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old style Fish trap


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Does anyone have one they can share some tips on how they have modified or customized theirs? I found a used one and think I am going to get it. the sled seems to be deeper and heavier duty than the new scout or pro. One thing I noticed was that the fron poles when shut seem to not go down all the way to the ice. Has anyone done anything to modify this?

thanks. Any info or ideas are greatly appreciated!

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I have a old style fish trap, what I did was take a condue bender and put a small S bend next to the sled, I also put a lite chain in the loop in the bottom of the canvas, the part next to the ice, to hold the canvas to the ice, sure cuts down on the draft.

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Best thing I found was to add about 8" of Canvas to it. Next sew some chain or something with flexible weight into it making sure to wrap the chain into the canvas so it doesnt freeze up on ya. Also make sure you extend the canvas back to about the center of the tub where you always seem to get wind coming threw.

Truth told I got sick of the no door hassle and got a Fishtrap Guide, that Im now selling, and now I ordered my dream house. New Vikings Purple Otter Magnum Lodge! I cant wait!

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