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Bee Sting!


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My 10 month old Britt got stung by a bee in the left paw about a 1/2 hour ago, and did not complain. But now her face appears to be swelling up! Any help would be appreciated on what a person should do.


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Give her a benadryl capsule. They are safe. But not more than 1 at a time. She might get sleepy from the benadryl. Its a scary thing to have happen. We have gone through a bee sting with our dogs a couple times and I did not panic as much the 2nd time as I did in the first incident.

Though if her breathing becomes constricted get her to a vet asap. If you can see the stinger, pull it out.

Good luck!

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If you have liquid children's benadryl and a dropper around, that's another good option.

But have caution!!!

We had to give that to one of our cats once. She had this skin thing that made her coat look like swiss cheese.

When we gave it to her, she went crazy. She ripped around the house for a few minutes, and she had a red foam beard. She really didn't like it. But I would think with a bigger dog, that the capsules would be very good.


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Thanx for the info! With the help of my son,we managed to hold her down & get the stinger out.(What a wrestling match that was!!) Ran to the store and got the Benadryl,gave her 10mg and she did alright.After a few hours the swelling started to go down & by this morning it was completely gone.

But what an epasode to go thru,never seen a Brittany's face that looked like a St.Bernard!!

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I just got my lab back from the trainer. When she was doing some water retrieves she started to limp and hold her paw up. She would not walk on it for a while. Then she started to walk on it and it really swelled up. Just the paw, not the ankle at all. I am wondering if this could be a bee sting? or possibly something broken. Has anyone experienced a swollen paw? if so what did you do? I did not see any bees where she was running.

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