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Gift for the wife!


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Well since we put our dog down a month ago I am looking at getting my wife a female yellow lab for her birthday in a month. It doesn't have to be a hunter. Anyone going to have pups ready soon or know a place to get pups? Looking to spend around $250. Send me an email at LSW2002 at AOL dot COM if you have suggestions on a good place to get a lab.

Thanks in advance,


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We have puppies that are 2 weeks old. Their eyes are about to open in the next few days. I have a yellow lab, so I know they have lab in them. Its a possiblity that they are pure bred since we have a male black lab also. If your interested they are free.

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I found some up here in Duluth last night. It wasn't long before I caved in and put down a deposit on one. Now I have to wait a month for the wife's b-day. frown.gif


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No names yet, this is going to be her dog since "I" got rid of our last dog. She didn't want another dog but lately I said I was going to pick up two, one lab and one retriever. She eventually gave in and she said if we get another dog it better be another lab. That sounded like a "I want another dog" to me grin.gif . Not sure if I will be able to hold out month or not. I may just go and pick it up and give it to her early.


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