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Females attitude after a litter?


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To those of you who have had a litter of puppies I would like your opinion on something.

Do you think your dam changed at all after the puppies were born and gone? Did she act differently in the years after her litter? Did she become less social, more of a lover, cuddler, less interested in your family, that type of thing.

I plan on having a litter of Labs this summer but I don't want her attitude to change. I love this dogs disposition so much I don't want it to change because of a litter of pups.


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Never had any appreciable changes... they are different during the pregnancy and while they are on the pups... but they generally go back to themselves afterwards.

Now my wife on the other hand......... hehehehe grin.gif

Good luck!


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I had chocolates, she was a bit protective around the pups at first. I couldn't get her to come out of the kennel so I could take the pups in to get dew claws removed. I ended up firing a shotgun in the air and she came running out. After a couple of weeks she was fine I would say she did not change at all.

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Never had any appreciable changes... they are different during the pregnancy and while they are on the pups... but they generally go back to themselves afterwards.

Now my wife on the other hand......... hehehehe

Good luck!


You are a brave man Ken! Hope she doesn't have any friends who frequent this place so she hears about THAT post!!!!! grin.gif

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I have a Brittany and we have had 2 litters with her, the first was when she was 3 yrs and the second when she was 5. My feeling is that the litters acually helped settle her down (but a britt can be a bit more hyper than some breeds) or maybe she just matured from age 3 till about 5 years old. As far as her disposition and personality went she was the same or better, I wouldn't think you should have much to worry about. Good luck and have fun with the puppies, my kids sure enjoyed helping out after the pups where up and running around. ricbak

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