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I am training my 16 week black lab to sit and come and stay during several short sessions throughout the day. When I have the treats she listens very well during the short training sessions I do with her. However, other times during the day - when I don't have treats- She does not listen as well. Will this get better? Should I always have treats with me? She is going to a Kennel for training in June; however, I want to get the basics down before then. What should be my expectations at 16 weeks? She is housebroken so that is good. Any responses would be appreciated.

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16 weeks is pretty young to expect a whole lot. Good you are getting basics down, but don't let your expectations get too high, yet.

I'd also not give treats every time. Puppy will expect them. Praise, praise, more praise....did I mention praise??? When you say "sit." and puppy sits and looks at ya, make sure you give it TONS of praise. They think,"Hey, I did good and he likes me, he really really likes me!!!"

Make it fun. Dogs are all about fun. Play a little fetch, goof around, then do about 15 minutes of command training, and finish it off with more goof off and play time.

Be patient, if you get frustrated for GODS sake stop. Stay the course and good luck.

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Don't train with treats! Time and time again I see dogs with behavior problems because they are taught to obey to get a reward. No reward? No obey!

A dog should do what's asked of them because you are their master and they should want to please you... not because they want something in there belly. A pat on the head and a "good" should be more than ample reward. A good amount of play time at the end of each training session is also a great reward.

I'd start weaning them off treats ASAP. At 16 weeks they should have a firm grasp of SIT, STAY, HERE, HEEL. Keep working on your basics, they are the foundation to all future training!

Good Luck!


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