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Duck call help...

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My wife enjoys watching Duck Dynasty on TV, and wants to get me a "special gift" for Christmas, a Duck Commander duck call- partly because we watch the shows and gets a kick out of it, and because she knows it'll get used.

Problem is I don't know much about their calls, as I have used other brands, but she is willing to go higher in price than I have in the past (up to about $100). What is a decent sounding call that they make that I should have her look into buying? Thanks in advance!

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I've used a "classic commander" as they are called now for years. It works well and goes for about 30 bucks so I dont worry about something happening to it. I've misplaced a few and alway go out and get it replaced. You will always find one on my lanyard.

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Is there a difference between the classic commander and the sarge? Both get about the same reviews and are close in price. Yes they do still make the mach3, but finding it in stock before next hunting season might be a problem. wink

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I've never much cared for the Duck Commander line of duck calls. Tried a few of them, found them pretty mediocre as far as range and tone. If your wife is going to blow $100 for ya, there are some local call makers that do a bang-up job. C&S and Deathrow are two Minnesota callers that make quality duck and goose calls. Besides, the Duck Commanders are millionares now...why not support the locals? wink

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