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rotisserie cooking

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I always wanted a rotisserie oven and found a GE at Walmart for about $45.00. Holds up to a 12 lb. bird. I was all excited to use it. Had the turkey all prepped and had it set in the oven. During the rotations it started to jump/slide off the sprocket. After re-skewering the bird it still did the same. So I thought maybe the bird was a bit too big. It was a bit over 12 lbs. So I decided to cook the turkey in the oven. Tonight I am trying a chicken thinking no problem mad.gif. Right. Same problem. You know where my next trip will be. Walmart returns. Does anyone have a rotisserie oven that works good? I am thinking of getting the Ronco one you see on tv infomercials.

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We have a rotisserie on the gas grille which works great.

We also have what is called beer can chicken. place the bird sitting on the can , put into grille 1.5 to 2 hours

the bird is almost like broasted chicken when finished.

the b.c.c. stand is available at cabelas.


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