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Back again!!!

Swamp Scooter

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After a short time away I am back and looking for folks again. BigLake Ba$$ Send me mail. Benny and zarakohl too. new computer connection is slow but at least I am getting through.

Interesting new format to use.

Metro ice I have seen is still thin saw a couple of daring guys up North around Lindstrom walking out.

Glad to be back around and looking forward to some get togethers this winter. Hope the ice comes soon for us bigger guys to walk on!

Hope to see some of you soon.

Cyberfish. I will try and send you some mail. I know it has been a while but if you can fit in a little time to scribble a few fish on my shack let me know.

Catch you all later. Must go eat out w/the wife.

I owe some recipies on here too!


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