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Annie Wonder Dog


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I know you guys are probably sick of dog stories, but I gotta post this. My little Annie is just less than five months. A well meaning relative brought her a regulation soccer ball and threw it into the lake. Annie tried and tried to get it, but could not even mouth it.IT ended up buried in the bull rushes so deep I could not even SEE it. I pulled her off it. That was a month ago. Annie has not forgotten. This afternoon I was standing on the bank and Annie came down, nose to the breeze. Suddenly she was off the bank and into the rushes. I could not SEE her, just hear her. A few minutes later here she came, rushes tangled around her, with that (Contact US Regarding This Word) soccer ball. Just brought tears to my eyes. This, surely my last Lab, is gonna be a nice hunting dog. She is already a great little pal.

Thought I'd share.

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makes you proud, I've always thought that we all think our dog is "The Best Dog in the World." I hope you do, I know I do, remember if you're hunting only tell dog stories after the hunt or past stories about a dog that is no longer with us.

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