is already all cleaned and if I take it out Bud will get all worked up and want to take a walk down the trail. Barney is standing out on the end of the dock, watching the water. At least someone is not done fishing today! From Lake Iwanttobethere {160,778}

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Well I got caught, I have a fishing calendar hanging in the den that I got from Earl down at the General Store. You know the kind, filled with advertisement for the store and pictures of changing seasons here at the lake. Well in the past I would put a big x on the days that I did not get out fishing. I thought I would be smart and this month I would put a big x on the days that I did fish. Well I have six of the last nine days covered with X's and the wife caught on to me. Today and tomorrow she has a big blue box covering the days with a notation that blue box days are chore days or Honey Do Days. OK with me as Stormy Clearweather is forecasting wind and rain.

So yes I have been fishing a lot but it is getting to be that time of the year when you can no longer be picky over what days you decide to fish. As far as I am concern if the sun comes up and I can get up it's a good day to go fishing. The trouble is dressing for days on the water now. I have been starting out in tee shirts and shorts and by the end of the evening when the sun is going down I am wishing I had a snowmobile suit. Soda don't take much to keep cool in the cooler and the thermos is now brought with. Hot cocoa or hot cider helps keeps the hands warm when holding the cup after getting hands wet from landing fish.

Fishing has not been great but is has been darn good! Not a lot of numbers but the fish that have been biting are not fooling around. This past summer has been a lot of soft bites and the big gals have been hard to come by. The last week has brought out some better size northerns who are hitting like someone took their lunch money when they were little. Buzz bait bite might be over as the top water fishing has been slow but the spinner bait bite has been good. Live frogs are always good this time of year but I have not been supplied as well as the grand kids have promised. Of course now the kids are in school and their frog hunting time has been reduced some.

On another note the trees are heavy in apples, I am looking forward to many an apple pie this fall. Tomato plants that were in pots have been moved back inside the greenhouse to ripen. They do share some floor space with a bucket of frogs, I still have a few that I have been saving. Solar collector for the cabin has been turned on and the cover removed. Have not yet had to start a fire in the fireplace as of yet but a blanket has been added to the sheets on the beds. If the wind would die down some I might even start a fire in the pit and burn some of the branches that have fallen over the past several days.

General Store is busy as it always is this time of year. Junior back in the hunting department is busy with guys coming in and swapping stories about the early goose season. All the pink flamingoes have been gathered and are in the Lodges garage. Some work is being done and some how we are missing a few as we went from 228 to 226. We did have a report that some hunters might have shot up a few and disposed of the remains. Hammering Hank is working on putting a game camera in one of the flamingoes but first results are not good as it does not look like any flamingo I have ever seen. Well I need to go down to the Lodge and check in, I hear my desk is some what covered in phone messages and bills that need to be paid. From the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere, O and I think I will be fishing on Sunday {161,607}

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Dogs are restless this morning, I think they know that grouse season starts in just a few more days. Yesterday was a perfect day to be on the water, it always is when I am not on the water. Yesterday was also a very good day to stain the deck and that is what I did. It was dry to the touch in just a few hours as the temperature was warm enough and along with the brisk wind made for a perfect drying day. Today the newly stained deck looks good as suddenly it has grown in size as all the furniture is scatter on the grass around it. A few yellow leaves have fallen and contrast brightly against the cedar color of the deck. Bud and Barney walk and sniff at each fallen leaf on the deck, from time to time they look back at me and then off into the edge of the woods. Later I will take them both back on the trail and maybe we will snoop around the big pine that lays on the ground. If we are lucky at all a grouse will come thundering out from cover and catch us all.

My neighbor Chuck fished on his own yesterday, taking his pontoon out he idled off my dock till he caught my attention. I walked on down with brush in hand and the sound of a football game from the radio in the background. The old motor purring away under a blue cloud of smoke, it hiccupped a few times before it died. Chuck sitting at his lawn chair asked if I wanted to go fishing, He could see that I was already deep into staining the deck, knowing that he milked it for all it was worth. But that is what friends do. Drifting away from the dock the breeze started to catch the pontoon and push it out away from shore. Chuck with a second metal tackle box filled with tools headed back to work on the old motor and I watched as he took the cover off. I did manage to yell at him " I hope you bought gas this time" he kept his head down like he had not heard me, chuckling to myself I walked back up the path knowing he was out of gas, Elmer had borrowed his boat tank just the other day.

With the deck stained I sat on the swing that now rested in the somewhat deep grass of the yard. Making a mental list I added mowing the grass to it. A replacement board for the front stairs laid on the table, I had already stained it and I was just waiting for the wife to come out and check on me before I made a move to install it. I spent the rest of the day listening to the football game and watching stain dry well I did do a few other things, pet dogs, check on my fishing frogs in the greenhouse, water plants and admire my apples that are getting redder every day.

Which brings me back to today, furniture needs to go back on the deck and grass needs to be cut. Frogs checked on and if all goes well me and the frogs might take a little ride in the rowboat. A few more projects may get started and some might actually get finished. Then it looks good to get some fishing in this week before tying on the hunting boots Saturday. Tuff time of the year, fish, bird hunt, chores or try and get that last round of golf in.. From Lake Iwanttobethere {162,835}

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Newly stained decks are beaded with water here this morning, a shower or two fell overnight. Had plans to go fishing but watching the sky it looks like it will be raining soon. Bass thermometer hanging on the siding shows the red needle just above fifty and the tree tops are swaying a little. Some chop on the lake, not much but enough wind is blowing to make wet hands cold pretty quickly. Some soft ringing of the wind chimes and with a glance I can put together my own forecast.

I step off the deck and with Bud following me I take a walk around the yard. Drops of water cover the apples in the trees and both Edd and Eddie look down at me and Bud from their tree. Bud thinking we might be taking a walk down the trail makes a few darts toward it, trying to get me to walk that way. I call him back and head towards the shoreline. With some wind and a little spray in my face I look out over the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Elmer is not fishing on his dock but I know he is home as I can see some smoke rising from his chimney. Chuck's pontoon boat rests against the side of his dock and you can hear an occasional squeak coming from the sides against the weather wood. He was out of gas the other day and Elmer having borrowed his gas tank felt he should go and get him back to shore.

The old goose is no where to be seen, has been making himself scarce now that he has a family to tend to. Fall is pretty much here, just to many signs. A few maple trees have some red leaves and the master color has changed from green to yellow when you look at the hillside across the lake. Flocks of grackles move through the yards, swarming and overwhelming the bird feeders. They attack like soldiers do a castle and when they are done they take off as one to move on. Empty feeders hang swinging in the wind and nothing is left for even Edd or Eddie to bounce on.

As evening approaches and the shadows grow the deer are now seen in the ditches, fawns not as timid as a few months ago grow bolder as they come in at dusk to check out the gardens. A red fox has been seen more then a few times, running the shoreline, Edd and Eddie seem to be spending more time in their tree, watching. Grass is not growing as quick but it is the only really deep green in the yard now. Tomatoes are ripening in the green house and the bright red can be seen through the glass, At least there is some color to be seen until the leaves make the turn. In the next few weeks we will get the fall burst as this yellow will go to bright reds and everything will make that last effort of color before dying and falling from their branches. Apples will be harvested and grand kids will be here in search of different leafs for school projects. With the leaves down deer will be seen when driving down the roads and cabins that were hid all summer will reappear.

But lets not get to far ahead of ourselves, the clouds seem to be getting a little lighter and the wind has died some, maybe just maybe I will get to do some fishing here this afternoon. Might be to wet to be doing outside work but not to wet to go fishing. From Lake Iwanttobethere. {163,602}

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Well at the halfway mark of the month of September here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Resorts are still doing a brisk business but changing gears a little as hunting season is on us but still boats are heading out come mid day. Lodge has been busy as the lunch crowd seems to be hanging around a little longer. Chili and Coney's are as always in great demand and Gus has been firing up the big BBQ to do ribs on Wednesday nights. The Lake Iwanttobethere volunteer fire department was called out a few nights ago as there was a fire at one of the seasonal residents cabins. From what information I was able to gather from the report the gentleman had been reading online about making a BBQ from fifty-five gallon barrels. He had gone to see Earl at the General store and bought the barrel conversion kit and a hundred pounds of fine cooking charcoal.

After cutting the barrel and adding legs, handle and hinges he loaded it up with the charcoal and just to make sure the coals would lite and by the way, they were the self lighting kind. He added a can of fluid to soak in. Letting it sit for awhile he was working on some monster steaks that he had bought from down at Ma and Pa's grocery when his wife decide to help him out and lite the grill. She is ok, although her eye brows are gone and a trim should take care of her hair but the grill went up in flames! Not to mention part of the deck and there is a new path down to the lake from the burning coals rolling down the hillside. I see in the report that the cause of the fire is listed as " Building a BBQ out of a fifty-five gallon blue plastic barrel" Somehow Chuck and Elmer convinced the man and his wife that the burning plastic barrel can give off toxic fumes which fine cuts of steak attract. Going out of their way they remove the steaks and did not charge a fee for the service. Back at the Lodge I was wondering why Gus had restarted the Lodges grill that night. I checked off on the calendar the volunteer fire department meeting for the month.

Marking the calendar I see that we have to get the Lodges fall cleaning in and also post the notice about members cleaning their lockers. Someone and I am not pointing fingers here left some leeches in their locker and forgot about them. Lucky for us that Barney brought it to our attention before they got too ripe. Just another reason why catfish bait is not allowed in the Lodge even if the filling of a pair of waders was just to be a practical joke.

I did go out and do some fishing last night, there was just a little breeze when I started but it soon got pretty robust. I found a few nice bass and as always the northerns were biting. When I started to lose feeling in my fingertips I thought it was time to move out of the wind and I got a few more hours of fishing in. Today finds me wrapping my rod handles with foam and making sure the hand warmers are in the Puddle Humper. Tomorrow there is less wind in the forecast and Sunshine Ray is predicting it to be a little warmer, from Lake Iwanttobethere {164,100}

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HiYA from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Place is kind of busy for a Thursday but then we have a storm brewing outside and a guy has to have somewhere to go. I would think the common reason for all the Lodge members that are here today is that if they stayed at home their wife's would want them to be working on their inside Honey Do Lists. So they are all here on official Lodge business. Gus started a fire in the fireplace and the crackling of burning wood makes a nice addition to the clinking of coffee mugs and the static coming from the old CB radio that is on in the corner. Drapes on the windows are pulled back and the patio door is cracked open a tad to let out cigar smoke and to let us hear the whistle of the rising winds and the banging of the wind chimes.

Out on the lake not a boat to be seen, some white caps forming and the wind is tearing the tops of the waves off and throwing the spray sideways. Everything that can get wet outside is wet and Sunshine Rain was in just a little while ago and said the main storm is still south of us but moving this way. Couple of tables have guys playing cribbage and Elmer and Marv are sitting on the couch having a heated debate over baseball. That means about every minute or so one of them makes a comment that the other one thinks over it for a minute before replying. They also have a chess board set up and brag how they can argue and play chess at the same time.

I have been out fishing a couple of times this week and Sunday was a very good night, Was one of those rare occasions when my son and I got out together. Didn't start off to well though, my daughter was in the Dodge pulling the Puddle Humper out of the boat house and I got distracted by one of the grandsons. Well I had my foot where it should not have been and the trailer tire went over the top. I gave a yelp which made both Buddy and Barney look my way and I looked down to see a black tire track across the top of my shoe. I didn't even utter a swear word, it hurt worse than that. It took a few minutes for the pain to go away and making sure I could walk on it I did the best thing for it, I went fishing.

We caught a mess of fish and the son hooked into a nice four and a half pound bass. Some pictures were taken and what is more important we shared a Kodak moment together. No better time on the water then when you are with family. Last night before the storm came I got out again and fished in some windy weather, caught some fish and managed to stay dry and warm for the most part. Getting to be that time of year when you can't be to picky waiting for that perfect day to go fishing. It might not come so you dress a little warmer and go hit your good spots.

What was nice about yesterday is I heard a horn honking from the direction of the landing. I looked over to see my son standing outside of his truck waving at me. I drove the Puddle Humper over and he walks down to the landing dock with his rods and tackle box. He gets to the edge of the dock and sticks out his thumb like a hitch hiker. He had heard that I had gone fishing and had driven over to go fishing with his dear old dad. From Lake Iwanttobethere {164,917}

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Gone Fishing

To busy fishing to be doing any writting. Check out some new videos to see what I have been up to. End of September and forty-two bass and northens have been pulled over the sides of the Puddle Humper in the past two evenings. Days are getting shorter and a tad cooler so I would rather be fishing then writting, stories can always be told later! Bobby


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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