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my dog got bit

anchor man

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A friends lab took a deep bite into my labs chest. It was about a 1 inch gash through the whole layer of skin but luckily didn't damage any muscle. A few stitches seem to be helping after a few days. I knew my friends dog snapped at mine, but didn't even know she was bit until about an hour later...it's unbelievable how unaffected our dogs can be, even with a chunk of flesh missing...all she wanted to do continue playing. Anyone else out there have a dog recovering from a bite wound?

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My dog took one around the eye about 2 months ago. Not a good thing and 100 percent my fault. We walked past a couple yippers tied in by an invisible fence, and my dog didn't even bother with them. However, on the return trip she went to visit against my advisory to not. She stepped over that line and got drilled. I bet it took over a month before the fur grew back.

I just hope she remembers her lesson. I, no doubt, remember mine. Don't mess with yipper dogs.

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Last fall Maggie, my lab was put in her place by an older female lab. She ended up with a nice slash in the side of her muzzle.

I heard her yelp and before I turned to see what happened the dogs had already seperated and were back to hunting. The other owner was shocked and reprimanded his dog. And I did not know Maggie was cut until she went in to some snow after a bird and the snow was red when she came out.

It did not take long to stop bleeding but took quite awhile to completly heal so you could not see it.

It was really interesting to see both dogs hunting and avoiding each other at the same time.

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