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When to spay


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We are enrolling our chocolate lab female in obediance training and the trainer suggested we spay her at 4 months. Is this becoming a common practise? We are new dog owners and have always heard to spay at 6 months. Any info would be helpful. Thanks

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It depends on the methods you choose and also the medications used during the procedure. You should discuss this with your vet but a younger dog has a faster recovery. Generally it is done between 6 and 8 months but it can be done earlier with laser procedures and newer anesthesia.

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All the replies have been consistantly giving the same advice... talk to your vet. Let them determine the proper age based on your dog.

I've been taught and generally recommend around the 7th month, you are going to beat the 1st heat cycle which is a big bonus for the dog in regards to future health. If you spay before their first heat cycle it will greatly reduce the chances of breast cancer to almost zero.

Good Luck!


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All the replies have been consistantly giving the same advice... talk to your vet. Let them determine the proper age based on your dog.

I've been taught and generally recommend around the 7th month, you are going to beat the 1st heat cycle which is a big bonus for the dog in regards to future health. If you spay before their first heat cycle it will greatly reduce the chances of breast cancer to almost zero.

Good Luck!


Exactly what he said. Had my GSP spayed at a little over 6 months before her first cycle as recommended by my Vet.

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