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amount of food?


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I think it depends on how hard and long you hunt and the weather conditions. If you only hunt two days a week for 2-3 hours, I wouldn't increase the food. If you're hunting all day on Sat in cold, wet conditions and plan the same on Sunday, give them more food on Sat night. I watch my dogs condition, in the summer I cut back, when I start to see their ribs, I'll give them a little more. I don't hestitate to set the bucket in front of them and let them eat their fill after a long days hunt. But I'd rather have a skinny dog than a fat dog, so I err on less food.

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hey thanks for the info i will just watch her to see if she starts losing weight she is at a very healthy and fit weight right now. i just asked because after a long day of hunting she seams like she just doesn't have enough energy to eat. maybe a noon snack for her ( a cup full) will help. what do you think?

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