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Using Vinyl paint over powder paint?

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I have a good source of pretty clean lead so I picked up a Lee Production Pot IV and a few mold. I made up 400 something round jigs today and just test powder painted them by heating up with a heat gun and dipping into the jar. I have the parts for a fluid bath but haven't put it together yet. I have some white and black vinyl paint. I just took a dowel and put some white then a black dot for the eye. What is the best way to do this? Powder paint, bake the jigs then put on the vinyl for the eyes?

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Do a few test jigs. Dot the eyes then let the vinyl paint dry for a few days then see if you can scrape it off with a fingernail. I know some paints don't stick too well the the powder coat finish. Model paint works fairly well, and to make dotters I use nails that have been ground to various size points. Have fun making those jigs!

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