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Finally have Ice!

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The smaller lakes around Devils Lake have around 5 inches of ice and are producing some excellent fishing. Most pike are ranging in size from 3-5 lbs some between 8-10. Some of the smaller bays on Devils Lake have ice and today for the first time I did see fishermen out on the ice but we do not recommend this yet. Hopefully temps will stay in the 20's and we can be out by next weekend.

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Good to hear Jeff!

We're still planning our trip for next Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. We plan on arriving in DL late Thursday.

I hope she stays cold to keep the ice making machine working. We've decided to walk out if it comes to it but would prefer to go by wheeler or sled.

Sounds like we'll be hitting it for perfect early ice conditions. I can't wait. The LX-3 is charged, rods are spooled up, I'll be hitting the ice fishing show in St. Paul this weekend, and then we'll be good to go. I won't have my VS-560 camera yet. Thats about all I'm bumming about!

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I have been out the last two days and ice conditions have ranged from 3-6 inches. Pike have been biting on several different areas and I did pick up 3 nice walleyes last night. The perch areas are still a little patchy and we dont recommend venturing out to far yet. We only have a couple of inches of snow cover so that isnt hurting anything yet but we arent making much ice either with temps in the high 20's. We are going to spend the rest of the week fishing for pike and walleye and hopefully get out after perch next week.

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I thought you'd post a report Jeff, I saw you went out yesterday on your HSOforum.

Our group of 4 is coming up tomorrow and fishing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Not getting into the perch doesn't bother me, the walleyes & pike can keep me quite happy.

Do you have any recommendations for easy places to park and access the lake. We'll eventually put a bunch of foot miles on over the weekend but wondered if you had any good starting points.

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