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Looking for a started Shorthair


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Unfortunately I will be saying goodbye to my beloved huntin' buddy soon and I will be needing to find a 1 to 2 yr old female shorthair. If anyone knows of one that is available out there please drop me a line here or at rnikko (at) comcast (dot) net. Thanks.

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There is a littermate available from the same breeding as my current dog. She is 1.5 yrs old. Forum moderators. How can I get the breeder's contact info to cyberamish? The rules are so restrictive I'm not sure what can go on the board anymore.

Oops my dog's littermate is a male. The breeder I use could put you into a started female. He's got contacts all over the country. Let me know if you are still interested.

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Yes I would appreciate any info you could pass along as our last two shorthairs were both taken in as "orphans" I really don't have any history with breeders. You can get in touch w/me here or at rnikko (at) comcast (dot) net. Thanx!!!

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That was the best way to do that, we can't have people posting links to business web sites, unless they are a sponsor. Good Luck with your search... sorry to hear of your loss.

Good Luck!


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Thanks guys! We hasven't made that final goodbye trip to our vet as of yet but will be in the next day or two. We have been extremely fortunate to have ol' Norton around for as long as we have (he's somewhere between 13 and 14). He has been a great friend and my first true hunting buddy. I will no doubt be posting a memorial to him later this week.

Take Care.

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Got it! Thanks. Looks like we are going to try adopting one from the Shorthair Rescue organization. We have "rescued" two shorthairs in the past ( one that was abandoned at a game farm and one who was left chained up behind a used car lot) and thought we might try that route again.

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