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climber stands

the man

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I just got permission on a new piece of property. But, the owner wants me to take my stand down after each hunt. So I thought my best option would be to pick a tree and then just use a climber. Any suggestions or things to think about when getting one?


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Just as mrklean said, you want something quiet and comfortable, also weight should be considered depending on how far you will be walking. I've always had good luck with Summit climbers, they are comfortable and pretty quiet in the woods..a little heavier then a Lone Wolf but I still think my Summit's are a great stand.

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I suggest a lone wolf hang on and sticks. Quiet and light, but most of all very easy to use on all trees. Climbers are nice, but require fairly straight trees. My sticks and stand are almost faster than my climber, both lone wolf set ups. The climber is a little lighter but only use it when I know I have a good tree.

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Check out Guido's Web tree stands online before you buy. I've hunted the last 2 yrs from one and with 4 deer I love this stand. I can sit 10-12 hrs no problem...will probably never hunt from a typical hang on or climber again!

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