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looking for suggestions.... i usually hunt my setter about every other weekend for pheasants but very seldom is it an all day hunt.usually two to three times a year i make a pligrimage to ND and get in a weekend hunt. Here is my problem, everytime we hunt a full weekend she ends up basically running the pads off her feet, even with sore paws she refuses to quit. I've tried the short booties but she just runs out of them, and am concerned that the tall boots would be uncomfortable or rub her elbows raw. Does anyone out there have any suggestions about keeping the short boots in place or info/experience using the tall ones. Thanks.

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I've had similar problems in the past. The best way to prevent the problem is roading or walking on concrete during the off season, this really helps build up a good callus. 2 products that you can use prior to hunting are tuff-foot, and my favorite is called pad guard. Pad guard is a spray that you can put on the pads prior to going out in the field. Just spray it on and keep the foot in the air until it dries. If you do a google searh on gundogsupply and look under the dog boot section you will find a description of both the products I'm referring to. If you get pad guard keep it sealed up in a ziplock bag or it will get all over your gear.

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Try the boots from dogbooties.com in Two Harbors. They have an option for an elastic velcro strap that seems to keep the boots on pretty well. They are inexpensive compared to most other booties.

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