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surge brakes help



I have a shorelandr trailer with surge brakes. I have the proper 5 prong wiring so when I back it's supposed to override the brakes. About 1/2 the time when I back the brakes lock up and I have to go and manually lock the brakes. Any ideas or tips. I'm having nighmares of not being able to back it into the lake on opening day.

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2 answers to this question

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With the system he is referring to, you need to leave the lights plugged in so the 5th wire can override the surge brakes.
But, I too have had problems occasionally with my similar system. I find that it only happens when the wiring or the overide switch get wet from backing in too far or from driving on wet roads. Still looking for a solution myself.
If yours is doing this when dry, I would consider replacing the override part located on the tongue. Apparently they go bad occasionally.

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