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Goldens usually gun shy?


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I've got a year and half old golden retriever that I've never hunted with, usually when I bird hunt my buddy brings his two hunting machines, labs.

Anyway, I want to take a stroll through the north woods for grouse and want to bring the golden with. He's well trained and will not get too far in front of me, has a good nose and loves to retrieve, although hasn't ever been hunting and may not retrieve live game right away.

Will he freak out if he hears the gun shots? He's been around when clay pigeon shooting (not too close though). I'll probably bring out the .22 and pop a few to gauge his reaction. Any other ideas?

Is it ever too late to train a dog to hunt?

Any advise is appreciated. Questions probably sound pretty elementary...because they are!


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There was some good info on this topic a little while ago. Gun shyness is learned from inproper exposure to gunfire, it is never inherited or related to certain breeds.

see this thread:


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You are on the right course with the .22, but it sounds like the dog has had at least a little exposure to the sound of a gun from the clay target shooting. I would work with the dog thought before I just take off and go hunting. Might make the trip easier for the dog. And for you. Have fun.

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If it is a enthusiastic retriever, you just have to teach it to associate the gunfire to retrieveing. I would start out with just clapping your hands loudly or even a cap gun then work up from there depending on the dogs reaction.

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