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Ben's Brittanys dog owners sound off

Big Dave2

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I know a lot of people here on FM have bought pups from Ben's Brittanys. Please tell me how your dog is doing and how the experience was for you. Tell me your success stories or any failures. I would love to hear from as many as possible.



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Big Dave 2 - I will be the first to give FIVE STARS to Ben's Brittanys. Ben is committed to producing nothing less than the very best regarding the Brittany breed of sporting dog. He has complete and thorough knowledge and understanding of the breed, it's standards, breeding practices and blood lines. He has dedicated a great amount of time, money, resources and effort in acquiring pups from across the country with just the perfect blend of blood lines to ensure the pups he is throwing will be great home and hunting companions. Ben has been around Britts his entire life. He loves his dogs and hunts with them every opportunity he gets. His kennel guarantee is hard to beat, but most of all, Ben will go the extra mile to ensure you get just the right pup for your family situation and hunting style.

Ben starts socializing his pups right away and with time they even start with some of the basic obiedience stuff. All the while studying and observing each pup's unique characteristics and tendencies. This level of involvement in the beginning with the pups and first hand knowledge of the sire and dam gives them a head-start concerning what you should expect from each pup as it develops and grows to maturity.

I have one of Ben's Britts and could not be any happier. My pup Buddy is great in the house and displays the heart of a lion in the field. Great personality, eager to please, loads of intelligence, plenty of drive, competitive spirit, great nose, steady to wing, loves to retieve, quarters the field with the best of them and runs hard but not out of control (unless he gets in corn chasing roosters of course.) My pup is two going on his third season and I guess if you were to read the AKC breed standard description you could just cut and paste a copy of my dogs picture on the page. I think that speaks volumes for Ben's Brittany's! Good luck with your search and make sure you do your homework. There are many fine breeds of sporting dogs to choose from. Each possessing subtle style and personalty differences. Make sure you match the breed of dog with your own personalty, family and hunting style. Then spend as much time with the pup as you can. Nine times out of ten you will wind up with just the home/hunting companion you were looking for in the first place!

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My Bonnie is an excellent little dog for her age. Strongest pointing instinct of the 4 Britts I have owned.

She probably is not getting the exposure to birds that she should because I also own an 8 year old Britt. That is absolute first class.

Tough to balance the interests of both dogs.

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We Picked up Max from Ben In August and is the best friend of all 3 of our girls. He is so gentle with the girls he has never tried to jump on them. I can open the door to let him go out to go to the bathroom and he never leaves the yard. If you get the pheasant wing out he becomes all business, If you let him out in the garage he will try for hours to get the pole with the wing on it to tip over just to get to the wing and when you try to get him to something else he wont budget until he gets to play with the wing. To night is going to be the first night in the field. And tomorrow morning we are heading out west to some land that has a lot of birds on it can’t want to see how he does.

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