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Legislation That's Bad For ATVs


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To briefly summarize House Bill - HF833 authored by State Representatives Hoppe; Thissen; Kelliher; Howes and companion Senate Bill SF0720, authored by Senators Marty, Ruud, Frederickson and Chaudhary. I encourage you to read the Bills and to call or write your state representatives to voice your opinion. The complete text of each Bill can be found on the Minnesota Legislation & Bill Status HSOforum by entering the Bill number in the appropriate places.

Legislation Bill Status

1.1 A bill for an act

1.2 relating to natural resources; modifying restrictions

1.3 on the operation of off-highway vehicles; extending

1.4 the availability of the off-highway vehicle damage

1.5 account; providing for seizure and forfeiture of

1.6 certain off-highway vehicles; requiring certain

1.7 off-highway vehicle violations to be added to the

1.8 driving record of the violator; modifying civil

1.9 penalties; clarifying the requirement for off-road

1.10 vehicle registration; modifying off-road vehicle

1.11 account receipts and disposition; requiring plates on

1.12 all-terrain vehicles; providing for revocation of

1.13 registration; providing criminal penalties; amending

1.14 Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 84.773, subdivision

1.15 1, by adding a subdivision; 84.775, subdivision 1;

1.16 84.780; 84.797, subdivisions 6, 12; 84.798,

1.17 subdivision 1; 84.802; 84.803; 84.804, subdivisions 1,

1.18 2, 3; 84.922, subdivision 2; 84.928, subdivision 2;

1.19 97A.315, subdivision 2; proposing coding for new law

1.20 in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 84; repealing Minnesota

1.21 Statutes 2004, sections 84.796; 84.805; 84.929;

1.22 296A.18, subdivision 6.

Asking for a toll-free hotline

1.26 The commissioner of natural resources shall maintain and

1.27 publicize a toll-free telephone number that allows citizens to:

1.28 (1) obtain tape-recorded information about trail

1.29 conditions;

1.30 (2) report complaints about or violations by operators of

1.31 off-highway vehicles; and

1.32 (3) report damage caused by all-terrain vehicles and trail

1.33 safety concerns.

Restricts use of OHV’s on frozen lakes and distance from homes.

2.14 (B) A person may not operate an off-highway vehicle at a

2.15 speed greater than ten miles per hour:

2.16 (1) within 100 feet of a person who is not:

2.17 (i) on an off-highway vehicle, snowmobile, or motorcycle;

2.18 or

2.19 (ii) in a motor vehicle;

2.20 (2) within 100 feet of a fish house, dark house, or any

2.21 other structure while operating on a frozen public water; or

2.22 (3) within 150 feet of a home or residential dwelling.

A section that asks to include all OHV violations on your driver’s record.

A section of restrictions that deal with mufflers.

A section increasing fines for OHV violations.

14.28 (1) $100 $250 for the first offense;

14.29 (2) $200 $500 for the second offense; and

14.30 (3) $500 $1,000 for third and subsequent offenses.

A section that asks for repair of private property driveways. The section also strikes a date limitation, so, anyone from years back can file a damage claim.

15.11 (2) the repair or restoration of driveways that have been

15.12 damaged from the legal operation of off-highway vehicles within

15.13 a public road right-of-way;

A section that asks all riders be 16 or older.

(a) A person under 16 years of age may not operate an

16.34 off-road vehicle

A section that wants to take away the OHV unrefunded gasoline tax that is calculated from OHV fuel use.

17.9 Subdivision 1. [REGISTRATION REVENUE.] Fees from the

17.10 registration of off-road vehicles and unrefunded gasoline tax

17.11 attributable to off-road vehicle use under section 296A.18 must

17.12 be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the off-road

17.13 vehicle account in the natural resources fund.

A section that wants to close all ditch riding.

17.29 (a) A person may not operate a an off-road vehicle off-road

17.30 within a public road right-of-way in this state except on a

17.31 trail designated by the commissioner and approved by the unit of

17.32 government having jurisdiction over the right-of-way.

17.33 (B) A person may not operate a vehicle off-road within a

17.34 public road right-of-way between the hours of one-half hour

17.35 after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, except on the

17.36 right-hand side of the right-of-way and in the same direction as

18.1 traffic on the nearest lane of the road.

18.2 © A person may not operate an off-road vehicle within the

18.3 right-of-way of an interstate highway.

A section that wants to close all riding in state forests other than on inventoried forest roads. (NOTE: if the state forest inventoried road proposal is not approved, I would think this to read you can’t ride in that forest UNTIL the plan is approved.)

19.15 Subd. 3. [OPERATION GENERALLY.] A person may not drive or

19.16 operate a an off-road vehicle off-road:

19.26 (6) on forest lands under the authority of the

19.27 commissioner, as defined in section 89.001, subdivision 13,

19.28 other than inventoried forest roads; or

An automobile size license plate on front and rear of machine.

21.5 (f) The registration numbers and decal must be displayed on

21.6 plates that are not less than six inches high and 12 inches

21.7 wide, clearly visible on the front and back of the vehicle, and

21.8 at least 12 inches from the ground. The plates, registration

21.9 numbers, and registration decal must be maintained in a clear

21.10 and legible condition. Letters and numbers on the plates shall

21.11 be at least three inches high and not less than one-half inch

21.12 wide.

21.5 (f) The registration numbers and decal must be displayed on

21.6 plates that are not less than six inches high and 12 inches

21.7 wide, clearly visible on the front and back of the vehicle, and

21.8 at least 12 inches from the ground. The plates, registration

21.9 numbers, and registration decal must be maintained in a clear

21.10 and legible condition. Letters and numbers on the plates shall

21.11 be at least three inches high and not less than one-half inch

21.12 wide.

In MY opinion, a majority of this language in these Bills are bad for ATVers.

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Dave.... I agree! It is my opinion as well, that most of what is written in this "new" legislation will be bad for us ATVers... IF it becomes law. People... This is NOT good news. More laws and restrictions are NOT the answer. Please read these files for yourself.

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