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puppies question?


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My lab had pups, so when do you guys think is the right time to start introducing real food. They are 4 weeks old this past thrusday and mama lab doesn't seem to want to feed them anymore and she is losing alot of body weight.


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We have a much smaller breed, so it will be interesting to see what the lab breeders have to say. We start our puppies on "solid" food at about 4 weeks or so. We use canned food, mix it with a little water and goats milk plain yogurt (full fat) so we have a slurry and warm it slightly in the microwave. In the beginning they get that after mom has finished feeding them. For a while at first we many times have to finger feed them by dipping a finger in the food and rubbing it on their mouth. We have a litter right now that is 5 weeks old and they are starting to get pretty good at eating from a bowl, but they are much better at walking through their food!

BTW, I don't know how much you're feeding your lab girl, but our girl pretty much gets as much as she wants to eat and is eating at least 3 to 4 times as much as normal and still looks thin. She also gets lots of cheese and calcium-rich food; we know a breeder who lost her nursing dog to eclampsia when pups were about 4 weeks.

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I start introducing food at 31/2 - 4 weeks. I usually have them fully weaned by 5 weeks. Lots of warm water and a good quality puppy chow to make it apple sauce consistency to begin with. Within two weeks they will be eating dry kibble without the need to moisten it.

I do not make Mom ble with them in the whelping pen full time when I begin weaning. By 5 weeks, she is not with them except after they eat for clean-up and 'running around' social time.

Good Luck!


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Thanks guys,

I am suprised at just how fast these pups got on the food . I just gave them some hard puppy food. The first time I introduced it they nosed it around and couple of them ate it by the thrid time I gave them the food they knew what to do.

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