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Road Hunting In South Dakota

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Wondering what people think about that lady judge who decided to make the law a little harder on road hunters. It is so hard now days to find land to hunt, unless you have money. I dont think it will stand but if that is what the farmers want then i think we should tax the farmers everytime they come to use are city roads. Alos i think if they have CRP on their land and they charge to hunt, it should also be open to the public because are taxes are paying for them to make money. The new law states that if a phesant gets up in the ditch and flys over the fence you cant shoot it. You now have to shoot it over the road right away. That is Bull (Contact US Regarding This Word)!!

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I agree with you on the CRP idea. If they want gov. payments on their land, then they forfeit their control of it. But, I have to disagree with you on the road hunting part. As a rancher in west river we don't get the road hunting but I sympathize with the farmers in that I don't want anyone walking across my ground without knowing it first. We don't walk across your yard in town. We use the sidewalk.In regards to your statment of taxing us when we use your city streets. Most of the streets we travel in your town are county and state highways that we are already taxed on. And as for the city streets, we pay your city's sales tax when we purchase something there. We don't tax you in the country. I feel I'm preaching to the chior here on this subject but there are a few hunters out there shooting signs, leaving gates open, driving anywhere they please claiming to have permission from the land owner when they are on MY property and then getting lippy and smart mouthed when confronted. We're tired of it. These guys are the ones that you should be focusing your attention on and the the land owner that is paying over inflated property taxes and then referred to as greedy by some. I do have safety concerns about road hunting as well. I'm just asking everyone to see both sides.

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Watrbeater thats kind of a strong stand. Does that extend to ASC payments too? Cause thats a LOT of gorund then. I got some other tips for the courts if they want to help hunters.

1. Make sandburrs illegal. Poor dog.

2. Make strong westerly winds illegal after noon.I hate hunting into the sun.

3. Make snow geese like duck decoys. Could have some real fun here.

4. Make partridges stay in groups of 5 or less. Lots easier to get close flushes.

5. Make sharptails taste better. Yuck.

I dont have a problem with the present CRP. Its another payment to go with the other payments farmer get. At least it grows ducks. Ducks taste awful so I gave that sport up. But they need to help to get the population growing.

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