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Ft. Ripley 1st wkd


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Trout26, thats what i thought too, but first time in Minnesota and hunting up there. I spoke with Range control a few times when I was shooting on the rifle range, and they didn't know so thought this would be a good place to pose the question

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If you get there too early, before 5am, don't they make you wait till the whole line goes thru before you can enter? I guess that is what I had heard before.

They do not like it when people get there early. I know from experience.

One year they said they would let you in at like 10 AM. We got to the gate about 15 minutes early. They let us in and we where high 5ing and everything. They sent us on a road back by the river and we ended up stopped behind about 50 other vehicles. At 10:00 we could see vehicles driving all the way down to the starting point, while we just sat there. Finally about 11:00 they let us get in line. cry


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Someone explain how this hunt works. You show up Wed, get in line and then have first pick of areas? Do you need to designated a spot, or you just simply are the first to venture into the woods in front of the masses and set up where you want?? Are you running into people all day out there?

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