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puppy question?


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Hey Guys,

I have a lab that is now 10 weeks old. I also have a lab that is 12 years old. The problem that I have is the pup is always jimping and nipping at the older one.How to control this problem. The older lab will bark and growl but it has no effect on the pup. HELP!!

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Well I would say that the older dog will soon get mad enough to put puppy in it's place.

When I took my pup to the Petco puppy classes there were older dogs there as well, for the next step in classes.

Mandy was the same way with one of the Goldens there, she would not leave that dog alone and finialy one day the Golden had enough and tore into Mandy.

Didn't hurt her but it sure scared the devil out of Mandy.

The next meeting Mandy just went up to that Golden and sniffed once and was tucking her tail and backed off.

The trainer said that all dogs will defend them selves and soon will establish who is the Alfa dog.

After that it is a simple corection if the lower class dog gets rough again.

Now if you want to stop it your self,your going to have to keep the dogs seperate.

It is natural puppy instinct to play like that.


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I have first hand recent experience with this. We have a lab that is now 5 months, a 8 yr old golden and a ten year old lab. On day one the ten year old literally (through my eyes) tried to kill the puppy, that set the stage for the puppy never ever bothering the older lab. On the other hand our golden from day one was a toy for the puppy, our golden gets nipped at chewed on etc. Most of the times she likes it but from time to time seems bothered by it but it's just not in her to put the puppy in it's place like our older lab did. Our puppy now kind of is tolerated by the older lab and the golden and puppy our pals. It's up to your older dog to set the stage, I think there is nothing you can do. For what it's worth our vet said it's not big deal and won't effect either dog. So, it's up to your older dog.

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Same thing happened with my lab. When she was young, would pester the heck out of other dogs until finally she pestered the wrong one. The older dog "snapped" and put Sage in her place. Problem solved.

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