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am doing some research on this breed and seriously considering one for this spring. everywhere i read they say they're great hunting dogs and family dogs ! anyone ever hunt behind one of these, or had any experience, let me know how it went.

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figure with a pointer i'll be right on top of'em. had the dog out north of town today, kicked up about 50 turkeys and 15-20 deer , 3 real nice bucks. think i'll might have to get a bow again !!so many deer out there it's pathetic

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The kennel where I had some training done is doing a lot of work with poodle pointers. The guy's name is Lester Vanhorn. They are located in Crosby/Ironton area. 218-546-7018 is his number. He should be able to give you some good info.

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I have had two pudelpointers. I just put one to sleep this spring. The other one is 10 years old. They were both wonderful dogs. Mari is a smooth coat and most people call her a german shorthair. That is actually fine with me because then I don't have to explain what a pudelpointer is. Quincy, who I put down, was a beautiful dog. Looked just like a pudelpointer should look. Both dogs hunted will but Mari was untouchable. It will be a sad day when she passes away. I have a two year old and there has never been a problem. Mari will retrieve dogs when she has to, Quincy would retrieve all day. There are two places to check out pudelpointers. I would suggest pnca.org This is were I got mine from. Some people may call them snubbish or whatever, but that is fine with me. THey care about waht they are breeding and I looked what I saw. I have been more than happy with my two dogs.


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