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Home defense ammo question

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So if I buy a box of that ammo for $125, you'll buy it from me for $300? Trust me, I don't shop for the cheapest ammo out there, but I won't be a sucker to buy way overpriced ammo.

Got some for sale? If I felt I needed it to protect my family, I wouldnt even ask what the price was.

How does purchasing a specific type/style of ammunition for a high price make you a "sucker" when it is purchased for the purpose of protection?

Its not like you are sending a few dozen rounds down range just for the heck of it... you can practice with the cheap stuff and purchase a box of the good stuff. Regardless of price. I dont think that makes you or anyone else a "sucker".

Home defense ammunition is specific for that purpose. Its not range ammunition. If someone wants to spend a lot of money on a round that makes them feel better having it positioned at the business end of their weapon of choice... have at it. Makes sense to me.

My humble 2c

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If only we lived in a world where there was a "defense" in a civil case against the use of deadly force. Sadly I would bet you and I are both aware that there basically isnt a defense in a civil suit when all that needs to be done is prove one is reponsible for the death of another... bust open the checkbook crazy

You are spot on though. Stop the threat. I should have used that verbage as well.

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Every one is entitled to there own opinion, which I respect. If you or anyone else want to pay that much for some ammo, go nuts. I already know what my gun likes for self defense ammo, in which I'll stick with for a fraction of the cost. I would not be to thrilled to pay that kind of money to find out that it doesn't go "bang" when you need it the most.

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You need to be able to practice with the rounds that are gonna save your life. And at $150+/box, I wouldn't be doing much practice.

And to answer your "shoot to kill/stop the threat", there's a big difference (in the eyes of the law) between defending yourself & "intent to kill." Look at the firearm you can use. If it's modified in any way, you're going to jail. It's the same reason you can't use those shotgun rounds that shoot chains or nails. You guys do what you want & I'd back you if I was in your jury, but I think standard personal defense rounds are the safest bet.

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The RIP ammo is $45 for a box of 20. Not $125-300.

That's if you can find it....haven't seen it that low yet, $86 a box is lowest, $300 highest. I have been looking on arms list, private sellers. At $45 a box, I'd be willing to try it. As with anything, give it time for the market to catch up to knock down the price some. If you don't mind sharing, where have you found it for that price?

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You're correct about the availability, or lack thereof, and I would suspect there were some "opportunists" trying to fleece the eager buyer who couldn't wait to get their hands on this new product and charged the outrageous prices you posted earlier.

I just Googled it and found a few places that have it listed on their sites for the $43-45, but they also are marked out of stock too.

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Googled it also, seen the same thing. I read the article on the ballistics (the truth about ammo site) of this and I was not very impressed with all the hype. If your bored, look it up and read it, pretty interesting on the test results.

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It's an interesting twist on the same ol' HP and that's why I originally posted it. Maybe it'll be a passing fad or maybe other reputable manufacturers will improve upon the design and it will become a common type of bullet in the future. Only time will tell.

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