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Training collar question


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I'm looking for a new training/beeper collar. The features I want include:

-standard e collar features like nick and constant

-Vibrating paging or warning capability

-beeper collar that I can leave off and use only as a locating feature from the transmitter when I lose my dog in the long grass.

-3/4 mile to one mile range rating.

My problem is that once you add the beeper feature on a collar, it becomes harder to find one with the vibrating paging feature. I have only found one brand and model that has all these features. It is the DT Super Pro Elite model 7800 which sells for $520 (WOW!!). So I'm wondering two things.

First, is DT a good brand collar?

Second, does anyone know of any other collars that have all of these features?

I've found plenty of beeper/trainers without the vibrating feature for the $340-$380 range.


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I had one DT and had problems but they took care of it, it went on the fritz again and I got a tritronics and haven't had a problem. I can't speak to the beeper models, except to say a buddy of mine has one and we've banned him from using it when we hunt together, our group just doesn't like it, thats just merely a personal preference.

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As leechlake said, I don't like listening to a beeper collar all day. I want the capability to turn on the beeper from the transmitter (as a locate feature only) which stand alone beepers don't do from what I have seen. It also means two transmitters, more items to recharge etc.

any other input on DT collars?

One thing I like about the high priced unit is that it uses FM frequency which seems to be the trend for high end units. FM signals are more reliable in heavy cover.


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My first collar was a DT. It worked fine and when I had problems with it, I was very impressed by their service. They took good care of me and the collar worked real well right up until the day I forgot it on the bumper and proceeded to run it over with my truck frown.gif

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