Whats the purpose of having both a ground fault and a circuit breaker on an electical plugin circuit?
Heres my problem. I have an electric smoker, in the past I've had problems where it pops the ground fault on my garage, so yesterday I thought I'd try it on my new shed. Same thing, it pops the ground fault. Then I ran a extension cord and plugged it in inside the shed and started watching the circuit breaker to see if popped. No, but no smoke was coming out. Come to find out, the circuits inside the shed also have a ground fault wired into one of the plugins - how come? If too much juice is flowing, it should pop the circuit breaker, but instead it pops the ground fault??! Do you think its a problem with the circutis or the electric element on the smoker?
Whats the purpose of having both a ground fault and a circuit breaker on an electical plugin circuit?
Heres my problem. I have an electric smoker, in the past I've had problems where it pops the ground fault on my garage, so yesterday I thought I'd try it on my new shed. Same thing, it pops the ground fault. Then I ran a extension cord and plugged it in inside the shed and started watching the circuit breaker to see if popped. No, but no smoke was coming out. Come to find out, the circuits inside the shed also have a ground fault wired into one of the plugins - how come? If too much juice is flowing, it should pop the circuit breaker, but instead it pops the ground fault??! Do you think its a problem with the circutis or the electric element on the smoker?
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