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Magazine article...crappies/ice


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I just finished reading a great article in one of the Ice Fishing magazines (Mn. based) about trying to find a system for winter crappies. Much of what was in this article we have seen talked about in this and the crappies forums, but it may be prudent for everyone to read this piece.

I see so much generalization when it comes to pin-pointing the places to begin looking for crappies and how to catch them, that it can be very confusing. That and the problem that not everything gets said when the post is started or finished.

I know that my posts often get parlayed and I forget to toss an idea or a hint in, only to notice it later. This particular writing touches on lakes, river (and backwaters), and reservoirs. Much of what was written was dealing with the movements of the early ice fish...how far and what sort of depths to look at first, etc. I know an hour spent reading, re-reading and highlighting has opened up a couple of new avenues for me to consider.

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