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Rail for Remington 870 shotgun

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I have an old (1970's) 870 that I need to put a scope or red dot site on fo r my son to use this season. Can anyone tell me of a good solution that does not involve taking it to a smith and have holes drilled into it for a mount? This gun was my fathers and I would like to keep it as original as possible.

Thanks in advance!

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Welcome to the HSO family lundby

You could go with a B-square mount they work very well and not that expensive to purchase. they come complete with all the harde ware to install and very easy to do just push the pins that hold the trigger assembly out and push the bolts thru and tighten down the mount.

I use this on my grandfathers gun its a 1956 870

I have used them for along time I have a couple of them that I purchased back in the 80's so the are a tried and tested piece of equipment.

You can get them at any sporting goods store.

Tip: Use a little thread lock on the threads for the mount.

also spray a little bit of gun silicone spray on the gun that gets coverd by the monut. This will protect that area better from water and dirt.

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Welcome Lundguy. I have used the B-square on my 870 also for years and it has worked well for me.

I am curious how old your son is- my 870 with slugs produces recoil that is way worse than anything I own, including my .30-06. If he is a real young lad not used to shooting you may want to consider something else for him until he is older, just a thought.

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He is 14 and 125#. But he is very use to shooting as he is a competitive shooter and he took his first deer last year with this same gun. He just is very picky about the site picture and the old blocky sites just won't do. We are thinking of a red dot type or a scope. He is not sure of a scope though. Having shot both my 30.06 and this shot gun my feeling is that my rifle recoil is far worse but then again my rifle is a bolt and I use 220 grain rounds so that may be why.

Thanks for the recomendation guys.

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