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Open water layout boat hunting?

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I've been looking into this style of hunting for the last year or so. I just don't want to have to go out east to do it. With all of our lakes in Minnesota, why can't we layout boat hunt? Even if the DNR would set some restrictions on it as to dates and smaller bag limits, I would be for it. What is everyone else's opinion?


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it would awesome if we could layout boat hunting I love to diver hunt out of my normal boat and do pretty well if we could layout hunt I would sell my normal boat and buy a sweet one-just-like-silly-me layout boat and shot divers all year long I love to diver hunt. I usually shoot a lot of rings and blu's and always shoot cans every year I'm starting to think redheads are are bonus birds rather than the can. and I also shot a few of those evey year. I try to find a little island thst my boat just sits in si it is still legal somtimes I think I would be in the gray area for standing vegetation.

bring on the layout boat hunting

I would LOVE it if it was legal.

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