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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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HiYA from the lake, well with a week left before fishing starts today marks what might be the longest week here at Lake Iwanttobethere. But! The smelt are running down at Mystery Creek and the smelt fry tent went up yesterday morning here in the park. Already the smell of golden deep fried smelt and onion rings hangs heavy in the air. Mindy and Mandy dressed in their jumpsuits have a booth set up and Lake Iwanttobethere chilled root beer is on tap. The mini donut wagon is also open as is the hot pretzel cart. Hammering Hank and Skinny have their wood pile stocked and a mesh bag of wood is still only two dollars. Fire pits are clean and the wood picnics tables are spread out among the campsites.. Two of the docks are in and water slaps against the clean posts resting on the lakes bottom. The fish cleaning house has a new coat of paint and new yellow bug lights have been installed for this season. There are already two white campers set up in the park and you can see a couple of pairs of waders hanging from a clothes line.

Yesterday proved to be an interesting day, I was busy working in the greenhouse doing some transplanting when I heard some calls or noises being carried across the now ice free waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. I thought it was the wind going through the pines or maybe the clanking of a distance wind chime but I could not place the sounds I was hearing. After a while I went down to the dock to find both Bud and Barney sitting with ears cocked looking out over the water. They to were hearing these strange noises coming across the water. I stood for a while and finally the sounds got the best of me. I got into the Dodge and with the windows rolled down proceed to drive along the lake road. As I came up to the old trailer park that Marv was working on I did see several trucks and trailers. Getting closer the noise and some screams could be heard through the budding trees. I drove into the trailer park to be greeted by an elephant with a birch tree in its trunk blocking the way!

Well I have seen a lot of things around the lake but this did take me by surprise. I was even more surprised when a zebra brushed up against the side of the Dodge before strolling down the road in front of me. The elephant crossed and I swear I saw a clown with a stick walking behind it. Rubbing my eyes I felt the truck lurch forward, looking around wildly I looked up in my mirror to see the elephant or maybe another behind the Dodge with head down getting ready to ram the Dodge. I was getting ready to stomp on the gas when Marv appeared at the side of the Truck and yell "Put it in neutral" I quickly did and just in time as the elephant with lowered head starting pushing the truck down the road. Marv walking next to me, cigar in mouth and a big grin said "Sally likes to push things" I just nodded and held on to the steering wheel. After a minute or so Sally lost interest and leaving the Dodge to coast to a stop wandered off towards the lake. Marv standing next to the Dodge said "HIYA" well a long story made short is Marv has a buddy from back East who owns a small traveling circus, they were between dates and he was putting them up for a week here at the trailer park. In return Sally and her friends Tammy and Burtha was doing some tree clearing and the zebras were taking care of some grass and all the other things they found edible.

The rest of the day was spent with a couple of clowns who I might add like to drink Hamms and watching ladies doing tricks on horseback. I learn not to go to close to the tiger trailer and them monkeys sure do like to throw things. Took me awhile to find the Dodge as Sally pushed it around some more and when I called the cabin to tell my wife where I was and what I was doing she told me I had better sleep it off before I came back home. I figured no one would believe me so I invited everyone down to the Smelt fry. Sally and her friends made a big impression on everyone and old man Williams said he was swearing off drinking Wild Turkey, at least till next week. The owner of the circus said if we wanted to we could use their big top and put the whole smelt fry and all the campers under one roof. Of course we think we already have a three ring circus and said we would think about it for next year.. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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No longer are we counting months or weeks or even days. We are down to counting hours before fishing starts here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Well we have been fishing for sunfish and crappies but in hours we will be back to flinging lures with some weight to them. No longer will we be looking for fish that in mid summer we would be catching and calling bait. Now we are looking for some walleye for the fry pan and the screaming sound of the drag by a yardstick long northern looking to break our line. Some tail walking by a bruiser of a bass and the throbbing deep pull of a river catfish. This is the start of the real fishing season.

Today is delivery day here at the lake, as I drove along the lake road into the Lodge I was behind the bait truck. You could almost hear the swishing of the water in the tanks. You could just make out the license of the truck through all the dust from driving the dirt roads to the bait shops around the lake. As I took the high road to the Lodge the bait truck took the low road that weaves through the park and ends up at the Masterbaiters shop. I parked in the shade of the Lodge and going through the back door was greeted by a small wall of chip boxes. I see the delivery guy had already been here. Gus was busy sliding the boxes down the stairs to the basement. We don't have enough storage upstairs. No sooner did I get around the boxes when the candy guy came through the front door. Hand cart full of boxes of chocolates and mints and bags of peanuts. He rolled the cart to the big display case and with clip board in hand started to rattle off what he had hauled in. Not much idle chit chat today as I understand. He has a lot of stops to make before the day is over. I sign the sheet and wave as he takes his cart and is quickly back out the door. With my yellow copy I walk over to the deck window and look out over the lake. The bait truck is parked behind the shop and I can just make out Vicki talking with the driver. The UPS truck pulls up out front and she makes her way around the side of the shop. The driver is loading boxes on to his cart and soon the two of them go inside. I make a mental note to go and talk to Vicki, I am wondering if she has gotten any of them new paddle baits in.

I toss the invoice on the pile with the others and start stacking candy bars in the display case. I am about half way through when I see the shapely legs of Mindy come thorough the door. Mandy is not far behind and I see my order of Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer has arrived. I wave Gus off as I can make time to chat with the girls. Helping as much as I can I watch the girls unload the root beer and stack it in the store room. Can't help to admit that the weekly delivery of root beer by Mindy and Mandy in their bibs is always a highlight of any day. No sooner do they empty their carts then they are out the door. Everyone is so busy today I think to myself. I go back to the candy case and get a box on the shelf when the Hamms guy comes through the back door. I tell Gus to finish up with the candy but he tells me he has to go back in the kitchen and stir the chili. So I leave the candy and head to the walk in cooler. We are taking on a few extra kegs of Hamm since it is opening weekend, if it rains we will be busy. I did talk a little fishing with the driver as he was taking the day in stride. Not as much of a hurry as everyone else you had to love his attitude.

I come back up from the cooler and go outside to stand in the sun, a little chilly in the cooler and the sun feels good. The bait truck has left along with the UPS truck from down at the Masterbaiters shop. But now I see Vicki is getting a delivery of ice. I hear the honk of a horn and Hammering Hank and Skinny drive by, the old truck pile high with slab wood it looks like they to are out making deliveries. I wave as they drive by and watch as they disappear around the turn heading towards the North Road. Guess it is going to be one of them days ahead and I still have to get to the rest of that candy before the lunch crowd shows up. From a busy day here at the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere {93,711}

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Lake Iwanttobethere fishing opener arrived on schedule and with it the trailers and trucks and fishermen of all shapes and sizes and all mostly dressed in rain gear set out on the water. A typical opener for most. Cool, damp and cloudy skies were the norm for the day. Some fish were caught and few more were lost and a story or two might have been emblished. Long lines at the access great early morning fishermen and trailers are parked along the road and in the ditches. Under the green hoods of rain parkas old faces looking young again with expecting eyes held on to tillers and motored out onto the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Trusted combinations of hooks and sinkers and beads on new line were lowered out of eyesight into the cold water, and hopefully into the hungry mouths of waiting fish.

Mental checklists are gone over again and everyone could hear someone reminding someone else about making sure the plug was in at the landing. Waders were pulled on and somehow they had gotten smaller since last fall. Boats were eased off sunken trailers to be tied off to the side of the dock and trucks are driven out trailing a telltale stream of dripping water across the cement access. With each boat launched the next parking spot got farther and farther away from the lake. Wet waders off and tossed on the front seat of the truck and with windows rolled up and last check to make sure everything needed was taken, the doors are locked and slammed closed. The walk back to the waiting boat goes quickly.

An hour later and you have been on "Your spot" now without a bite. No worry, it's the first day of fishing and you got to put your time in. You sit with a thermos coffee cup steaming in your hand with your other hand holding on to the well-worn cork handle of your favorite rod resting against the gunnel of the boat. A pause in conversation with your partner as you both take turns commenting on boats passing you on the way to "Their Spots" You are halfway through telling a joke when your rod twitches in your hand, or at least that is what your fishing side of your brain tells ya. You stop in mid word, swiveling your head so your eyes can follow the line from your rod tip down to where it enters the water and you wait.

Your fishing partner still waiting for the punch line of the joke turns away from watching a passing boat to see you staring over the side. His eyes follow your eyes and you both sit in the now quiet boat watching the spot where the line enters the water. With more concentration then you had when you were repeating your wedding vows you hold the rod in your hand and watch. Twink, Twink, there you feel it.... Your partner says something but you don't here him. Leaning forward on the boat seat your other hand finds the reel handle. You ever so slowly turn your body to face the line going in the water, slowly turning the handle what little slack line you have out is reeled in. Looking like a cat you wait for that next little Twink and BAM you set the hook with a graceful snap of your wrist, you wait for it and feel weight on your rod. Checking the tip you see it bounce a few times and with a grin you turn to your partner and say " Fish On" and that says it all. You have a fish on, Hahah you don't have a fish on. I win the bet for first fish, I am not skunked, what a great opener!

A moment later after yelling to "get the net" the ten inch walleye is at boat side. Your partner takes the net and returns to sit back down at his seat in the bow. Holding the line just above the sinker you hold the fish up and admire it like it is the trophy that it is. Quickly you return the fish back to the waters of the lake. Already it has grown into a twelve incher and by lunch I am sure it will have grown into a fifteen inch keeper. Tomorrow at work it will have been twenty inches and only your skill could have gotten the fish to the boat. Next year sitting on the same spot the story will be told over hot thermos coffee of the trophy you released right on this very spot. For now though as you bait up again you caught a fish and fishing season is here.. From Lake Iwanttobethere {93,768}

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About a gallon of gas away from Lake Iwanttobethere is an even smaller town that I like to visit early in the fishing season. The town has but a one pump. Meaning what passes as a gas station has but one pump and it changes during the seasons. In winter it has gas for snowmobiles and in the summer it is there for lawn mowers and boat tanks. No bar but it does have a saloon, I don't really know what the difference is, maybe because they have onion rings and tap beer? So I get out the seven foot rod and grab the day pack and with a cigar burning between my fingers hanging out the window of the Dodge I take the short drive to this little town. I go there because it has a small river that joins up with an even larger river and this time of the year sometimes you can get lucky and the walleye will be cruising within casting distance of the shore.

I first discover this section of river about thirty-five years ago as my fishing partner and myself traveled back roads in search of spots that no one else had yet discovered. Back then the road along the river was dirt and it turns into nothing more than a trail along the river. Now a days it is all blacktop till you actually get to the river then it is gravel. If you follow it long enough the gravel stops at a turn around and now it is a rutted road that only the four wheel drive trucks travel and even that stops and it becomes a small trail with tracks from atv's marking the way. Finally it just becomes just a grassy walking trail.

I park at the turn around and with day pack on my shoulder and rod in hand I follow the ruts left by trucks. After a few hundred yards the ruts stop and you can see where trucks have parked over the weekend and the bent down grass where fishermen have set up along the river bank to fish catfish. The blacken ash of used campfires and the fork sticks stabbed into the shoreline to hold rods. I keep walking past this slow moving section of river, there are rapids down further that I want to get to. Walking is easy in the tracks in the trail made by the atv's who run down this way, The tall grass of last summer is beaten down and looks almost like straw. Green grass is making its way up through the center of the trail, hardly six inches tall it is a little ribbon of color making the trail.

The atv trail swings away from the river and now just a foot path remains. Trees are just starting to bud and you can see a long ways through the underbrush. Another month from now and the grass will be taller and the brush will have leaves. You will have nothing but the trail and the sound of the river on your side to guide you. Being older I walk a little slower and I take rest stops. Not because I have to it just seems that I should stop from time to time and look around me. Rod gets switched from hand to hand and shoulder pack gets moved from one side to the other. Eyes looking for maybe a glimpse of a deer or maybe a rabbit. I do see a bald eagle, sitting high in the top of a pine it opens its wings and falls out of the top of the tree. In a few feet the wings grab air and it with a few wing beats that you can almost hear it soars out over the river to follow the tumbling water downstream. To slow to reach into the pack for the camera I watch as it follows the river before going around the bend and out of sight.

I continue my walk and I can hear the gurgling of water as I am getting closer to a small set of rapids I want to fish. I spot a twelve gage shotgun shell poking up through the new grass on the trail, and without thinking I reach down and pick up the spent shell and stick it in my pocket. My buddy Chuck always had a thing about picking up his brass, he never left a shotgun shell behind him. Said he didn't want anyone to know he shot at a bird there. I chuckle at the thought, should have been he never wanted anyone to know he missed a bird there.

I find a clearing in the brush that takes me down to the river and I look out over the boils in the river that mark the rapids. The water is high and the banks are full. I cast for a while. My goals today were simply, to go fish, to get some casts in, to get a hit, maybe see a fish, catch a fish and touch a fish and finally catch a keeper fish for supper. Well it did not happen today. I had a few bites, caught one little three quarter pond smallmouth who thought he was a pound and watched a northern slash at my lure right at my feet. Still a successful outing I am thinking. After a while I move along to another spot on the river and nothing happening there so I decide to call it a day. With a few sprinkles falling I break out the rain coat from the day pack. The walk back to the Dodge always seems to be quicker than the walk in. In what seems like a matter of a few minutes I am driving the Dodge back onto the black top and rejoin traffic going fifty-five down the road.

I stay on the highway for a only a few miles before turning off and getting back on the road to Lake Iwanttobethere. I quickly slow back down to a more leisurely pace and the wipers work on the delay setting moving a few drops of rain away. Back to looking at houses where the garages are bigger then they are and horses standing in fields pausing to look at me as I drive by. I am glad summer is coming and fishing is here, Some might have not even bothered to go out for a few hours but I will always make a trip to the river to start the year. One should never forget their fishing spots from their youth, From Lake Iwanttobethere {93,846}

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Hiya from Lake Iwanttobethere. A sunny day out and winds have calmed down to about fifteen miles per hour. Last few days here at the lake have been a little on the extreme side for winds. Yesterday gusts were blowing white caps on the lake and Sunshine Ray reported they topped out at around fifty miles per hour with a steady thirty the norm. Roof shingles were seen blowing down main street like something out of the Wizard of Oz. Hammering Hank and Skinny were seen driving around town with the old log truck stacked with ladders in the back. I know even Gus here at the Lodge was getting calls looking for the two of them, lot of roofing work for them.

We had a few warm days and then some down right cold days this past week. I had not noticed that I had not written for almost a week. Have been busy. Going to make a real attempt to fish even more then I usually do this summer and something has to give so I have made up a sign for the office door here at the Lodge and it says "Gone Fishin" I thought I would be missed but it seems everyone is fishing! So maybe I need to fish more and type less.

Memorial Weekend starting soon and with it all the cabins will be open and I am sure traffic will increase on main street. Our seasonal members of the Lodge will be here for the summer and the chalk board on the wall behind the popcorn machine should start picking up names of fishermen posting fish. Already the sign up sheets on the bar for the skeet shooting league and the horseshoe league are half full. Towns softball team has been having practice down on the field and the church league is looking to play their also. They have lost their field for the summer as the new pastor wanted to plan corn there in a fund rasing attempt. He is not from around here and does not know we have farmers who grow corn. Might be interesting come late summer as Hunterdown up at the Old Mill has planted sweet corn to sell from a stand.

Trees are budding nicely and we are starting to turn green, sound of lawnmowers can be heard in the late afternoon. You can still hear the ten o'clock freight train but it is getting a little muffled. Days are getting longer with the sun staying up a little higher. No longer dark at five o'clock and the smell of BBQ is strong in the air at dusk. The traveling circus has moved on, Was kind of getting used to the sound of Sally the elephant trumpeting in the middle of the night. Of course she has been replaced with the sound of a loon which along with it's mate have started a nest off Chucks point. The old goose is not so old with it's new mate if ya know what I mean. The two of them have staked out the beach in front of the cabin and Barney has had to run them off more than a few times so he can watch fish from the end of the dock. Normally that is Buds job but Bud has taken to laying on the deck a lot. Both Bud and Barney have now turned nine and Bud seems to think he has reached retirement age. Noting wrong with that, he is just mimicking his owner. So together we are spending time sitting on the swing. Watching everything around us and trying to stay out of the Mrs. eyesight.

I receive a gift from Marv down at the bookstore a few weeks ago. A pen with disappearing ink in it. I have it laying on the table right next to the Honey Do List. So far so good as the wife has been adding things to the list with it. I did notice the other day she was at the table scratching her head, talking to herself out loud about swearing she wrote that down. When I kindly asked why she was talking about to her self she waved me off and said it was nothing. Since she accuses me of being forgetful I think she does not want to admit anything that I can use against her... I am liking that pen.

I have taken the old row boat out but have stayed in the bay, Wind has been blowing so hard that I don't know if I could row back against it. Elmer has been fishing off his dock, crappies are biting right off the trees he sank this spring. Chuck is busy selling his Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup, He had a good spring but it is good not to smell the sap boiling anymore. His pontoon boat is ready to go out and he even bought some new lawn furniture to tie to the deck.

Jessie the paper boy is back as is Mark the mailman, both of them are delivering the paper and mail by boat. I did put a new coat of paint on the dock box and a replacement latch that I bought from Big Earl down at the General Store. Busy down there as he is selling a lot of paint and propane tanks. Of course rakes and shovels are always a good seller this time of year. All of his chicks have sold so no longer do you hear the sound of peeping when you come through the door. The water tanks with the heat lamps are gone from the main aisle. The lawn mower is back out front with the "Last One " tag tied from the handle. I know for a fact he has at least ten of then in the back room.

Well I could go on, but I think you get the idea that we are kind of ready for your visit out here at the lake. If ya stop by the Lodge and you see my "Gone Fishin" sign then there is a good chance you might catch me out on the water. If it looks like I am trying to ditch ya, I am just heading for one of my secret spots and don't want any company. If you find a boat hidden in the back of a bay with a sleeping old guy and a retired lab it's most likely me and Bud enjoying the day. From Lake Iwanttobethere..{94,048}

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Hiya from the lake, has been a very nice holiday weekend here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Campground as you can expected is full and a handful of tents have been pitched up under the trees. Sheriff Tim has overlooked that they are not in the campgrounds and just told them they better leave the area better then when they found it. This morning finds calm winds and cloudless sky. Sipping on some hot cocoa here on the Lodges deck I can look down and see some of the campers just starting to stir. Banging of the outhouse door and the spring closer can be heard all the way up here. Some quiet good mornings are exchanged as grills sitting on top of picnic tables are started up and the smell of coffee and bacon starts to rise in the air. At the crack of dawn a few boats were heard leaving the landing. Muffled in the cool morning air they moved away from shore and I see them down bobbing off Root Beer island.

Gus has been busy turning out stacks of pancakes and we have been busy here at the Lodge with a steady morning flow of campers coming in for breakfast. Young kids in shorts and colorful striped shirts lead their parents to checkerboard covered tables. Clinking of forks on plates and Lake Iwanttobethere maple syrup dripping off chins to be caught by napkins before hinting shirts. Some of the locals are here at the end of the bar, reading over the morning paper and talking about last nights baseball game. No rain for the past several days but Stormy Clearweather says there is a good chance we might see thunderstorms tomorrow.

Last night the pontoon group was out and late in the evening several had tied up and as a group and were floating on the calm waters of the lake. At dusk they looked like a Christmas tree out there with all of their red and green and white lights on. Del's pizza and sub shop was busy as you could hear the booming of the pizza cannon right up till dusk. From time to time you could see the pies skipping across the water toward the pontoon flotilla. Lights were on in the fish cleaning house so some fish were caught and some late dinners were had. Even though people are moving around it is pretty quiet. It still be early here on a Sunday morning and a holiday at that. Not much rush in anyone wanting to break camp as most will stay another day. Hammering Hank and Skinny are still busy, I can see them now bring in a load of firewood to stock their bin. Kids come to watch like they have never seen guys working in bibs stacking wood before. Parents gather around the truck and make purchases almost like it was a deal buying fire wood right off the truck.

Not quite ten before the first kid runs off the dock and cannonballs into the lake. With a scream he runs back out of the water quicker then when he went in. Chuckling to myself I am thinking the water might be a little cold this morning. Bud wanders over and sits next to me. Looking out over the deck he acts indifferent to everything. Barney is here, but he is asleep on the couch in my office. He already has had his fill of pancakes hand fed to him by customers. Reaching down I rub Bud on top of his head and we both turn and go back in the Lodge. Bud heads to the couch where he flops down between a couple of throw cushions. A lady wearing a summer dress and a big yellow hat points out to Gus that a dog is lying on the couch. Gus on his way to the kitchen with a stack of empty plates looks and says " It's his couch" The lady gives out a slight gasp and turns to go back to her table. Her husband rolls his eyes and continues to eat his pancakes. I just ignore them both. Summer residents from the big city, he is OK and she just likes to act like she is something. Here at the lake if a dog gets to the couch before you, it's his couch.

So I head back to my office, the mound of candy bar boxes and potato chips that we had no room for in the store room is getting smaller. I suppose I should go stock the candy case again. Seems every time I do that we get a run, people must think that the stuff in the case is old and the new stuff is better. With the BBQ this afternoon I will be able to get in the closet as we have bags of charcoal stacked in here to. I think summer has arrived, all we need now is a good thunderstorm from Lake Iwanttobethere {94,155}

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Well, we made it through the holiday weekend and my office is once again empty of overstock. Barney is back up sleeping on the couch after a hard morning of fishing on the dock and Bud is down at the campground making his rounds. Hammering Hank and Skinny have made their rounds and the wood piles are full again. Minnow truck just left the Masterbaiters shop and already Elmers truck is parked at the back door. I am sure he is hand picking some crappie minnows for him and Marv to use later this afternoon. Campground is about half full which is pretty good for it being Friday morning. Later this evening I am sure it will be full and the docks will be crowded with boats tied up. The smell of the mini donuts from the trailer is in the air and with it being lunch time here at the Lodge a few conies and a frosty Hamms sounds good, maybe even a walk down the hill for a bag of them donuts would top the meal off.

Fishing has been good for some the past week. Northern are starting to attack with an attitude and some nice bass have allowed themselves to be caught and released. The chalk board on the wall by the popcorn machine has several entries on it. The lake map located on the wall in the hall just down from the washrooms has a few pencil marks on it, as a few fish are being marked there along with the Lodges secret code giving out information about the catch. Yesterday we had a run on Mindy and Mandy's Lake Iwanttobethere Root beer as the bass thermometer nudged eighty in the shade. We had the door open to the ice house and after Grace came and got her chuck of ice and dragged it off we left the door open so people could go in and chip off their own ice for their drinks.

Two nights ago we got some much needed rain, most people missed it as it fell around midnight. The campers got to enjoy it, hard to mistake the sound of raindrops falling against a canvas top of a tent. I had a late night at the Lodge playing some cards and was enjoying the last of a cigar as I sat next to the fire pit. Under the cover of the big pine tree I got to enjoy the rain as it fell into the pit and I listen to the sound of rain sizzling as it hit the flames. Not a lot of water fell and the fire was strong enough to remain burning. The top of the fire went dark but there was a rich bed of red coals at the base. It being so late the campground was quiet and just some shadows moving in the Lodge. You could make out the scrapping of chairs moving on the old hardwood floor and the occasional sound of beer mugs tapping each other. Add on the quiet rumble of muffled conversation and the sound of falling poker chips coming through the screen of the open window.

Gus came out from the back door of the Lodge. Wiping his hands on his apron and with a cigar of his own clench between his teeth he was surprised to see me sitting under the Pine. With a puff of smoke rising from him and his head down he quicken his step to get under the tree and out of the falling rain. Sitting down next to me he smelled of conies and chili and a Cuban cigar! I looked at him and he looked back " What" he said. I said nothing... The two of us watched and listen to the sizzling fire. A clanking of the outhouse door made us both look down at the campground. We could see a figure walking across the grass, the light from a flashlight darting back and forth lighting the way. We watched as the light make its way to a tent and then inside.

Summer here at the Lake and I am looking forward to many more fire pits and many more fishing stories. From Lake Iwanttobethere {94,304}

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Woke up this morning to the sound of a distant rumble, looking out the window I could see clear blue sky so it had me thinking for a moment. Then I hear it again and realized what the noise was the furnace cycling. June 6th and the furnace is still running? First I thought I had turned that off but I guess the wife must had turned it back on. That is not a problem but that it had decided to run made me get up and step out onto the deck. Cold and I mean cold wood greeted my toes and it was down right crisp out. I should have know it was a little on the cool side when I looked over at Elmers dock and he was in his easy chair fishing away dressed in his parka. Pepper was curled up at his feet and she was trying to stay out of the slight breeze and catch some of the sun reflecting off the calm water of the lake. Quickly deciding that I needed slippers or better yet a pair of socks I returned to the cabin. I thought about giving the wife some grief for turning the furnace back on but I will over look it this time... Besides it felt a lot warmer then outside.

Been a busy week here at Lake Iwanttobethere, got some fishing in and some fire pit time. No rain to speak of and we have had two mornings the past week where frost warnings have been issued by Sunshine Ray. I keep planning on getting the rest of the gardens in but the plants are doing fine in the greenhouse so there they sit until the frost warnings are done. Tomatoes and peppers and flowers are all growing strong and when you water them the smell of tomato is heavy in the air. I was going to cover up the solar collector for the summer but glad I did not, as we still need the free heat it provides. Grass is growing, I think it likes this cooler weather, and the sound of lawn mowers and weed wackers were echoing around the lake yesterday afternoon.. This morning it is quiet out, just an occasional honk from the old goose and his mate. Ducks and ducklings are cruising the shoreline, looking like little trains as they follow each other. At the first sight of anyone they make a dash for the brush up against the shoreline. In a few more weeks they will lose their fear and will be following anyone they think might give them a free handout. The grand kids will come and toss bread to them and the wonder why the ducks follow them.

Fishing has been good, at least for me. Took a few trips to the far side of the lake this week and although I could have taken the lake access road I went out and drove on the highway. Nothing makes the old Dodge ride good then new asphalt. Looks like the county will not have any road projects on this side of the lake this summer so it is nice to be able to drive without having to worry about them dang orange barrels everywhere. So anyway I know of a section of the lake that has big cattails around it. If ya catch it just right the bass will stack up right next to them. So I was making a return trip to that part of the lake. The first time I caught some fish but had to fight the wind. Have I ever mentioned that I hate the wind, keeps the bugs away but it does make life difficult for a fishermen. So my second trip there I left an hour earlier, took my time driving on the new blacktop. Got some funny looks from a few other guys hauling their boats as they passed me. Hurry hurry hurry as they sped by. I always have looked as fishing as relaxing, can't relax if you start out in a hurry. So anyway I get to the access and I have it all to myself, not even any water on the concrete landing so no one has been on it for a while. I unload the Puddle Humper and two things I notice, mayflies and it's dead calm. After fishing the last few weeks in what seems to be remembered as gale force winds I may have to change my tactics.

Wearing my sandals I push the Puddle Humper out in to deeper water, I look at the graph and it is showing a water temperature of seventy, that's good. I also for some reason see my top water lure with the three treble hooks resting on the bottom of the boat. Well I push the boat out a little farther and climb in over the side. I kick my sandals off and proceed to step right on the lure with the three treble hooks. So I have a problem, the lure is connected to fishing line to the pole that is secured to the rod rack on the side of the Puddle Humper. The hook is not quite up to the barb in my second toe, but I can't move my foot because the rod has tension on the line.... Hmmmmm looking around I am lucky enough to see a forceps that was not put away. Stretching out I get the forceps and with a deft move rip the hook from my toe. I put my shoes on and make a note to myself to secure that rod better.

Sounds like a good start right! Well a few more things happen during the course of afternoon fishing. I am sure it happens to everyone. I just tend to remember them as they happen to me. Later I am catching bass in the twelve to fourteen inch range, looking for some size I start tossing a bigger spinner bait. As what sometimes happens I toss up towards the bank and I get a backlash, I pull out some more line and am working on what Hunterdown calls a "Birds Nest" and I have a bass jump not more than ten feet from the boat, kind of unusual but I heard the clinking of what sounded like a spinner bait blades. Thinking to myself" You got to be kidding me" I ignored the backlash and started to reel in the line. Sure enough the bass was on the other end! I had tossed the lure out and as it laid on the bottom the bass had picked it up. I unhooked the fish and released it back into the lake thinking this has got to be one of them days..

So after a while I work my way around to where the cattails stand, I wanted to get here in the late afternoon so the sun would be behind them creating shaded water. The cattails are huge, at least eight feet above the water and are a thick dense wall. A few new green ones are starting to grow and the area is alive with mallards that blast out from the open pockets of water hidden from view. I work the area flipping a top water lure and pick up fish. My favorite fishing is working a top water where I know there are fish and teasing them to come up and hit it. The other day I was here in windy conditions and I lost three nice fish, I was not ready that day but I had changed setups and now had some different rod setups. I was looking for big fish and I was rewarded with a nice three pounder on the second cast. A couple of missed fish later and I was just smiling away as I had a nice long stretch of cattails to fish and the fish were here.

Now I am not going to write about the fish that I caught, or even the fish I lost but it was a good fishing day. Even that bass that came up and took a run on me only to snap my line. I lost an eight dollar lure but no big deal. I kept an eye on the spot where I thought that fish was and quickly tied on another lure. Using my stainless steel scissors I nipped the extra line off from my knot and tossed the scissors back up on to the front casting deck. As soon as it left my fingers I knew it was a bad idea. The scissors hit the deck and bounced up and over the side of the boat to sink into the lake....

Fishing by myself I said nothing, there was no one there to complain to. Just looked over the side and notice I had picked the one spot in the lake where the weeds were actually growing. Well I went back to fishing, lost another nice bass that I got to watch come up from beneath the lure and drive it upwards. This fish had some shoulders on it so it would have been nice to have caught it, But I know where it is and I will return to that section of cattails and maybe get lucky the second time around. I do have one more thought and that is why are redwing black birds so angry all the time? I put a lure into the cattails and got stuck, when I moved in closer to retrieve it I have one very upset blackbird start dive bombing me. Guessing there was a nest there so I can understand but then he left and came back with a couple of his buddies, It was like a gang attack as they buzzed me. The only thing that saved me was a passing crow, they really must hate them guys because they left me alone to go chase the crow.

So summer is still trying to get here, at least on my end of Lake Iwanttobethere. Skeeters are out at night, mayfly hatch is happening. Got to watch out for ticks and we could use some rain but snow would not surprise me. Apple trees are full of blossoms and trees are leafing out nicely. Grass is growing and school is done, I expect today I'll see some kids on bikes with fishing poles heading for the lake. From Lake Iwanttobethere {94,616}

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Like a 3rd grade coat room dripping rain coats hang along the wall at the front entrance to the Lodge. Today here at Lake Iwanttobethere is a show off your good rain gear kind of day. Heavy rain pushed by steady winds in the twenties and some gusts upwards of thirty miles an hour drives water under hoods and cuffs. Lunch crowd has been making there way in, hanging coats on the hooks before pausing at the fireplace to rub hands together briskly. Nothing wrong with drinking some hot cider on a day like today.

Looking out from the protection of the Lodges deck I can gaze out over the lake and watch as the dark sky and rain rolls across the lake. Waves pound against the docks and trailers with tarp covered boats are parked at the campground. Not a day to be fishing, even if you are on vacation. Lilac trees heavy in flower hang low down by the softball field. The blossoms soaked I am sure from the rain. No smoke from the campground, no sign of any fires having made it through the night. A few tents pitched, rain fly's flapping in the wind. Looks like one group has retreated to their van.

Drive into the Lodge was interesting, a few branches down and all the pot holes filled with water making for surprises when you drove through. When I left Elmer was sitting on his dock, rod in it's holder. To her credit Pepper was no where to be seen, I am guessing she was in Elmers cabin on his couch, staying dry and warm. Elmer seeing me in my rain gear waved but not raising his arm so high that the rain could go down his sleeve. Dressed in his yellow oilskins which are I am sure are older then me he was as comfortable as an otter at a clam feed. Elmer lives for bad weather, and says he will never miss the chance to be out in it, as at his age it may be his last. To tell ya the truth I can't even see if there is a bobber on the end of his line. It would not surprise me at all if he was just out there because he could be.

Railings here at the Lodge are all bare. Tess, Hammering Hanks wife was here last night. With help of members that she persuaded to help her all the flower pots and hanging baskets were taken down and brought inside the Lodge. She has been with Stormy Clearweather and was taking her advice about the then upcoming storm. Several tables are now covered with the plants and it does add some color to the place.

A couple of tourists come in the door wearing them pack a sack raincoats. Dripping their way across the floor they head for the counter and a waiting Gus. A brief conversation is held and the couple return to the entrance to hang their jackets on the hooks on the wall. Gus comes out from around the bar pushing the yellow mop bucket and grumbling something under his breath as he passes by. Door opens and a couple of happy duck hunters come in, you can tell by their rain coats.

I didn't really have anything to do at the Lodge so after getting a cigar from my office stash I got my good rain coat on and made my way back out to the Dodge. I drove past the General Store and Big Earl was wearing his big red apron and was tending to his cart outside the door. Umbrellas filled the cart and several pairs of rubber boots lined the bottom shelf. Double doors were open down at Dug's garage and mud covered ATV stood half in and half out of the doorway. I was wondering who the owner was till I saw Dug standing under the water coming off the garage eve. I know it was Dug as the falling rain water coming down had cleaned about half of the mud off him. Got to love a guy who takes his job serious, When Doug says he will take your machine out for a test drive he means it.

I ended up down at Marv's bookshop/smoke shop. I shook off and hung my raincoat up one the empty pegs. A rack held several wet umbrellas and a pair of rubber boots on a tray. Some small talk with Marv before I found my old stuff chair and with rain splattering against the window I relaxed with my cigar. Just a good rain day here at Lake Iwanttobethere {94,692}

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Had a hankering for blueberry pancakes this morning so I had a late breakfast at the Sundown Cafe. Walking in the door I was greeted by a few of the regulars sitting near the window. The usual morning debate on bass vrs walleye was being held with a token comment being made about northern. Having sat in on a few of these conversation I took a stool at the counter. Alice greeted me with a friendly smile and with pen in hand she was ready for my breakfast order. Just a side of blueberry pancakes I asked for and of course some Lake Iwanttobethere maple syrup. I turned and leaned against the countertop and took in the view of the lake. Just about every business here at Lake Iwanttobethere has a view of the water. I could make a couple of boats off Root Beer Island and someone moving on the dock of Mindy and Mandy's Got me to thinking that I have not seen or heard from Nytelyter for a while. I think him and Mandy might have gotten into a little spat there over the winter and decide to spend some time away from each other. Of course that is just a rumor and we try to stay away from spreading them. They seem to be able to do it by themselves, rumors that is.

Digging in my shirt pocket I find the slip of paper I had tucked away when I left the cabin. Have some things I need to pick up at the General Store and need some steaks from Ma and Pa's grocery store. Some sanmiches from Amy's as this afternoon will be a fishing day with the daughter. She is going to get off work early and we are going to take the Puddle Humper over to a small bay on the lake and see if we can catch some fish together and share a moment. Of course this also means I won't have to do to much work as she will launch the boat and I can keep my feet dry. Two decent days in a row here weather wise and the sun is shinning and wind, well for a change there is hardly a breeze. I hear the call of "order up" and look up as Alice brings me my six blueberry pancakes on a platter. Taking my time I pour a liberal puddle of syrup across them and that add just a little more to make sure I didn't miss a spot. The first bite is just what I had in mind. My attention is now focus on breakfast and I ignore the guys behind me trying to draw me into the debate.

With breakfast paid for I manage to slip out the door as the conversation at the table turns from fishing to trolling motors. I decide to walk over to the General store. Doc Burriem has his car parked out front of his office. Has been holding kind of regular hours with the talk of the flu and people worried about ticks. Reed the Realtor is in his office, the ceiling fan slowly moving above his head and the posters of travel vacations fluttering. Reed has once again branched out, now his office is sharing space as a travail agency. I wave as he waves at me. No one is parked at the two parking meters but someone is on the pay phone. Not using it but posing for a picture by their husband I am guessing. Car wash is empty and the concrete floor is dry. I see Elmers pickup parked out in front of Marv's and a closed sign up in the window. I was going to cross the street when I see the two of them, tackle boxes in hand come out the door. I resist the urge to yell " Going Fishing Eh!"

Seeing that it is almost noon I decide to go to Amy's first, apple pie is just what I need to follow up on them blueberry pancakes, Just a little piece mind you. Well hope to see you out on the water today, looks like it is going to be a good day, From Lake Iwanttobethere {95,071}

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The days keep getting longer, at least for a few more days then we will be on the other side looking at shorter days. A minute here and a minute there we won't notice till school starts again. Wind keeps coming off the lake so we remain cool. Good for evening BBQ's as there are no sketters but still cool enough that when the sun goes down a jacket is needed. Kids are out of school and the lake is well lit at night. The resorts that ring the lake all have their dock lights on and shops in town all have their summer hours in effect. You can hear the sound of Del's Pizza cannon right up till dusk and if the light is right you can see the glint from the flying pans as they skip out across the water. Water is still cool so the jet skiers and water skiers are few and far between. I for one don't miss the buzzing sound they make. Masterbaiters shop is open till seven but Vicki is not about to kick you out of the shop when closing time comes.

Chicken Shack is open and doing a brisk business, I have been meaning to stop but I never see a parking space open. Passing traffic does slow down as they still have car hops working on roller skates and short skirts. A good place to go out for supper and then a trip over to the Ice Cream Barn for a deep double thick shake. They still stick wafers in the malts there and the straws are twice as wide so you can suck the malt up. At my advance age them skinny straws and a ice cream brain freeze can be a bad thing. Nice to just drive around the lake and take in the smell of pine trees and coal fired grills. Farmers are already out cutting hay and the deep grass laying in the sun drying is another smell and sign that summer has arrived.

Elmer has been sitting on the end of his dock every evening, him and Pepper wave the lazy wave and Pepper barks at each passing pontoon that trolls by. The pontoons come in and make the wide turn out front of the cabin and usually you can hear the sound of a baseball game and some low chatter deepening on which way the wind is blowing. Of course with summer here the never ending Honey Do List is a always a topic of conversation at the Lodge and at the Sundown Cafe. Even at Burts barbershop between clips someone is complaining or bragging. My big summer project is to stain the cabin and all the decks and outbuildings. I hope we have a long summer because I don't want the staining to get to much in the way of my fishing.

The other night I had all the kids here, including the grand kids. I fried up a mess of fish and made my home made onion rings. I had Ma from Ma and Pa's grocery order me in some of them big sweet onions. I mixed up some secret ingredients along with some pancake batter and deep fry them. Along with some tatters and the parts of the onion that I can't make rings out of they go in the big cast iron fry pan and we cook them up on the coals in the fire ring. Number two granddaughter who is two and a half was working her fork to slow so she went to fingers. Makes grand pa proud watching them shoveling fish and tatters into waiting mouths. Early in the day I had shared some blueberries with the grand daughter. Found out later she had filled her pockets with the berries. Her mother was not to happy the next day when the pants went into the wash. But that is what grand pa's are for..

After some evening fishing from the dock we grabbed jackets and sat around the fire ring. A clear night and the stars are always out here. The grand son asked where do the stars go at home, back in the city. I told them they are there you just have to look really hard. I was sitting on the swing with the youngest grand daughter on one side and one of my grandsons on the other. They went quiet after a while, I thought they had just run out of questions but they had both just fallen asleep. My son came and got his son and took him into the cabin to bed. My daughter came over and sat on the swing with me taking her nephews spot. Swinging slow with my girls I listen to a loon call out from the water and watched as the last of the sunset went dark. My daughter leaned her head against my shoulder and said " Dad tell me a story" and so I did.. From Lake Iwanttobethere {95,220}

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wow! where has the spring gone off to. summer begins tomorrow. and yet it has been over a month that i have been on the water. sorry about the drive thru at the root beer island not being opened. our family has been challenged with my mom being diagnosed with cancer, and her moving on the the big pond in the sky 21 days later. it as it should be, a time of sorrow and ajared memories as we spent time with her recalling some of the crazy things our family did together. she passed 18 days shy of her and dads 50th anniversary.

and when i say family it is like the story book family that you dont see to often in todays times. when we were growing up, yeah we had all the usual chores a big family had. but it was the summer vacation, that we so looked forward to every year. shortly after the new year each year we would figger which direction we would head. some years it would be something short due to econimics. some years it would be a bit farther.

we would drive and camp to extend the dollar to the fullest. and i can recall many camp sites and camp fires in some pretty cool places. some times we would use my uncles camper or rv. other times, mostly later, it would be the family van and cargo trailer. from the summer trip that took us to yellow stone park. while every night at the camp fire i had whittled a pretty cool desing into a walking stick that i had been working on only to leave it a tourest stand and not realize it untill we had gotten about 100 miles down the road. to the trip to dc where we visited the smithsonian, the liberty bell, williamsburg, (before the theme park) antitum, 1600 pennsylvania av, and all the sites you would expect. old faithfull, the four faces of mount rushmore. the trip to devils tower, or almost trip. heheheheh i think we drove about 500 miles all around the thing and the closest we got to it was a dead end road with a wall drug south dakota sign on a fence post. that sign by the way hung proudly or in effigy on the barn for a long time before it became to rusted to read. all the cool places we shared as a family or with friends as well.

anyways those are the memories that loosing a family member will bring back. as the many friends of family and very special people in your life came to pay the respect and kind thoughts about our mom. there is the recollection of those good times that hit me real hard.

while growing up there were many friends and relitives that i had spent alot of time with.weekends at the lake or cabin, gone out on weekend outings or even local trips, trips to north shore or lots of other real cool campgrounds. even here within the state, friends and families that i had not seen in years. or had been able to spend any amount of time with. the bummer was that it took a death of a loved one to bring us together again.

welll i do know the main reason is time. their family commitments and ours as well, make it noncondusive for these kinda get togethers. but we make time for it in the event of a loved one or dear friend. what i learned from it was that we need to make the time to recall those memories outside of a tragedy. i for one have a few numbers to call from friends of those past years of fun and comerodery. and do plan on trying my hardest to make some of those timeouts for memories. even if it is just a cup of coffee or a dinner at a drive in or time on the water sailing or fishing. i think we all to make time for those reaquaintnesses to occur.

welll i am sure you be seeing me a bit more at the lake, and the weekend drive thru will be open again stop by even if it is a chance to chat about some of the events of your past. the bait is always happy and the rootbeer is always cold. and no, to quell any of the rumors floating around the lake mandy and me have not stopped sailing or fishing together. as you can telll i was where i needed to be. "Its Tiller Time" now and be it powered by gas or wind i am gonna hit it hard. hope you all are enjoying a start of a very nice weekend. if you see the bright sails on the "knot a clew" give a wave or a hiya as you pass. ... paul

i would like to thank you all in advance for your condolences and kind thoughts. ... paul

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Finally a summer day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Red needle on the bass thermometer nudging eighty in the shade. The glass of ice tea on the table has drops of moisture rolling down the sides to puddle on the tabletop. Bud and Barney are both in the shade and sleeping soundly. A few boats can be seen out on the water, drifting in the slight breeze and in the distance I can hear the buzz of a jet ski. I have the garage doors open to the wood shop and a couple of cans of stain sit open, waiting for me. Good a day as any to start my summer project of staining all the buildings here at the cabin. I figure if I get some staining done this morning I will reward myself with some fishing this afternoon. Of course I have a sucker swimming under a bobber tossed off the dock but we really can't call that fishing. From time to time I will look in the dock's direction and the bobber is still where I left it. I don't think I am going to catch anything because Barney has taken no interest in the bobber.

When I first came out onto the deck this morning it was wet from the overnight shower that passed through. The old goose was down on the shoreline strutting away. Bud walked to the end of the deck and gave a single bark to let the goose know he was up but made no effort to run him, the goose off. I walked down to the dock and got the morning paper, Jessie the paperboy had already been by and as a matter of fact I could just make out his boat leaving the bay, as usual he was trolling while he was delivering papers. Elmers cabin was quiet as I walked back up to the cabin but then he and Marv have been fishing early in the morning as they have their summer routine down. Fish early in the morning, Dew Drop Inn for a late breakfast, down to the book/smoke shop for a few hours then to the Lodge for lunch before a nap on the couch. If the weather is good they will be back out on the water for the evening bite before a night cap at the Lodge and do it all again the next day.

As I stir the stain in the cans I sure do envy them two old guys. They are enjoying summer like they are a couple of ten year olds. I hear the storm door slam over at Elmers house and peek around the shop door to see Pepper coming down the back steps and heading in my direction. I wait as she inspects the garden for squirrels and rabbits. She trots over to the shop and rubs up against me, I reach down and give her a pat on the head. With Elmer fishing Pepper stays home and guards the garden, Well that is what Elmer thinks. Most of the day she comes over and pretends she is a porch dog here. After giving me what she thinks is enough attention she crosses the yard and finds some sun on the deck. She does the two full circle thing and lies down on the warm deck. In a moment her snoring mixes in with Barneys. I chuckle to myself and look down at the dock, bobber still there.

So back to my thought about ten year olds, summers and vacations. I wish I had spent my summer vacations better then what I had. I think I slept too much, I should have spent more time riding my old bike with the big banana seat and the high handle bars. The extra playing cards stuck in the spokes to make it sound like a Harley as we rode down the dirt roads here at the lake. No helmet and half the time with no shoes on we lived the wild life. Hahha ya them were good days, no bills no girlfriends no job. Always found enough money doing something to keep us in fishing line and root beer. Our old German shepherd named Lassie at our side. Ya, I actually had a dog named Lassie, actually she was my uncles who I was told had a sense of humor. Funny how the tourist would look at us funny when we called out her name. Not till I was older did I realize why the dog and us got funny looks. I wanted to name Pepper the pit bull Lassie, the wife voted against it. I thought it would be funny, guess I have some of my uncle's humor.

Well I am back in the wood shop and mixing stain when I see the bass thermometer has now hit ninety. Well I put the lids back on the cans because everyone knows you just can do a good stain job when it is that hot out. Besides I have the whole summer to get this staining done. I think I'll go and sit on the end of the dock with a cold root beer and stick my bare feet in the water, Just like I used to do when I was ten. Same feet, same water just a lot of summers have passed between the toes, from Lake Iwanttobethere {95,365}

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Paul, so sorry to hear about your mom! You are correct, it is a shame that it takes something like that to bring everyone together! I really miss those days of old when there was at least one family vacation and one family re-union each year. Those are the memories that will keep mom in your thoughts and bring smiles to your face for years to come. Take care././Jimbo

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Midweek here at Lake Iwanttobethere and life is good! Several warm days in a row and several more still coming according to the forecasts of both Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather who both agree, for a change. Sounds of lawn tractors echoing around the lake and I added to the noise as I was out yesterday and mowed everything that was green. Did the ditches and the path to Elmers and even around the stacked wood pile. The new tractor that I bought from Big Earl at the General store last year does a nice job and I am finding the seat is as comfortable as Earl said it would be. I have been finding that the cup holder holds the beverage of my choice close at hand also. I was taking a break at the edge of the woods and surprise, no skeeters were bothering me when a doe and her fawn crept out into the yard. It being midday I was a little surprised but both Bud and Barney were inside the cabin sleeping in front of the air conditioner and Pepper was out with Elmer. She was a pretty doe. A deep caramel color and looking fit she came out from the woods with her nose to the freshly cut grass and was followed by her fawn who hit the lawn running like a high school football team. I sat back in the tractor seat and watched as they worked their way across the yard, I felt like my work was under inspection. The fawn with it's head down sprung back and brought a look from her mother. I to watched and chuckled some as the fawn was head to head with a rather larger frog. The frog was trying to work it's way across the now mowed grass to the deeper grass of my neighbors Chuck. The fawn was in the way but the frog kept hopping and the fawn just kept getting in the way.

After a while the doe and fawn followed the frog and went looking for something better to do in Chucks yard. I started the tractor back up and worked my way down towards the shoreline. I don't mow up to close as I like to leave a buffer around the water and Bud and the old goose keep it under control. I startled a fishermen and his son who were fishing in a rental boat from one of the resorts. They were drifting just off my dock. The kid maybe eight or so saw me and waved. I waved back and turning off the tractor shouted out a HIYA His father I am guessing said "Howdy" The young lad said "You know you got big fish under your dock?" " I do?" I replied. and I got off the tractor and walked down onto the dock. " Yup" the young lad said.

" Well who told ya that?" I asked. " This old guy on that dock over there" he said as he pointed to Elmers dock. " He said I should fish your dock because there is big fish here and when I catch all of them I should go to the next dock with the pontoon boat that has the lawn chairs all over the deck" he then pointed at Chucks pontoon that was half sunk at his dock. I nodded my head and asked " Did you try fishing the old mans dock?" "Na" the kid said "The old guy said there were no fish under his dock but you had plenty!"

"Well fish away and good luck but if ya catch Mark please let him go" " Mark" the young lad asked.. " O Mark, is my pet bass that I feed, he lives under the dock" " Is he a bigum" asked the kid. "A couple of pounder" I answered. " We caught a huge bass two days ago! It's back at the cabin, we froze him." With the words big bass I moved towards the end of the dock and asked where the Big bass came from, the dad took over as his son flipped a bobber with a worm on it in the water right at my feet. Seems Dad and the youngster the first night they got into the resort had taken out a row boat and went into this little bay just around the point from their resort. It was hot and no breeze and they worked there way back under some trees and the boy managed to get a bobber and a worm back underneath this big dead tree lying down in the water. It was not there for but a few seconds when the bobber went down and the kid set the hook as hard as his pole would let him. Well it was quite a battle that last like ten minutes or so. The dad admitted he is not a fishermen so didn't know how to help his son. But between the two of them they managed to get the boat to shore where the son went in and with both hands grabbed this big bass by the mouth, just like he saw them fishermen on TV do. It was the biggest fish the dad said he had ever seen and they got it in their cooler and when they brought in back to the resort the owner, Tinker told him that was a wall mounter! Listening to the story I was getting a sinking feeling in my stomach that MR. BIG had been caught.

Well after a while I went back to my mowing and the kid and his dad moved on down to Chucks pontoon. I heard some yelling so they must have caught a fish there. I had lost the urge to mow anymore so I decide I would go down to the Lodge, maybe see if I could find out anymore about a big bass being caught. As I drove down main street it was pretty quiet, Sunny summer days in the low nineties will do that to a town midday. Several pickups in the Lodges parking lot and I came in the back door to find Hammering Hank and Skinny at the bar along with Elmer and Big Earl. Gus was holding his head in hands which is a sure sign of a ice cold beer brain freeze. No sooner then I had gotten in sight of the bar then Skinny turned to me and said " Did ya hear bout the kid who caught MR. BIG? I nodded my head yes and took a seat at the bar... I then saw why Gus was holding his head, in front of him was a ice cream beer float. As a matter of fact in front of everyone at the bar was ice cream beer floats in various stages of consumption. Elmer came up behind me and patted me on the back, " Tuff luck about MR. BIG there Bobby let me buy ya a float" So it was true, MR. BIG had been caught and froze! I waved over Gus and told him to make me a double. He got out a chilled beer mug and dropped in two scoops of vanilla ice cream and then put the mug under the tapper and filled it with Hamms beer. Setting it down in front of me he then went back to holding his head as he drank some more of his float. I raised my mug and said to MR. BIG and we all toasted him. I then took a long pull of my beer float before the sharp pain and the freeze hit me behind the eyes.... From Lake Iwanttobethere {95,483}

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HIYA from the lake, first off I hope you have a happy 4th of July We are deep into the celebration here at Lake Iwanttobethere. With the 4th being on a Saturday we have to move things around some. Big BBQ in the park going on as I write this and there will be dancing later tonight. Campground is filled and even some tents are pitched out in the outfield of the softball field. A young couple tried to pitch camp behind the Lodge out in the skeet range but Elmer and Gus went out there and shot a few rounds over their head and they soon packed up and left. Businesses have flags waving up and down Main Street and of course Big Earl at the General Store has his cart out front with flags and red white and blue ribbon. A second cart holds fireworks, sparklers and pop caps. If ya want the good stuff you have to go around the side to the dollar store and talk to junior on the loading dock, He has some stuff that will make a bang but I didn't tell ya.. Remember to say HIYA to him otherwise he will know you are not from around here.

I hardly have any room to move here in my office as once again the room is packed with extra boxes of chips and hot dog buns and of course extra candy for the display case. As a matter of fact I have my computer sitting on top of three cases of catsup. The fabulous fiddle fingers of Freddie and Fiona will be entertaining everyone in the park when the BBQ starts. Some sweet corn has been shipped in and of course old McDonnell is the sole supplier of some fresh sweet butter for the corn to me smothered in. Watermelon table is set up and Mindy and Mandy are handing out ice cold Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer. Ice house is open and Skinny has been carving up some ice sculptures with his chain saw with the chips being used to keep the root beer cold. Mini donuts wagon is of course here and there is a line of people waiting their turn. Hot pretzels are in demand and the dipping cheese is in the big vat.

Tomorrow will be the parade followed by the lawn tractor races and go cart races. Hay rides and the one day fishing contest. New this year will be the drag pontoon racing, Dug is the favorite in that as he has a 20 footer with nitrous hook up. There is also a fire dept. challenge on tap for tomorrow. We will be going up against another town down the road. We will put our pumper up against there and see who can move a 265 gallon oil tank the farthest with our water hoses. Big dance tomorrow night and then at sundown we will be having our parade of pontoons and fireworks display.

So we hope to see you all out here at the lake, lots of things for you to do, great weather on hand according to Stormy Clearweaather. Sunshine Ray will be giving hot air balloon rides and the golf course will be having a hole in one contest. Stop by the Lodge and say HIYA from Lake Iwanttobethere {95,993}

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Hiya from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Back sitting in the office and there is some more space here as the catsup boxes have been moved to the kitchen and I just got done stocking the candy case. Parade went off without a hitch this morning and the fishing contest is in full swing, already some nice fish have been brought to the scales as some of the guys were out very early this morning fishing. Weather is just about perfect 72 in the shade with just a few lazy clouds. Almost no wind to speak of and the smoke from the BBQ is going straight up. A popular place is over at the big fire pit where the corn is being roasted. The wait in line is short and Hammering Hank and Skinny have out done themselves with this years corn. Watermelon eating contest was just held and we had to have two divisions this year. Seed and seedless with the seedless contest posting the best time. Seed spitting for distance is now being held but that's a young mans game.

Lunch here will last most of the afternoon I am thinking, just to many good things to sample. Between the burgers and hot dogs and watermelon, the ladies church club is here with a bake sale going on and of course the corn roast and pig roast. In about an hour or so the go-cart race will be held to be followed by the lawn tractor race. The lawn tractors are going to use the same course on main street as the go-carts do. Hay bales have been set up and when the races are done they will be hauled in to the park to make the stage for tonight's band and the dance.

While the stage is being built attention will be turned to the bay out front as the drag pontoon races will be held and also some log rolling will done. Our very own Johnson brothers will be doing some water-ski jumping and some of the local boys from the high school has a jet ski trick show planned. Beer ball game will start around three I am told right after the fire dept. hose contest. Pretty hard to keep track of all the events going on and it is only noon. Well just thought I would let you in on some of the thing going on here and I hope you are having a good 4th of July.. Will be some time before I can get back in the office as I am involved in several of this afternoons events. Looking forward to tonight's fireworks display off Root Beer island and with any luck I'll have a trophy from today's lawn tractor races... From Lake Iwanttobethere {96,078}

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Well it's the day after the day after the 4th of July here at the Lodge on Lake Iwanttobethere. Most tourists are long gone and already the campers in the park have been replace with a new batch. Hammering Hank and Skinny are here having breakfast before they go down to the park and finish cleaning up the grounds where the hay stage was. The signs of the fire are mostly all gone now. Who would have thought that a six year old with a sparkler could cause such an ending to the nights activities! It was something to remember though, The fireworks being shot up in the air off Root Beer Island the pontoons lit up like floating Christmas trees on the calm waters of the lake. Crowds of people sitting in assorted lawn chairs along the shore and the soft glow of the hay stage on fire behind them all... Luckily we still had the town's fire pumper on hand and almost the entire fire department was in the park watching the fireworks. No one noticed the fire for awhile or could hear the mother of the six year old as she dragged her kid from the burning hay bales and tried to shout over the clapping of the crowd. I thought I smelled something but after working my shift at the corn roast all I could smell was burnt corn husks which in my defense does smell a lot like burning hay.

Well the stage was a total loss, but it was made of hay. The fire department set up a perimeter around the blaze and hosed down the area. There are some good points about the fire as we no longer had to haul away the hay bales away and we were able to count the fire as our July meeting. With the fireworks done people turn to the roaring blaze and I think most of the tourist thought it was just a small town way of ending the night. Or maybe that is what they do in the big city after the last song is played... Burn the stage..

As long as we are talking about the fire I suppose we should bring up that Dug is doing fine, just a few bruises from the accident. His nitrous power pontoon boat is a total loss as far as the insurance company is concern. But then again he did not have any insurance on it. Rule's committee is already looking into removing the open class from the drag pontoon races. Dug said if that ski jumping ramp was not there it would have been no problem. He was little off making his calculation in how high the bow would come out of the water when he hit the boost. He simply could not see the jump coming and twenty foot pontoon boats are not meant to be jumped. To his credit it was a pretty good jump just the landing was bad. Loosing the entire pontoon off the left side was a bad break. But Dug being Dug was ready as he was strapped in with a five point racing seat belt. Once again I think the tourist just thought it was part of the show.

Speaking of tourist, the Howls from out east, I think they hail from Wisconsin had their pontoon tied off to the boat landing ramp for most of the afternoon. I don't know their real names but they look so much like the Howls we just call them that, I even think Mr. Howl calls his wife "Lovey" so anyway they were tied up to the dock with their two yippee poodles name Timex and Rolex. They were sipping on Martini or at least something in them fancy Martini glasses and they were asked why they call their dogs Rolex and Timex. Mrs. Howl or Lovely said well because they are "Watch Dogs" After a while someone cut their docking line and they just floated on down the shoreline. Later that night they were seen being towed in the pontoon parade. Seems they had forgotten to buy gas for their pontoon. The trailer is still here in the parking lot so I am thinking they are still out there, somewhere.

So tractor races, once again I finished out of the prizes. My Cub blew a fuse in mid race. Don't know why or how and I can't say I was leading at the time but I was learning the track and had a good line going when I just went dead and coasted to a stop. I knew what it was right away but nothing I could do about it. I can live with that but Elmer and his Lawn boy beat me again.

So it was a good week end. Almost like mother nature had saved up all her nice days and gave them to us all at once. Town is recovering and we are having a fishing contest this afternoon. Just the locals know about it as every one is taking the afternoon off from work. The Puddle Humper is ready to go and I will be joining the gang here on the water around two or so. Now that all the boxes are out of the office I found a box for me. My order of BIG worms from the

Lunker Chunker bait company arrived and were misplaced with all the candy and chip orders. I found the box and like a kid on Christmas morning tore into it. I had ordered the big baits for MR. BIG but since he has been reported to have been caught I forgot about the order. Now that the worms are here I will give them a try this afternoon.

I have a friend who told me about the Lunker Chunker bait company and he said he would send me up some of their special eighteen inch worms with assortment of 18/0 hooks. I open the box to find six worms coiled on top with a paper bag holding two each of blood red, chrome and bronze hooks. Also instructions for rigging and a nozzle that stated it was an air injector adapter good for any air compressor. Some serious baits here so the first thing I did was go see Vicki down at the Masterbaiters bait shop and I bought a new tackle box to hold them. This afternoon will be my chance to try them out, I'll let ya know what happens. From Lake Iwanttobethere {96,400}

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Today finds me out in the boat house doing some work on the Puddle Humper. A good cleaning is needed and I had to put a patch on the hole from the shotgun blast. I did get a chance to fish with my new baits from the Lunker Chucker bait company but I found out that the tackle box I bought from Vicki was not up to the job. I borrowed the wife's suitcase with wheels on it and used that instead. The other afternoon we had a local only fishing contest and we all agreed to launch from the access down by the Lodge. I got there a little early and had my rig in the water and pulled up on shore. I did that so if the guys wanted to look in my boat they would have to go down and get their feet wet. I also made sure that I had some interesting lures tied on to my rods. In these fishing contest deception is a key. On my worm rod I had a black and white grub with a red and white bobber. My spinning rod held a six inch red spoon and the rest of my rods were wrapped in a beach towel so ya could not see them. I had the suitcase with my new baits secure in the front seat of the Dodge.

As we got closer to the two o'clock start time the guys started driving into the landing. Boats were launched and then either tied off to the docks or beached. We were in no real hurry as it is the middle of summer and the day is long. Sheriff Tim arrived looking to hook up with someone, the department frowns on him fishing out of the rescue boat.. Elmer already had a partner with Marv and Hammering Hank and his wife Tess were fishing together out of their wedding present, the lund. Skinny rolled in pulling his twelve footer and when he got out of his truck he had a Hamms in his hand. Sheriff Tim spotted him and took him aside, a deal was made and Tim and Skinny would be fishing together that day. Tim having a ride now came over to where a group of us where chatting. Mostly going over the 4th of July events we were chuckling at the hay fire and wondered if anyone had seen the Howls pontoon lately. The trailer was still at the launch but Del did say he shot a couple of pizzas with the pizza cannon off to them last night. Sheriff Tim was asked if there was anything going on and he replied that out at the John Deere painted cabin where the nudist camp is that a hole had been found in the fence and the sheriff's department was looking into it.

Big Earl after putting his boat in the water came over to the group, his son Junior still sporting the black eye he received in the beer ball game following behind. When Junior was asked about his eye he said " I wondered why the softball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me." We all nodded and then burst out laughing. Junior just looked back at us but Doc Burriem had already told us that Junior had suffered a concussion and it might take him awhile to get back to normal. Yes, even Doc Burriem was going fishing. He had taken the day off from his practice and his new girlfriend to come out with the boys. He did say that his new girl friend was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still..

So with it getting close to two o'clock the guys started to load their boats and push off on to the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere I went and got my suitcase from the Dodge and rolled it down to the boat. Along with the tank of compressed air from the back of the truck I loaded the Puddle Humper. I was fishing alone today and no sooner had I gotten the Humper off the sandy beach then Gus up at the Lodge rang the big bell, the signal the fishing contest was on. Everyone started their engines and then just idled, waiting for someone to make a move. Elmer and Marv were the first as they turned off their outboard and dropped anchor, right there off the dock. Two bobbers were tossed overboard and a brown jug appeared and was passed back and forth between them. Each of them taking a swig. Elmer and Junior were next, they pulled out from the landing and with Junior dodging things that only he could see on the water they weaved their way out in the direction of Root Beer Island.

I sat with the engine on the Puddle Humper idling away and my live well filling with water. I run better with the well filled and the boat all trimmed out. The sneaky built up forty horse that Dug had modified for me gave me the green light that said she was good to go.. I slipped the Puddle Humper in gear and made my way out from the beach, a line of boats in my wake. I knew they were going to try and follow me. I took my hat off and stuck it under my foot and with a little wave of my hand slammed the throttle to the stops and held on as the Puddle Humper with a roar threw a rooster tail of water back on Sheriff Tim and Skinny In just a few seconds I was on plane and flying around the first point before anyone else could get around the drenched Skinny and Tim making circles.

With my mouth closed to keep the bugs out and what is left of my hair blowing in the breeze I zipped on down the lake. I made a couple of tight turns but I can't tell ya when and where and headed for a certain marsh. A wall of cattails blocked the rest of the lake off from the open water behind. I hit the mud and cattails and went sailing airborne, I must have looked like the General Lee taking air. I cleared the cattails and landed with a splash on the other side. I turn the motor off and coasted to a stop. She is not called the Puddle Humper for nothing...

Taking the air tank I refilled my truckers seat that I had Doug install years ago. Can't make them jumps with no regular boat seat and I still had to jump back out when I was done fishing. Checking the gage I see that I will have enough air left to inflate my new fishing worms. Uncovering the rods from under the beach blanket I pull out the pool cue that I had converted just for my new worms. I tied on the blood red 18/0 hook and selected a purple worm. Trying to hook the worm was a chore as for some reason the worm wanted to curl around my arm. I finally got the hook put in Texas rigged style and using the adapter I injected some air from the tank into the head of the worm. That worm held a lot of air and as I filled it I noticed some movement up near the shore. I went up on the front casting deck and making sure the ocean bait caster was ready tossed, no I hurled the big worm towards the shore. It landed with a smack on the water and sounded like someone had slapped a horses behind.

I waited for the waves from the worm landing to disappear before giving it, the worm a twitch. Soon I found myself having to pump the rod in order to get the worm to move back towards me. I could already see a problem with my set up. I was dripping with sweat and I did not have the worm half way back to the boat yet. This was a lot of work. I was taking a break and wiping my brow when I saw a vee wake heading towards the worm. Well not really a wake just that bulge in the water that you see when something big is coming after your lure. This was a big bulge heading my way!

I tried again to twitch the big worm and it popped just a little, the bulge was on top of it and when the first white water exploded I reared back and putting my back into it set the hook... On nothing.. The big worm cleared the water and came sailing back at me, looking a lot like a huge purple snake stretched out. I threw my hands up covering my head and started to duck as I was now thinking about that 18/0 hook heading my way. I didn't see the shot but I heard the shotgun go off and felt the plastic worm rain down around me. Looking between my fingers I saw old man McFarland standing on shore with his shotgun. He yelled if I was all right and I was lucky that he shot that snake before it got to me. I gave him a half hearted wave and started to pick the purple chunks of plastic of my clothes. He waved back and went back to huntin what ever he was hunting back there in the marsh, I didn't ask.

I took the long way out and made it back to the main lake. I found the Howls pontoon boat and was greeted by the watchdogs Timex and Rolex. Mr. Howl asked me if I could tow them back to the landing as they were out of vermouth. So I used the 18/0 hook and rod as a tow setup and brought them back to the landing. I was awarded first place in the fishing contest as a reward. Today I am still cleaning up the Humper and a BB hole in the bow. Wife was looking for her suitcase, don't know how she knew I had it. I unload it and brought it back inside the cabin the extra worms are now hanging on the boat house wall and the hooks are holding up extension chords. No one got hurt and all is well, but I am wondering what that bulge was in the water..... From Lake Iwanttobethere {97,052}

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Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather made a rare appearance here in the Lodge late last night. They were trying to hide out from the hecklers about their last forecast. They had called for a sixty percent chance of booming thunderstorms and we got a drop, one drop of rain and I think I was the only one to have seen it. It fell dead center on the middle of the Dodges windshield as I was at the Chicken Shack eating an order of onion rings. Summer has arrived here at Lake Iwanttobethere and I am not complaining, much. Business is booming up and down main street and the fishing contest was a much needed release for us locals.

I was back out on the water last night with Del from the pizza shop as he had taken the afternoon off. Once or twice a year we manage to get together and get out and it just so happens that he was free and I was looking for an excuse to go fishing. The good part about fishing with Del is he brings the sub sandwiches and chips. We met up at the landing and after Del got his poles from the locker room in basement of the Lodge we loaded up the Puddle Humper and went down to the access. We had to wait a while as a few trailers were ahead of us but we were in no hurry to get on the water. I was checking out a new pole that Del had and he told me it was almost two years old. Just about the age where he can bring it home and his wife won't notice it. I told him that I have something he might be interested in, the Lunker Chunker bait company who I am now a salesman for has a product called "Dirty Handle" you just spray your cork handle with it and it looks like you have had the rod for years. Dries in minutes and not sticky or oily at all..

O, I guess I forgot to mention that I am now a sales rep for Lunker Chunker Bait Company and I have the county that no one can pronounce the name of where Lake Iwanttobethere is located as my exclusive territory. I got a follow up call about my 18" worms and I told them the story, they offered to replace the purple worm and asked if I would be interested is selling their products. I was hooked after they told me they would send me a free sample of one of everything they make and the can of Dirty Handle came yesterday. Dirty Handle also works on golf clubs and them hundred dollar softball bats to. I have not seen it yet but they have a big big can for boats and four wheelers.

So we finally get our turn at the launch and with practice from years of fishing we launched the Puddle Humper and park the trailer in the reserved spot that I have. I just have to move the orange barrels out of the way. No sooner than we clear the dock then Del said he forgot to grab his cigars, we make a slow turn back to the dock and are cut off by a tourist who revs their boat to cut in front of us. I slip the Puddle Humper in reverse and we come to a stop. The tourist does not give us a second look as he sends his wife to go get his trailer. She backs the trailer up to the landing but is not getting it done fast enough for her husband. So he jumps out of the boat and yells something about having to do it all himself. At this point I am floating a few lengths off the dock as I am drifting away from shore. Sitting back in the chairs of the Puddle Humper we relax and watch as when the man jumped out of his boat he hit the fancy anchor release on his boat. The rope slowly uncoils and follows the anchor to the bottom of the lake.

Now normally we would say something to the guy but since he did cut us off and he did not even give us a wave we decided that we would watch and see how this ended. It was better then we had imagined. He backed in the trailer, well it took him three tries, climbed out on the tongue, slipped and fell in. Secured his boat, winched it up got in the car and then drove up the landing dragging the anchor behind him. That is until the anchor caught hold of the concrete apron. Good rope on that anchor as it stopped that little car dead right there on the wet landing. He was doing a pretty good smoke show till one of the local kids walked up sipping a Lake Iwanttobethere bottled root beer through a straw and pointed at the rope hanging out behind the boat. The guy got out and waded into the water and tried to loosen the stuck anchor. Yelling at his wife to back up she reached over from the passenger seat and put the little car in neutral. She got to the brake after the boat and trailer had pulled the car down the landing into the water.

As we turned away and headed out to go fishing we tried hard to muffle our laughter Del was on the phone calling his brother Dug and told him he had a tow job down at the access. We had forgotten all about the cigars and I guess we really didn't need them. Yup, summer is here at Lake Iwanttobethere {98,178}

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Sunday here at Lake Iwanttobethere, also known as Turn Over Day. This is the day when the week long guests at the local resorts packup and head back home and the replacements arrive. Come noon time the main street here is alive with pickups pulling trailers and grocery getters filled with couples and their kids. For a lot of places Sunday is an off day but here at the lake it might be the busiest day of the week. Those leaving town are stocking up on post cards from the rack out side of Big Earls General Store or at Ma and Pa's grocery getting ice cold bottles of Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer or a few bottles of Maple syrup to bring back home. Mindy and Mandy make a point of having their truck parked on main street and will sell root beer by the case from the back of it. They autograph each case at no extra charge and seem to get a lot more of the male adults then the kids buying. Of course wearing them cutoff bibs and looking the way they do no one ever said they were hard on the eyes.

Lodge does a brisk lunch business as we say good bye to tourist who have found the Lodge during their stay. Candy display case takes a hit as kids stock up for their drive back home. Adults take the cardboard coasters from the bar home with the beer square stains on them. Most of them all promise to return to the lake soon and others mention they will tell their friends about our lake hidden here off the main road. Buddy and Barney are both at the Lodge, they to make friends and there is no lack of people and kids petting them for one last time. Bailiff and Grace make their rounds around the campground. Usually Grace is singled out as the big dog who took someone's ice from their cooler and Bailiff's drinking habit is mentioned. Hammering Hank and Skinny are seen stocking the wood piles and the smell of mini donuts is in the air from the park as people coming and people going have to buy either their first or last bag.

Access is always full on Sunday as a few boats bob pass the point but most are parked with their owners hanging over the sides of pickup trucks chatting away. From time to time you will see someone pointing out towards Root Beer Island or maybe pass the point. Hands outstretched to show how big the fish was that was caught or to show how big the fish that got away was. By late afternoon the lot is empty of people and just dripping wet trailers are left. The boats are all out on the water for the evening bite. Those who have been here for the week are on their way home, some will stop on the highway, at the vegetable stand and sweet corn will be the last thing they take with them from the lake. New tourist will be settling in at the resorts and a few new people will find their way into the Lodge for conies and some chili. A new group of kids will smear the candy display case with their noses and Buddy and Barney will make some new friends. Guys will taste an ice cold Hamms for maybe the first time or relive memories of shots of Wild Turkey. As night falls the lights will come on at the access and boats will find their way back on trailers. We will sit on the deck here at the Lodge and watch the tell tale boat lights working their way across the lake heading back towards resort docks. With the sun dipping behind the hill the lake will be quiet and loons will sing out in the dusk. Right on schedule we will hear the faint roar through the trees of the ten o'clock freight weaving it's way through the trees on the far side of the lake.

Campfires will be burning and the fish cleaning house will have noise coming from it, some low laughter will be heard. Maybe the sound of a beer can or two being open. Kids will be sleeping in tents or trailers the first day of an adventure running through their heads. Darkness comes quickly out doors and daylight arrives early. In a few short hours kids rubbing eyes will be walking down wet dew grass to climb into boats with uncles and dads. They will wipe off damp seats and load tackle boxes and slip on life vests. Dads will pull on starter ropes and motors will cough and be alive. Kids will check coffee cans to make sure their worms have not escape from them overnight. Maybe a few yawns and a shiver or two but the sun is coming up and they are off, because there is fishing to do. From Lake Iwanttobethere {99,243}

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Well, I guess the tourists are looking at the town of Lake Iwanttobethere as a mite strange this afternoon. Around one thirty it started to rain. Just a few drops and then enough started to fall that you would have to turn on the windshield wipers. Shop keepers stepped out from behind their counters and made their way to the doors and standing on the thresholds watched as the rain fell and made small puddles along main street. Big Earl at the General store quickly pulled out his impulse cart with umbrellas to the sidewalk in front of his store and opening a bright red one to match his apron stood standing outside his shop door. The rain coming off the eve over heading bouncing off the umbrella to splatter against the building before dripping on to the sidewalk then the gutter and then down the street. Tourist stopped what they were doing and stood under the open awings staying away from the falling rain. Farmers at the grain mill looked skyward and welcomed the rain falling on their faces, A few even shook hands and slapped each others backs, small clouds of dust rising from their flannel shirts.

Old pickup trucks driving down main street glimmered in the rain, looking years younger then they were, the water made them shine and showed the color they once were. A mother and her young son walked barefoot in front of the Sunshine Cafe, The young lad splashing in the shallow puddles and the mother laughing at her son. Elmer coming out of Burts barbershop pulled his John Deere hat a little tighter down on his head and walked out into the falling rain. Making no effort to avoid getting wet he took his time getting to his pickup.

It did not last long, a few minutes and then it was done. But it has been three weeks since we have had rain and even the little dripping was well received and needed. Water still drips from gutters and rain barrels capture every drop that falls their way. Flowers in the planters look a little better and trees seem to reach skyward searching for more. Big Earl shakes his umbrella, closes it and stands it up next to the door. I roll the window back down on the Dodge and continue my drive on to the Lodge. I enter the Lodge to find it pretty much empty but I can her chairs scrapping out on the deck. I grab a Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer and walk out the sliding glass doors to find a few members and Gus sitting on the old chairs with cigars lit and cold Hamms on the arms of the chairs. I look at Gus and he just points his arm out over the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Across the water and heading this way a dark cloud riding low with the telltale signs of falling rain covers the skyline. As I watch I see the flash of lightning and then another, a thunderstorm is heading our way. I find an empty chair and setting my root beer down I dig out my daily ration of cigar and decide this will be a good place to lite up and enjoy it. It's going to rain again and it looks like it's going to be a dandy !

With any luck this post and this little rainstorm story will be read by the 100,000 reader here. Thanks everybody for reading about this little place called Lake Iwanttobethere. If you time it right maybe it is raining when you are reading this meaning you are closer than you think to Lake Iwanttobethere.. {99,896}

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What can I say, sometimes you have to pay your dues when fishing. I was in the Lodge enjoying the heat from the fire, yes we had a fire going. Here it was July 16th, the middle of summer and we had a fire going in the big fireplace and it was not for looks. The flames licked at some maple as we wanted a fire that was going to last and burn hot so it would keep the chill out of the main room. Red needle on the bass thermometer was sitting in the mid fifties and Windy the Windmill was spinning and changing directions with each gust of wind coming off the lake. A few days ago I wrote of the light rain we got and after that we enjoyed a nice down pour as we picked up almost and inch and half of rain that evening. The next day was windy and overcast which was good as it let the rain soak in and not be lost to evaporation. Tourists were in and out of the Lodge as the white caps on the lake were keeping them from doing anything more than dock fishing.

Lodge member Jerry was in boasting how he would fish in this kind of weather, that is if he had a boat. Well me being me and not needing much of an excuse to go fishing stood up and said that I have a boat and if you want to go fishing well lets go fishing, and so we did.

This is where I mention that sometimes you have to pay your dues when fishing, For every good day there has to be a poor day and for every excellent day there has to be a really bad day. The lake now owes me a really excellent day. Grabbing gear we loaded the Puddle Humper and took off to what we hope would be a secluded bay of the main lake. We drove there and used the small access that is carved out of the reeds. Putting the Humper in the water went well and it took a few minutes to pole away from the shore far enough to get the big motor started. The little bay is only about two hundred acres but even it had some white caps on it. Looking at each other we zipped up our hooded sweatshirts and pulled our fishing caps down a little tighter on our heads. Pushing the throttle forward I got the Puddle Humper on top of the waves and we made a pretty dry ride to the calm shoreline across the bay. Pulling rods out we decided that today would be a good day to chase northerns so we are northern fishing, but if we catch any bass that would be a bonus as we decided on a few side wagers because I always have fishing contest in my boat.

Trolling motor down I moved towards an old dock with an even older pontoon boat tied along side, I shot out a cast with my favorite spinner on it and no sooner had the lure hit the water when I felt a tap. A swirl on top of the water and another tap and I set the hook, Hard! Ting my broken line came fluttering back at me. First cast, first hit, first fish, lost fish, lost lure. Laughter off Jerry in the back of the boat, and then it started to rain. Rain coats went on over the hooded sweatshirts, looks were exchanged and perhaps the thought of the fireplace back at the Lodge. I tied on a new lure, Took me a little longer than usual as I had to wipe my glasses off a few times from the falling rain. The rain stopped and the wind seem to get a little stronger, maybe because we were a little damp or because we had moved out away from the shore and the wind was howling over the top of the bent over pine trees.

Working our way around the little bay we decided on another option, there is a channel that runs to a small lake off the bay, We came up on it and we pulled the big motor up and using the trolling motor and the push pole made our way through the channel to the smaller lake. No white caps here, just a nice walleye chop if we were fishing walleyes. No sooner had we entered the little lake then we picked up a double, two small northerns and things were looking up. We held on to the fish a little longer then we normally would, The fish were warmer then the air and were actually warming our hands. It has been a long time since I had fished this little lake and I remember it having northerns in it, reed rimmed with just a few cabins none which had electricity it took me back a few decades. We took a break and watched an eagle fighting the wind till he to said the heck with it and turned to fly with the wind, a moment later he was long gone from sight. Just a light drizzle now, getting more water being whipped off the surface of the lake and thrown at us. A few more northerns were landed, nothing really big, a few more were lost, of course they were big and a few more flashed at the boat. I did snag a fishing line and when I pulled it in a perfectly good red and white daredevil was attached at the end. So I lost a lure and found a lure, almost a fair trade.

We made our way back through the channel and decide we had caught fish and now it was time to get off the water. We headed for the landing where a gal was throwing a tennis ball for her lab. Seeing us coming her and the dog retreated to the parking area. Putting the Puddle Humper on the trailer was not as easy as taking it off. The wind all day had followed us around like the smoke from a campfire, no matter where we went it was there. We pulled up to the parking area and as I dried off with a towel the gal took her lab to the water's edge, using one of then plastic throwers that you can toss tennis ball farther with she took a bright green tennis ball and whipped it out into the lake. Her lab looked at her, looked at the tennis ball floating in the wind swept white cap waves and sat there. If we were smart we should have done the same thing. From Lake Iwanttobethere {100,302}

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Well, this past week has sure been a weather week. Lady like weather I like to call it. Mother Nature just can't make up her mind. Of course that is misleading with all of the tools that Stormy Clearweather and Sunshine Ray have at their fingertips, we get a pretty good idea of what is going to happen, weather wise. But when you are on vacation that is part of leaving home, now you get to walk down the wet grass to the dock and look out over the water and make your own prediction. Been tuff for people this last week as we wake up to a little fog on the water and cool nights for this time of the year. By mid day it is sunny with blue skies and then by three or so the sky turns dark and the wind picks up. Rumble of thunder rolls across the lake and the rain comes. Ducks head for brush along the shoreline and the dogs climb up on porches and wait the down pour out. Boats on the lake head for the small bays or make the run back to the docks.

We are several inches below normal for rainfall so no one is complaining about the rain. Grass is a lush deep green and there is finally some water in the ditches along side the roads. Deer are seen at midday before the rains come and they are healthy and a deep bold caramel. Fawns are growing and getting more bolder as they start to stray away from the sides of their mothers. When driving down the dirt roads it is wise to pause when you see a deer as in most cases there are always more than one and sometimes three or four. They cross the roads like they own them, taking their time and giving you that " What " look as they watch you drive on by. I have been taking my late afternoon walk behind the cabin. Bud and I have been walking the trail and making our way back to where the wild raspberries grow. Not ripe yet but looking better it won't be long and I'll bring the grand kids back with plastic ice cream pails and we will try and bring some back to the cabin. Seems a lot of berries are picked but they don't make it into the pail and if they do they don't make it back to the cabin. But that is part of berry picking.

Garden is looking good, buzz of bees can be heard and the best time is to be there is after the rain falls. The smell of wet tomato plants is heavy in the air and I don't know how to write to describe the rich smell. Potato plants are heavy in flower and already I am thinking how them tatters will taste fried up along side a nice chunk of fall fish with a garden salad and some apple pie. Of course with these afternoon rains I am having a hard time keeping up with my honey do list. I have another length of fence to put up and I have fallen behind in staining the cabin and out buildings. Normally I fish in the afternoon but I have been limited to fishing from the dock and enjoying the falling rain with a cigar on my covered swing. Ya, I know life is tuff but someone has to do it.

Fishing for those who have been getting out has been good. A little cool in the early morning and you have to bring a towel to wipe off the dew from your boat seat but some fishermen like that experience. For every fishermen who likes to be out at the crack of dawn, motoring out to their spot as the fog lifts and the sun climbs up over the horizon is another fishermen who likes that part of the evening when the sun is just slipping down. Loons are calling and the wind finally dies. Lake goes calm and the rod with the popper comes out. The easy cast made to slick water and the rhythmic return of a popper making it's way back to the boat.

For others the afternoon rain is a good excuse to sit under canopies, or on the deck. Watching the rain fall and trying to answer kids questions as they sit along side of you. Like how can bees fly in the rain? Don't the rain drops hit them? And dragonflies, they are even bigger how do they fly in the rain? How come the wind does not blow the spider webs down and are fish scared of thunder. Why do banana popsicles take longer to melt then cherry ones? I sometimes ask myself these same questions.

Have been lucky this summer to have a nesting pair of bald eagles not too far away. Late afternoon brings them soaring high overhead. The crows that were a constant sight in the spring are not so much around. Having the eagles around seem to make the crows a little nervous. The old goose, he don't seem to care, every morning he is on the shoreline patrolling. His mate is off tending their off spring. Elmer has been tossing bread to them and then complains they are on his dock all the time. Of course I know he would not have it any other way.

July is better then half over and with it summer has reached it's halfway point. August will bring us county fairs and the stock car racing will heat up at the track. Campers will come and go and old friends will return to the lake to make new memories of the place. Fields of corn with look like waves of green when the wind blows and city kids will point at horses and cows grazing in the fields. What we take as an ordinary day will be a memory that they will take away. From Lake Iwanttobethere, I hope you are enjoying a nice summer day.. {100,668}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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