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Silencing climbing tree stands?

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I filled mine with spray in foam and I used the summit skins on the outside of it. I also have fanny packs on both rails of mine and that in itself helps guide the sticks away from the stand. I don't know if they sell summit skins anymore, I bought mole skin in bulk and used that on the climber I bought for my son. It worked ok but had to hot glue it down when it started to peel off which was almost the first week.

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I did a little searching online on this topic. The material from summit has been discontinued but I did come across a thread on a different site that had this issue and the guy filled his frame with the spray foam, let it dry and then wrapped the whole thing in black hockey stick tape. It's soft, black, doesn't shine in the light and doesn't add very much weight at all and it's easy to get around all the tight corners and weird angles. So I put it on mine and it's currently airing out outside for a few days while this youth hunt calms down and I don't have to wear the orange anymore. I hope this works.

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