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Fear of Cars


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Any insight on how to train my GSP that cars can hurt....I don't want him to be afraid of wanting to ride in them, but I am worried that he is going to find out the hard way that cars can hurt.

Any help would be great!

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I'm not an expert on dog training but I have trained my dog and read enough on it. It really depends on what the dog is doing. If the dog is running up to cars pulling in the drive way, basic obedience should work, just say NO. And say it like you mean it when it is around vehicles. If the dog is chasing cars or following it out of the driveway, I read that you should ride in a friends car and when the dog chases after you jump out and for a lack of better word, correct the dogs negative action. Showing the dog boundaries or doing proximity orientation is another good way. I used a correction collar to help my dog learn the boundaries, she won't go anywhere near the road now, even if I'm on it and tell her to come, she hits a certain point and just sits until I come back. Again, this all comes down to basic obedience. Dogs really need to know that NO means NO otherwise, training can be worthless.

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