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28" or 20 " rifled barrel

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I just picked up a 20 inch rifled barrel for my 870 express. Its alot shorter than my stock barrel. I do remember seeing a 28 rifled barrel somewhere and was wondering if there is alot of difference between the two? Does one have more kick than the other?

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I'm sure the 20" will have more kick, but it will most likely shoot better & either way it's a lot handier for carrying & getting through the brush. I have an old 20" smooth bore on my 870, it's on it's 3rd different 870 actually, & it puts them right in there. If it didn't come with fiber optic sites, not sure if they do now, I'd spend the $15-25 to put a set of tru glo sites on it. I did about 3 years ago & love them. Be careful with them though, I banged my front site on the ground during season & had to make a quick switch back to the old ones because I broke the front site & lost it. That's been replaced by another tru glo though.

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