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Mock Scrapes


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Howdy fellow hunters,

I want everyone to weigh in on their favorite method of mock scrapes, and if they think they work. I personally think it works well, because I feel it makes that dominant buck think another deer is invading his home area. This enhances your calling to some extent because at least the scent makes the story more credible. As far as making them, I like to use multiple scrapes to form lines almost, so the buck goes from one to the next. I usually put one within bow/gun range of my stand and a few spread out in either direction. I space them between 10-100 yards and put a few in each direction. Do NOT put one right in front of your stand, because deer comming into it from straight on have a better chance of seeign you. I try to make them on or close to well used trails, more deer that sniff them the better. Always remember to have a licking branch over them. I like to use a deer urine in the dirt, with a touch of tarsnal gland, and either musk or tarsnal on the branch. It seems to work well and not be too much. I also hang a scrape dripper over the scrape closest to my stand, so that scrape is the "HOTT" one if you will, and will likely be visited more often. I do though, periodically freshen all the others on my visits to the stand. Hope this makes sense.... Does anyone have any other tips or tricks or see an error in my ways?? LET ME KNOW!!

Go out and let your spirit run wild....


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