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lab won't fetch live birds.


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i was out at a game farm getting my 1 year old on some birds the training field was excelent but, after i shot the birds she would pick them up then drop them looks like she doesn't like the feel in her mouth. she will retrieve just about anything you throw but not birds any suggestions?

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This topic has came up before, and the anwser hands down is force breaking. you'll get a differant anwser every time as to how to go about it, so I allways suggest finding a trainer in your area that you trust, and ask them to see if it is right for you. you don't have to hire them, just ask! maybe they can show you the end results on a dog they have done, seeing the before and after is the true seller here. #1 the dog has to realise "FETCH" means bring back(.) your not asking it to fetch your demanding it! I've seen the before and after of a few dogs and I feel there is no other way to go.

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I am not sold on force fetching but maybe it's because I have not yet experienced the need. Have you worked with the dog with feathers in the yard? The first time is always an experience for them. Try freezing the birds you just shot and work with the dog using them go slow, short retrieves maybe with a check cord to bring her back, your dog will get use to them. You also mentioned that the dog was 12 months? Could it be a teething thing?

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A lot of young and even once in a while an older dog has problems with retrieving immature birds when it's warm out. I've seen it at trials and tests in the past and even hunting the 1st week or two of pheasant season. I'm not 100% sure what causes this, scent?, feathers pulling off easily in the mouth?, The fact that young game farm birds are generally shot up more than an older bird would be... maybe they get some "gut" taste in their mouths?, Just plain to warm and the dogs mouth is dry and they "balk" at the retrieve? Like I said I'm not sure what causes this. Keep working with him with birds, the frozen bird is a good technique. I think the more they retrieve feathers the better. To many dogs get to many "bumper" retrieves and to few real birds. Shoot some pigeons on a farm and freeze a half dozen in a brown bag in the freezer. Use these in place of your bumpers. They'll last for months.

Forcing the dog probably will help, (and I do favor forcing all my dogs) but... it doesn't sound like the problem lies in his ability to retrieve, or his desire to retrieve, but rather just having game in his mouth. I'd concentrate on making it comfortable for him to carry birds before starting off down the force fetch road. Like a lot of different training regimens, the force is used to re-inforce the ability to retrieve, not to rely on "making" a retriever. A true force fetch regimen should be handled by a pro, or taught to you by someone who has done it. I've seen many, many dogs who were "forced", and I have my doubts if they achieved any greater results than if they hadn't done it at all.

Good Luck!


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Try the frozen birds or wings taped to training dummies 1st then do the force fetching. Tri tronics has a good 2 vhs tape set on it. My current dog a DD was the 1st dog I Force Fetched

It made a huge difference in retrieving as well as general obiedence. YOu are reinforcing your role as the Master. It took almost a month but was worth it. IT can be unpleasant for you and the dog. I had a experinced trainer help teach me so I did it myself. So you may want to consult a trainer. I plan to have all future dogs Force Fetched.

Good Luck


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well i had the pup out at the game farm again and she did really well she retrieved the birds but, wanted to leave them about 2 feet short and i remembered what a trainer told me and i just turned around and started walking away, well she wanted me to have the bird so she picked it up and brought it right to my hand grin.gif

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