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Dog swallowed hook?


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My 65 lb. yellow might have swallowed a smaller single fishing hook on Sunday. It was dangling while going to another spot and he went for it. I saw what was happening and went for the hook. The hook might have caught on the gunnel of the boat and flipped into the water with the shiner or the dog swallowed it. He yelped a little but I immeadiately looked around and in his mouth with no sign of the hook. The yelp could have been the line breaking. My question is this: Do dogs have stomach acid that will disolve a hook like fish do or is this something I really need to watch? I do not notice any fever or anything unusual about his behavior so I'm hoping he didn't swallow it. Ideas?

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My lab grabbed a jig with a minnow on it when she was a pup. I looked over and seen line out of her mouth....so I cut the line and tried to see if I could pull it out. No Luck. Checked her a few minutes later and the line was down the hatch. I figured I would give her a few days to see if she would eat. Turns out there were no ill effects. I am not saying not to worry about it...but if that hook didn't bury in their throat, it will dissolve in the stomach acid. Hope you don't have any problems.

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Called the vet this morning and was told that as long as the dog is being normal (ie: eating, active, #2 etc) that I probably don't need to worry about it since it's been since Sunday. They just said to keep a close eye on him and if I notice anything out of the norm to bring him in.

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