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Question for Dave

Wave Runner

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I owned a Kodiak previously and I believe you ride one. I'm real close to pulling the trigger on another Kodiak but the last day or so I've been scratching my chin thinking "what about a Grizzly..."

What would you think ? I trail ride or use the machine for hunting or work at the cabin. No mud, very little water, don't need to go 60 miles an hour but wouldn't mind being able to pull my dock out with the thing...

Thanks for your thoughts...

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How's your budget? grin.gif You're talking about $900 difference MSRP. Price shop and see the actually difference. You should be able to pull in a dock quite easily using a Kodiak 450. The Kodiak 400 doesn't have a low range, I believe, so if pulling in a dock is in your plan, I'd select a machine that has a low range.

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