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Emergency room visit


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As I was putting the last of my stuff in the truck, I started thinking, nothing is going to be moving in this wind, I should just stay home. But I’ve got some prior commitments that may tie me up for a couple weeks, maybe longer, so I wasn’t going to pass on a chance to take a walk through the woods with the dog. Turns out I wish I would have taken that thought about staying home a little more seriously.

As I was putting the gun away after walking our second trail of the morning, I looked down to see bloody paw prints all over in the snow. I put the dog on the tail gate to inspect his foot, I couldn’t see anything wrong with the pads and as I pulled a couple of them apart to inspect in between the blood just started pumping out shocked.gif. Needless to say it freaked me out a bit at first, but I grabbed the first aid kit and proceeded to bandage up his foot. The funny thing was, he wasn’t even aware he was hurt. He slept all the way to the vet.

Anyways, the vet said he had about a half inch laceration between his pads. She stitched him up and he is now resting at home with his rear foot all bandaged up and one of those cones around his head. I understand why those are necessary but try to explain it to the dog as he’s walking into everything.

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Been there...while walking the dog in Battle Creek Park. But what was even worse was the time my Britt took a corn stalk or stick under her tongue while running. It shredded the muscle underneath...talk about gross. I almost lost her that day...vet couldn't really do anything. She was tough though and came out of it.

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Joe- I feel for you. Luci and I are going through the same thing. Its finally healing good. I bought some EMT gel from Gander after hearing tons of good about it from friends and it works. She is almost ready. I'll be back out tomorrow for an afternoon hunt trial. Good Luck with your pup.

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heh, heh, ya, what a pain for those poor pups.

Mine wore her lamp shade for about 2 months during the winter, and would scoop up snow and throw it in the air, while trying to sniff around for that perfect spot to relieve herself.

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My 14mo old yellow lab and I got back from 4 days in SD last Sun and made the trip to the vet. She got a deep cut on her front left leg about 5" above her paw on Sat AM probably while darting in & out of the barbed wire. I picked up some H-Peroxide & vasalene to clean the area and keep it moist. She hunted all Sat & Sun just fine and got 3 stitches on Mon AM. She'll be fine and have some war wounds to show for it grin.gif.

Our old english pointer would regularly rip he skin 1" by 1" right angle cuts to the brisket & legs on the wire some bad enough to see the muscles moving underneath. She would heal up just fine.


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