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Wanted: Pigeons


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I'm looking for someone to buy pigeons from or a place where I can trap some pigeons. I'd like to start working my new pup soon and will be needing a fair number of them over the next couple months. Anyone know where I can get some or have a place where I could trap some - a barn or something close to the NW metro? I've done the fishnet/spotlight trick under bridges in the past blush.gif and yes, it is fun, but requires too much time & effort for right now.

Please let me know.



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So I get the feeling I'm the only one on fm.com planning on training a dog this summer with live birds? confused.gif

Guess I'll have to revert to the old "catch 'em myself" routine since nobody knows where there are pigeons available...

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I usually train on grounds that have birds there already, no need for pigeons. I would contact some farmers, most would be willing to let you set up a couple traps I'm sure. If you have the means to keep pigeons, another option is buying quail chicks and raising them until they are old enough for flight.

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There is a place that I've been meaning to stop, which has a sign 'Pigeons for Sale'. We see it on the way to Sakatah State Park off Hwy 60 down by Morristown (east of Faribault). That's all I got though...sorry it's not more.

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Hey! Hey! You guys are out there! smirk.gif Thanks for the replies, guys. Oakwood was going to be my next phone call anyway. Hadn't thought about calling a local kennel - good idea superfish.

setterguy - I wish I had the setup to raise some quail myself. That would be ideal, but our house is in the middle of a development and it wouldn't work well. frown.gif

Thanks for the heads-up Slowfinger, but Morristown is quite a drive to go buy some sky-rats. I live in the NW metro. Thanks though.

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I just called Wings North Game Farm in Pine City. They have pigeons. That leads me to believe Wild Wings in Hugo would also have them since they are affiliated.

I should have had my dog around live birds before now (she's 10 months), but she'll get the next two weekends for sure with them, maybe three.

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I'll probably defer to the pros around here like setterguy for more detail, but at a high level, here's how I use 'em:

I take the birds out in the field, dizzy them and tuck the head under their wing and plant them in 'birdy' cover for the pup. I make sure to enter the field (to plant birds) from the opposite end that I'll be bringing the dog in from and try to minimize any human scent on/around the bird (gloves, rubber boots). I'll then work the dog into the wind and let him cross into the scent til he locks in on the bird and goes on point. I'll firm him up on point and give the 'whoa' command while I go in and kick the bird out. If he wants to chase, I let him go after the bird to build that desire and realize he can't catch the bird himself. As he runs off, I'll fire a .22 or 410 (and progress to bigger guns as I go) to help him understand that smell = bird and bird + bang = GOOD combo. As we progress through the training, I'll start shooting the pigeons for him to retrieve too...if I'm lucky. blush.gif

Hope this helps...

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