Dave Posted June 9, 2005 Share Posted June 9, 2005 The Range Riders ATV Club of Nashwauk, Minnesota, ishosting a “Ride for the Disabled”, Saturday, August 13,2005, to exemplify the NEED of the disabled to use ATVs asa major source of their recreational outdoor pleasures.PRE-REGISTER BY JULY 23RD for a discount (registrationinformation below).In the past, large tracts of public lands and waterwayshave been closed to the motorized public by variousagencies, with little or no regard to this segment of ourcitizenship. In the late 70’s the Federal Government closedmost of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Voyager’sNational Park to motorized travel with little regard forthe elderly or disabled. More recently, most of theChippewa National Forest was closed for ATV travel alongwith large sections of the Beltrami State Forest. More andmore trail corridors are being closed to motorized use. Wefeel that this trend must stop now. We have initializedthis ride to bring awareness to this simple fact.THEREFORE:The Range Riders invite you to ride “Up North” on August13th. The ride will start from the Nashwauk RecreationBuilding at approximately 9 AM. We will ride the entireAlborn Trail. (over 80 miles, so bring extra gas) Therewill be shorter rides for those that do not wish to go thatfar. The ride is open to anyone of legal riding age whoowns or has access to an ATV.There will be camping sites available at the NashwaukCampground on a first come, first serve basis. There willalso be primitive camp sites available in different areasof Nashwauk and Keewatin. The Super 8 motels in Hibbingand Grand Rapids have offered a discount if you mention theRide for the Disabled.Friday Night check in and registration will be from 5-8PMat the Nashwauk Rec. Building. There will be a bon-fireand socializing after registration.Saturday morning registration and check in will be from7-9AM. The ride will begin at approximately 9 AM from therecreation building. We will divide into groups of thosewanting to ride the whole trail, and those that want totake shorter rides. Time will be allotted for a designatedstop in the Meadowlands area for a “break”.Following the ride, a pig roast with all the trimmings,music, cash bar, door prizes and a lot of FUN will beawaiting you.PRE-REGISTER BY JULY 23RD for a discount!!Please print out the registration form and send it to:Range Riders ATV ClubPO Box 107Nashwauk, MN. 55769If you have any questions contactOrganizer Ron Ciochetto…218-969-8085[email protected] Or President Gary Kaminen…218-778-6394 [email protected]ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO ATVAM************************************************************___CLUB MEMBER ___ATVAM MEMBER ___NON MEMBERNAME_____________________________________________________ADDRESS____________________________________________________CITY_________________ STATE_________ZIP_______________PHONE______________ E-MAIL________________________________YOUR CLUB_________________________________# ATTENDING_____________________ # OF ATV’S________________AMOUNT ENCLOSED $_____________________(non-refundable)(Sorry, but we are not equipped to take credit cards)PRE-REGISTER BY JULY 23RD TO RECEIVE DISCOUNTED RATES Individual $20Family (2-4) $30 (over 4) $30 + $5 per person At the door:Individual $30Family (2-4) $40 (over 4) $40+ $8 per personAll proceeds will go to ATVAM for the Economic Impact Studyor the Defense Fund.Please mail your registration to:RANGE RIDERS ATV CLUB PO BOX 107NASHWAUK, MN. 55769 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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