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Just wanted to pass along a "Thank you" to all the guys who frequent this forum. I've been swamped (literally) at work with all this rain we've gotten and I haven't been able to respond to a lot of the questions on here... but you guys have done a great job and have given out good, sound advise!

It makes a guy proud to see how far we've brought the "dog" forum since it inception, and the amount of posting it's had in that short amunt of time! I hope all who use it have been able to glean some information to help you bring your dog(s) along to the level of performance that you desired.

I look forward to hearing again this fall of all the "rewards" for all your hard work! There's few things as special as hunting over the dog that you've trained. Give yourselves a pat on the back and an "atta boy" for all you've done on here and with your pooch! Thanks again from me! grin.gif

Good Luck!


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I have to agree with the others. You have made it pretty easy to give advice to others on and/or off this forum. I know personally, that I only have to repeat what you have said before to others and know it is pretty sound advice.



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