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dog chewing


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my 11 month old lab just wont stay away from ceder, she chews on the neibors fence my deck oh ya and my maple tree she will debark. the tree is easy i just put a rabbit fence to keep her away. my questuin is how do i break her of this habit? is this a bored behavior? any info would be greatly appreciated to me and my wallet.

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My Lab totally chewed the heck out of the dog house I worked so hard on for him. Looks like a porcupine got to it grin.gif He did this until he was about 2 years old and after that, no more chewing on his house. He'll debark any stick in the yard to this day. He's 3 now.

I think it's a comfort thing for them. They have to release their frustrations and energy somehow and chewing is a natural thing. We always get the raw beef marrow bones from Cub. We dig the marrow out of the center and let him have at them. These will keep them occupied for a long time.

Get your dog something you will allow her to chew on and when you catch her chewing on something else, reprimand her and have the propper chew item ready to replace the fence post with. They have a lot of energy at that age. It's like trying to make a little kid sit still for too long. If they don't let it out, they'll explode.

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