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Proud Puppy Papa


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My 12 week old Golden chased a squirrel this morning! I know it doesn't sound very exciting but two days ago she probably would have run from it. I have had her for two weeks and she has been very shy/skittish. Training has been going well (sit, stay, come) but she just wouldnt come out of her shell but in the past couple of days she has started doing all of the typical puppy things and is now chasing the neighborhood wildlife; perhaps she's gotten used to the big bad city.

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Fun ain't it! Ha! Don't go too fast with your new pal. If you've only had the kid two-three weeks don't expect much. A little bit each day is fine. All of a sudden lights will start going off in that little brain and you'll see a big change.

Enjoy it. Ain't nuthin' like a new puppy in the house.

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