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Any ice yet?

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Good afternoon,

Headed up to the cabin this weekend on LOW. Can anyone tell me if there is any ice out in front of Mylies yet that you could walk out on. Haven't been up in a couple of weeks.

Thanks in advance,

Rick laugh.gif

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It was cold last night/this morning in Kenora. -22 Celcius (I beleive that's around 6 below on the F scale) this morning and I noticed a lot of new ice around the lake, even though it's got some current. I hope this helps for you and your adventure down at Mylie's.

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We don't fish it a lot. Usually we zip over to Hay Island or Miles Bay in the morning for Crappies, then fish Walleye various places through the rest of the day. The couple of times that we've ice fished it were later in the winter or early spring. We've done OK there. I was looking for a place close by, somewhat out of the wind thinking maybe the ice had been driven down a little by the recent cold weather. We ended up not making the trip. Couple of things came up. We'll be back up in two weeks and hopefully there will be some ice then. I'm hoping it gets cold and stays cold. We're for most of the week between X-Mas and New Years also. Have a good one

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